Glee: Faberry In The Year 2011

Jan 01, 2011 17:34

"Do you know something, Quinn?" Rachel asked as she stood in front of the tall blond head cheerleader at McKinley. The former HBIC. Well the current HBIC still but … surprising not with her any longer.

Quinn sighed as she looked down at Rachel. "No what Berry?"

"Even other fandoms want Faberry in the year 2011." Rachel smiled her 100 watt smile.

"W-what?" Quinn stuttered.

"You never surf the internet?" Rachel sighed. "You just have to check out Live Journal alone and find that the Legend of the Seeker, General Hospital, Days of our Lives, Harry Potter fandoms want Faberry together in 2011. Especially in this one member. I'll give the address."

"NO!" Quinn shouted quickly.

Rachel blinked. "I'm just saying the wallpapers and icons are just simply wonderful. Let alone the fan fiction."

"I've seen it." Quinn admitted with a slight blush.

"Well than?" Rachel smiled.

"Never gonna happen." Quinn shrugged.

"What about our fans. Have you checked out FFN yet? I mean there are over a thousand stories for Faberry paring. Not all of them in English. Come on Quinnie, we can't disappoint our fans." Rachel whined a little bit.

"Never gonna happen Berry. Not in your dreams and not in real life." Quinn wrapped her arms tightly across her chest.

"I'm not going to give up." Rachel moved closer and wrapped her arms tightly around Quinn's waist. Her right hand reaching up to behind the blond's neck. "You know that we would be very hot together." She whispered in Quinn's face.

Quinn tried to keep her eyes from closing from Rachel's hot breath. Her body betrayed her and her eyes closed. She felt warmth throughout her. From her head too her toes. "There is no one else for either one of us." She heard Rachel whisper in her right ear. "Just give in Quinn, now or later. At least now you would be able to finally and fully full fill all your secret dreams of us." She felt Rachel's lips on her jaw line. She couldn't keep the moan from slipping out.

Rachel kissed and licked her way up to just barely touching Quinn's lips. "I love only you, Quinn Fabray." She whispered.

Quinn leaned in and captured Rachel's lips with her own. Her tongue quickly slipping out and entering Rachel's all ready slightly open lips. She moaned long as she entered the brunette's mouth. Rachel's tongue entered hers and they just allowed the dance of their kiss to dance a very familiar but new dance.

They both pulled away as oxygen became an issue. Resting their foreheads against one another. "Happy New Year Quinn." Rachel whispered.

"Happy New Year Rachel." Quinn sighed. She opened her eyes and met the brown ones. "I love you Rachel Berry. I will always love you."

Rachel smiled and reached up and stroked down the right side of Quinn's face. "So the fans were right. Faberry in the year 2011."

Quinn groaned. But it wasn't of annoyance. It was a groan of being turned on by Rachel's touches. "Why fight it?" She smirked before capturing Rachel's lips once more with her own.


harry potter, glee, faberry, quinn fabray, days of our lives, crack flick but not really, general hospita, legend of the seeker, rachel berry

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