Glee / OHSHC: Rachel & The Host Club (1 / ?)

Jan 26, 2011 22:22

TITLE: Rachel and the Host Club

SUMMARY: Rachel fathers have finally realized how much in danger Rachel truly is in at McKinley. Their solution is to send her to Ouran High School in Bunkyo, Tokyo. There Rachel meets the hosts club and learns many things about herself - and how the world truly works.


Rachel / Quinn

Haruhi / Tamaki

Santana / Brittany

Kurt / Blaine

Artie / Brittany

Artie / Tina

Rachel / Noah

Categorizes: Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Drama, Romance, Family, Angst, Tragedy, Comedy, Crime, Spiritual, Suspense.

Rating: T - Any M rating chapters will be tagged as such.


Rachel sighed as she stared in front of her. She couldn't believe that she was sent here. Yes it was true that she wanted to be transferred out of William McKinley High school, and into a safer environment. But she had assumed that she would go to the sister school to Dalton - that way she would be closer to Kurt.

But that didn't happen. Not by a freaking long shot. Her fathers decided that the safest environment for her was outside of the United States of America. Way out. As in Bunkyo Tokyo. She was in freaking Japan. She didn't even speak any where near Japaneses or even Chinese. She never had a wish too do so. She never planned on performing in any of these countries during her Broadway run. She never really had any desire of even coming near the countries in her life time.

Her misguided fathers had other plans in mind. She reminded herself once more to send a heated, and detailed email to her fathers about her massive disapproval of this move of theirs. She demanded to be closer to Kurt. He was her only true friend after all.

Sighing deeply she put her hand on the door handle and pushed it open. She might as well get this over with. She walked into the room and shut the door behind her.

"Welcome to the host club. You must be the new American student." A medium built smiling blond boy said looking at her. "My name is Tamaki Suoh." He held out his hand for her too take. Rachel took it and smiled her best 'Rachel Berry' smile. "Now, now my new friend - there is no need for that fake smile of yours."

Rachel frowned. "You are very rude." She took her hand back. She was nonplussed that this 'sissy' boy in front of her called her out on her defense mechanism. At their first meeting and all.

"I didn't mean hurt you, Rachel." Tamaki said. "I just wanted too tell you that you don't need to play any false games here at the host club. We are all here to make you happy. How can you be happy if you aren't yourself?" His right eye brow rose.

Rachel stared into his eyes and read the sincerity in them. "I'm sorry Tamaki. It was very rude of me for telling you that you are rude for point out the truth." Licking her lips, "I usually don't bite off peoples heads. Ever. Especially not on the first meeting." She frowned, "It only takes a true evil spirit for me to rude to them." She tilted her head to the right, "You are no way an evil spirit."

Tamaki laughed gently. "Glad to hear that." He held his hand out once more. "Would you like to try this once more?"

Rachel softly smiled. "Hello Tamaki, my name is Rachel Berry." Her hand fitted comfortable into his. "I'm pleased to make your acquaintance."

"Welcome to the host club." Tamaki said pulling Rachel further into the room. Closer to the table where Haruhi, Kyoya, Hikaruo, and Kaoru were sitting. "I would like to introduce you too four members of our seven member host club. This is Haruhi Fujioka, she's the newest member of our humble club. Next to her is Kyoya Otori, he is my best friend and vice president. He is also the 'mommy' of the club. I'm the 'daddy'. Next to him are the Hitachiin twins, Hikaruo, and Kaoru."

Haruhi looked up shocked at how Tamaki introduced her.

"TAMAKI!" Hikaruo and Kaoru cried out eyes wide in dumb shock.

"No hiding the truth." Tamaki calmly said as he pulled out a chair for Rachel. "Rachel is all about the truth. In order for her too feel fully comfortable with us … she needs to know the truth up front." He sat down to the right of Rachel and next to Kyoya.

Haruhi shrugged her shoulders.

"There are two more members. Mitsukuni Hanionzuka, better known as 'Honey'. He's seventeen but he's a dwarf. Don't let his childlike ways deceive you. He's very smart - and a master at the martial arts. His cousin, and best friend is Takashi Morinozuka. Don't ever call him Mori. Only Honey is ever allowed to do that. Takashi is the tall and quiet type. It'll take time for him to warm up and speak to you. They would be here, but they are in class taking an a two hour exam."

"I hear you have two fathers." Kaoru said with a grin.

Kyoya opened his binder. "Rachel Barbara Berry. Age: seventeen. Fathers, Giovanni Berry and Kristopher Berry. Kristopher used to have a surname - but seeing how his family completely disowned him after he came out he took up the Berry name. Birth Mother: Shelby Corcoran. Adoptive sister: Beth Fabray Corcoran. Home town: Lima. Home state: Ohio. Lived in Lima her entire life. She attended McKinley high school for two years. She has many interest - but mainly anything that will help her succeeded in her dream - Broadway. She was co-captain of the 'New Directions' the Glee club." He paused before he finished. "She never had a real friend until this year. Kurt Hummel." He closed the binder.

Rachel paled as Kyoya finished reading. "No lies." She whispered. Her hand shook on the chair arm rest.

Tamaki placed a hand on her shaking arm. "We are your friends now, Rachel. You don't have anything to fear with us. We won't allow anyone to hurt you." He bowed his head. "You are family. We protect our family."

Haruhi looked at Tamaki in a new light from that moment on. He truly means it. I always thought it was a line of his. Perhaps there is more to the Prince of the hosts after all. She looked sideways to Rachel and saw the faint blush that came to her cheeks. Oddly no jealous pangs entered her chest. While whenever Tamaki flirted with all the girls she felt like yelling, and screaming. But with this American girl she felt nothing. Interesting indeed. What do you think mother? I know you are watching from above. What do you think of your daughter actually confused right about now?

"The host club is something special. You are special by being part of something special." Rachel softly smiled. "I always thought Glee club was that special place for me. But I was so wrong." She whispered. "Perhaps the host club is the place for me after all."

Tamaki leaned in, "Welcome home Rachel Berry." He kissed her cheek. His shoulder was just waiting for her to claim her place on it. He tightened his hold on her hand. He looked over at his best friend. "Is Rachel's room all ready mommy?"

"Of course daddy." Kyoya nodded.

Rachel's head lifted from the offered shoulder. "I all ready have a room here at school. I even have a roommate. Although she's not at all present. But," She shrugged, "I'm used to the behavior."

"You no longer have that room. My father is the chairman of Ouran Private Academy. He has agreed with me that your place is in the Host suite. Your new room is next to Haruhi. We have taken the liberality of removing your items from the room that the school had the unforeseen oversight to have assigned you - before you even you left America."

"I don't know what too say." Rachel bowed her head. "For once in my life I don't feel the need to spew out long paragraphs. I don't feel the need to get everything that I need to say out in one breath. Before someone shuts me down." She swallowed. Lifting her head. "I just want to say thank you."

"You are quite welcomed." All the hosts said in a low and calm voices.

"Kurt's actually not my only or first friend in my life." Rachel began. "You forgot to add Noah Puckerman in that list of yours, Kyoya."

"I didn't deemed him of any importance." Kyoya stiffly said.

"Noah is very important to me." Rachel firmly said. She stared Kyoya in the eyes.

"He took a large enjoyment on slushy you though out your freshmen year and into your Sophomore year. He took large enjoyment on mocking you throughout your childhood. It wasn't until he discovered what a wonderful kisser you were, Rachel, that he decided that you were worthy of his time." Kyoya growled low in his throat. "That's not signs of a true friend."

"You don't know Noah." Rachel lowly said. "You don't know me. Kyoya allow you read some background information about me - you didn't brother to get to know me." She felt Tamaki hand squeeze hers. "You made a rash decision, Kyoya. But I forgive you. But Noah Puckerman is very important to me - and when he comes to visit me; I expect you all to treat him with respect and kindness."

Kyoya jaw tightened. "As you wish, Rachel. But just so you fully understand I promise you that I'll protect you. If I catch one falsehood on Noah's part then he's out of your life for good."

"I trust Rachel's judgment." Tamaki said. "Mommy stop harping around our newest daughter."

Kyoya shoved his chair backwards and stood up. "I need to see about the business. Please excess me." He turned and marched away.

"Mommy is upset." Hikaruo leaned into his twin.

"It's time to show Rachel to her new room. I'm quite sure that she needs some rest. She still seems time zoned out of it." Tamaki pushed his chair back, and held back Rachel's. Hold out his right hand for her too take, "Shall we?"

Rachel took the offered hand. "I hope I didn't offend Kyoya."

Tamaki smiled, "Don't worry about Kyoya. He's been my best friend since we were two years old. He's like my brother than anything else. Kyoya is a very protective soul. But he is a fair minded person. He'll give Noah a fair chance to prove himself upon meeting face to face." He wrapped his arm around her thin waist.

Rachel sighed as she rested her head against Tamaki's shoulder; as he led her towards her new room. It was nice to finally feel like she belonged.

End Prelude

kyoya otori, animation, actual show, high school angst, glee, crossovers geners, noah puckerman, tamaki suoh, ouran high school host club, quinn fabray, haruhi fujioka, high school drama, high school love drama, rachel berry

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