Glee: "Love Me" (2 / ?)

Dec 13, 2010 23:54


In the park:

Walking down a familiar, and favorite trail, Rachel thought back to earlier at her home. She felt horrible for hurting Brittany the way she did. She really didn't understand why Brittany was behaving the way she was. She couldn't believe that the tall blond was actually in love with her. "She has Santana. She'll be fine. This thing that she feels for me will soon pass." Sighing she started to pick up her pace.

"Perhaps Santana put her up too this. Or even Quinn. It has too be their new way to get under my skin. What perfect way to hurt me but to get my guard down …." Frowning she felt her heart break even more then ever before. Not the thought that Santana was out to hurt her. What else was she too expect from Santana Lopez.

But if Quinn was behind this - then all bets were off. If Quinn was using Brittany to get her to let her guard completely down - then Rachel would never forgive the head bitch in charge. She didn't even realize that she had been running until she literally bumped into something solid. It caused her too fly forward and land against something firm and strong.

She felt arms wrap around her lower back and she felt herself lower even closer to the warmth that she found herself in. She just allowed her breathing to get back under control. "Better now?" She heard whisper in her right ear. Humming her consent. Her eyes slowly flickered opened met opened concerned hazel eyes. Gasping she tried to move away - but Quinn's arms just tightened her hold.

"Hey, hey." Quinn said as she brought a hand off of shorter Diva's hip bone and up to her jaw. "Relax. Don't fight it. Just relax."

"Let me go." Rachel breathed in quickly. "Let me go." She tried to fight Quinn's hold on her - but the head cheerleader was much stronger than she was.

Quinn held on for dear life as Rachel tried to struggle away from her. But the shorter Diva soon tired out and laid motionless breathing heavily against her. She moved her hand back up to the brunette's face and gently stroked it.

Rachel's head rested against Quinn's chest. Just where the soft beating of her heart was. "I fear that I may lose you for good this time."

Quinn frowned, "Why would you lose me, Rach?"

"If you did this thing that I fear that you did. Then I can't find myself ever forgiving you." Rachel said as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Quinn was nonplussed. What the hell was Rachel talking about? She hadn't had one unkind thought towards Rachel in months. She fought down her raw anger and tuned into how truly fragile and broken Rachel was. "You need to talk to me, Rach, you need to tell me what is going on. How can I he .." sighed, "clear my name if you don't tell me."

"I'm afraid to speak of it." Rachel whispered. "If I'm right then this is the last moment we will ever spend together. If I'm wrong then this is the last moment we will ever spend together."

Quinn frowned in confusion. "Why wouldn't we spend time together if you are wrong?" She didn't understand Rachel at all. She hated that she didn't understand the short Diva - she wanted to demand answers. But she knew that if she did then she would have lost Rachel for good. "I don't understand. Please tell me what is troubling you so."

Rachel took a shuddering breath, "Are you setting Brittany up to be my final down fall?"

"What? No!" Quinn replied.

"I pray that you are telling the truth." Rachel said her head burying deeper into the blond's chest.

Quinn lowered her head, "I would never want to cause your downfall, Rachel Berry. I never want you to ever have an downfall. I may have never showed it before … until recently that is …. but I'm your number one fan."

"My fathers are my number one fans, they are my only ones." Rachel murmured in the blond's chest. She breathed in and out.

Quinn listened as Rachel's breathing settled into an even rhyme. "Sleep, just sleep." She gently brushed away the bangs that covered the brunette's forehead. Placing her lips against the forehead, "I won't let any harm come to you."

Santana's bedroom:

"You need to tell Rachel that you took Finn's virginity." Brittany slammed her right hand on the dresser. "Rachel has a right to know that she's in love with a liar."

Santana sneered, "I don't have to tell RuPaul anything."

Brittany stormed over, and pushed Santana back against the wall, "Don't ever call her that ever again."

"What is man hands to you! She's a fucking loser, Brit. A loser. It's one fucking thing for Quinn to go soft. After all Quinn had pretty much destroyed her life when she went off and fucked Puck, and gotten pregnant at sixteen. Quinn's life is in the dumpster now." Santana growled low in her throat. "I'm not going to allow you to join Quinn in the sewer for that fucking loser."

"Why are you so afraid Santana?" Brittany looked into her best friend's eyes. "Why are you so damn afraid."

Santana smiled thinly, "I'm not afraid, B." She moved closer to the taller blond - her arm lightly running up Brittany's forearm. "Why is it important to you?"

"It's just is, S. Rachel is important to me." Brittany sighed. "Just tell her about Finn."

"I'm not going to do any favors for Berry. She's not worth any dedication from me." Santana sneered.

Brittany stepped back. "Then help me convince Finn to finally tell the truth."

"No." Santana stormed. "What is man hands to you, Brittany? What are you in love with the freak now." Her eyes widen as she read the truth in the tall blonde eyes. "Oh hell no!" She said in a low hard voice. "I have one blonde whom had fallen under the freaks spell - I'm not going to have you also." She rushed over and gripped Brittany's forearms tightly. "I can't save Quinn, Brittany, but I'm going to save you."

"Do you love me?" Brittany whispered.

"I don't love anyone, Brittany. You know that." Santana snorted.

"Do you love me?" Brittany demanded in a hard voice.

"Love is a stupid emotion, Brittany, only thing love has too offer is hurt." Shaking her head, "I won't let you get hurt by love, Brittany." She pulled the blond to her and slammed her mouth hard against the other girl's mouth. Slamming her tongue into the other girl's mouth.

The park:

Rachel moaned softly as she felt her body come awake. Fingers lightly traced a pattern down her cheek bone, and jaw line. "Just five more minutes, please, mommy." The fingers stilled on her jaw. She stiffened as she realized what she had said. She had upset one of her fathers by her thoughtfulness … But then where her head rested alerted her that it wasn't one of her fathers waking her up. She began to hyperventilate.

"You are safe, Rachel." A warm voice softly cooed in her ear.

Rachel closed her eyes as she calmed herself before she had a full on panic attack. She felt Quinn's fingers go back to softly running up and down her cheek bone. "I wish only that I was." She whispered as she felt a tear roll down her cheek.

"Tell me what has upset you this much, Rach. Tell me whom upset you this much." Quinn's voice remained gentle but with a hard edge to it. She was going to make whomever did this to her Rachel pay. Pay dearly.

"I'm used to the insults." Rachel began in a calm voice. "The attacks. I'm used too all the bad that life has for me. I'm prepared for it all now." She felt Quinn stiffen under her. "But this latest attack is too cruel."

"Who attacked you." Quinn said tugging up Rachel's chin so she could look into the brunette's eyes. Fire was enlighten in her hazel eyes.

Rachel swallowed. Hard. Over and over again. "No one." She lied.

Quinn's eyes slanted, "Don't lie to me Rachel."

"Sense when have you become my greatest protector?" Rachel demanded. "Just last year you were in your element torturing me. It wasn't till you got pregnant that you allowed yourself to soften. But even then you were never my friend. Why now?" She whispered the last.

"I just realized how important you are too me." Quinn truthfully said. "I always knew that God put you in my life very specifically … but I fought against it. I fought against HIM so hard. Until I messed up and gotten pregnant. Then as Beth was growing inside me I took a deep stock of what I allowed myself to become. I didn't like what I had chosen to become - so I decided to change."

"Not that I'm not happy that you are finally letting your softer side out, Quinn. But I feel that it may be too late for us." Rachel said never taking her eyes off of Quinn's hazel ones. "I just feel that too much hurt feelings have truly - for lack of a better phase - clogged up my pipes."

"Rachel-" Quinn started to say.

Rachel moved out of Quinn's arms. "Thank you for taking care of me during my passing out moment earlier." She gained her balance on her knees. "Thank you for not just leaving me." Standing to her feet.

"Rachel-" Quinn hissed as she sat up.

Her right hand shaking at her side, "I just can't do this with you, Quinn. I just can't." Rachel whispered as tears rolled down her cheeks. "I'm sorry." With that she turned, and ran as if her life depended on it.

"Rachel!" Quinn shouted after the retreating figure as she jumped to her feet. "Rachel!" She screamed at the speeding brunette. She started to run after the slightly younger girl - but she saw that for once Rachel Berry was going to out run her. She felt a stitch in her right side and she stopped. Leaning over the park bench that was to the right of her she tried to hold back the hot tears from rolling down her cheeks - as she watched as Rachel was lost from her sight. "Damn it!" She moaned softly to herself.


oh boy, glee, teeange love, comfort, quinn fabray, teenage anst, brittany piers, santana lopez, rachel berry, oh man

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