Glee: "Home" (12 / ?)

Oct 07, 2010 16:10




"I don't know what we are going to do with Rachel, Puck." Quinn sighed as she rubbed the back of her neck. "She's just being plain stubborn is all."

"What that she would love our daughter just as much as we do?" Puck smiled softly as he leaned against the wall. "I believe that she loves her more then even we do."

"I will always love our daughter, Puck, but we are teenagers for crying out loud. It takes more then love to raise a child." Quinn tried to keep her voice even and low.

"I know that." Puck said in a low and hard voice. "I have a job."

"It takes way more money then your pool business. Which you can't even do in the winter time. You get added bonuses by those cougars. But, they don't give you cold hard cash, Puck, they just give you free roam of their freaking bodies." Quinn's heat rose high on her neck. "You can't give our daughter what those women give you extra." A hard glint had entered her eyes at that last comment.

"I'm not my father!" Noah seethed through his teeth. He breathed in three calmly breaths. "I'm not going to do pools any longer, Quinn. I found an internship."

Quinn looked incredulous.

"I work for Kristopher." Puck said.

"As in Kristopher Berry, Rachel's African American father!" Quinn seethed in a hard low voice. "For how long."

"Ever since I learned you were pregnant." Puck wrapped his arms across his chest. "Rachel helped me."

"Oh? How did she do that. When she didn't know that you were the baby's father until around Sectional's!" Quinn's breathing hitched. "She knew all along didn't she?"

"She found me in the park after school - the day that Finn spilled the beans about you being pregnant." Puck replied in an even voice. "She told me that Finn told her that you were pregnant, and that I knew. She said that we were the only two too know. She wanted my help to protect you two against the on coming on slaughter." He sighed deeply. "She's a good reader of people. She could tell by my face that there was more to the situation then met the eye. I had damn tears in my eyes - and that's when she knew the truth."

"That you were the father and not Finn." Quinn sighed deeply. "She lied to me." She whispered. "She fucking lied to me." Her chest hurt. Her heart pounded in her chest.

"Rachel didn't lie to you, Quinn." Noah said in a soft and soothing voice.

Quinn's eyes snapped from the staring at the carpet to lock onto his. "Didn't she now!"

"She was protecting you through everything, Quinn. She prevented Jacob from posting the news on his blog in the beginning." Puck calmly said.

"She only gave up her fucking panties to protect Finn - her dream boy a little while longer! Protecting me was just a sick side step that she had too do." Quinn hissed, her hands clenched at the sides of her thighs.

"Rachel would never ever give up her underwear just to protect some male. She's not like that." Noah said in a firm voice. "She very willing gave up her underwear for you. To protect you and only you! If Jacob had demanded that she had to fuck him to keep his lips shut … then she would have willing done that. For you. Only you had somehow earned Rachel Berry's undying, and unconditional protection."

Noah breathed. "You didn't deserve it, Quinn. You never deserved it."

Tears rolled freely down her cheeks. "I can't remain here. I have to leave. I have to get out of Rachel's life once and for all." She began to hyperventilate. She felt strong and firm arms wrap themselves tightly around her. "I don't deserve her."

"In the old days you never deserved it, Quinn. But now you do. Don't throw away your chance at a happy life, Quinn Fabray. Don't do this too yourself. Don't let your parents win." Puck said into her ear. "Fight it, Quinn, fight the fear with everything you have."


Leaning against the bark of the tall elm that was set to the right of her house, Rachel sighed long and deep. "I hate being so damn fucking weak all the time." She whispered up at the stars. "Why did you make me this way?"


"Go away." Rachel didn't tear her eyes from the nights sky.

"I can't." Kristopher sighed leaning next to his daughter.

"Dad, I really don't want to discuss anything with you or even daddy right now. I just want to be left alone is all." Rachel sighed. "Don't worry I'm not going to disobey orders and go see Jesse. I will be the good little girl that I am, and stay right here."

"Rachel, sweetheart, it's not good to hold onto a grudge against Quinn. She has your best interest at heart." Kristopher sighed another deep breath.

"I'm not holding a grudge against Quinn. Dad you know that I can never hold a grudge. Quite impossible for me. I would never hold anything against Quinn." She whispered the last. Turning to face her concerned father. "Daddy, I just need to be alone out here right now. Please."

"Of course darling." Kristopher leaned down and kissed her forehead.

"Please don't send Quinn out here either. Tell her -" She sighed. "Just tell her that for once I need to be alone."

"Okay." Kristopher said standing straight once more. "I love you Rachel."

"I love you to dad." She watched as her tall dark skinned father walked back to the house. Sighing she pulled out her cell. Kurt, I need full deets on what happened to Jesse. I don't want your commentary. - Rachel

Rach, I'm not going to tell you anything, girl. I don't want to be on either Quinn or Puck's bad side. This would ensure my death. - Kurt

Rachel fought her temper down. Kurt, you owe me. For that little make over a few weeks ago. For all the snide remarks that you made during Glee. - Rachel

You are asking a lot here, Rachel Berry. I'm not just doing this just to save face with Quinn and Puck. But I don't trust Jesse St. James to the deepest parts of my being. I don't want to hand him an opening to you. He's bad news, Rachel. He's going to destroy you. - Kurt

You said that you are loyal to me. I'm asking as a friend, Kurt. I don't want to be protected from this. - Rachel

"Come on Kurt." Rachel gripped her phone tightly in her right hand. "Come through for me." Her eyes were glued onto her house - just waiting for Quinn and Noah to come bursting out. She knew that the moment Quinn received Kurt's text; then she would risk her unborn baby to get to her. "Please God, if you are really the true and Almighty God, don't let Kurt text Quinn or Noah. Please don't allow Quinn to risk herself or her daughter for me."

Her phone buzzed.

I was debating weather or not to text Quinn about you prying info. About St. James, Rachel. But, I have finally decided not too. I have also decided NOT to tell Quinn that I'm giving into you either, Rachel. So I hope that you'll protect me in this once Quinn learns that you learned about St. bastards condition. - Kurt

You are quite safe, Kurt. Thank you. - Rachel

St. James has a broken right wrist, two black eyes, four broken ribs (two on both sides), split lip, bruises all over his body. - Kurt

Oh God. - Rachel

I hate myself. - Kurt

What room is he in? - Rachel

I'm not going to tell you that, Rachel. You are NOT going to be in contact with St. James while he's recovering. No way, no how. - Kurt

Thanks for the information. - Rachel

I'll regret it for the rest of my life. - Kurt

You are my true friend. - Rachel

I'll always prove it you. To my dying day. - Kurt

Rachel sighed as she slipped her phone back in to her coat pocket. "Why is showing human kindness to a fellow human being whom has just been harmed so damned difficult?" She whispered harshly.


"Puck?" Quinn whispered.

"Yeah?" Noah whispered back. His face was close to the blonds and they were breathing the same air.

"Kiss me." Quinn sighed.

Noah leaned in and kissed her right cheek.

"I mean kiss me." Quinn half smiled. She leaned in and captured his lips with her own. Breaking away, "Have me. Now." She captured his lips once more, slamming her tongue between his opening.

Noah closed his eyes as his hands wrapped around her waist. He pulled her tightly against him as his needs rose higher than before. He just had to have her once more. He had to reconnect with the mother of his child.

Quinn leaned backwards towards the bed, pulling Noah on top of her. She felt his rough big hands on her skin as her shirt rode up as her back met the bed. She hissed in his mouth at the feel of his skin against her bare skin once more. It had been way too long since the last time she felt like this. Breaking away from his mouth, she licked his face making her way to his ear. "I want you so bad, Rachel."

Noah stopped dead. Quinn was still licking and kissing his face and neck. She doesn't want me. She never wanted me. I'm just the bad boy who is currently in the same room as her. First it was Finn whom I was replacing … now it's …. Rachel. Quinn doesn't realize that she just said Rachel, and not me. I could still have my way with her - she would never know. But, I can't. It's Rachel. If it was anyone expect Rachel - then I would willing take Quinn hard and force her to be mine. But I can't do this too Rachel - nor Quinn. He carefully rolled off of Quinn. Sitting up and getting off the bed.

"Puck?" Quinn looked confused, and upset as he walked over to stand against the wall once more.

"You don't want me." Noah said simply.

"Y-yes I do." Quinn replied as she leaned against her elbow.

"No you don't." Noah said with a smile. "It's all right, Quinn. It's all right."

"Stop being insane Puck. Come and ravish me like how you wanted too since that afternoon." She smirked her hand on her womb. "You don't have to worry about getting me pregnant, we have taken care of that little problem all ready."

"No Quinn." Noah said firmly.

"Why the hell not!" Quinn demanded fire in her eyes.

"I'm not and never will be Rachel." Noah said simply.

"I don't want Rachel - at least not in that way." Quinn breathed in and out quickly.

"Oh, so the 'I want you bad Rachel' was meant to be 'I want you bad Puck'?. A little slip of the tongue perhaps?" Noah demanded with a smile on his lips.

Quinn sat up quickly and growled. "Stop it, Noah Puckerman!"

"Stop telling the truth." Noah shook his head. "Sorry, but no."

"I d-d-d-don't w-w-want Rachel in that way. I can't." Quinn pulled her knees tightly against her chest. Her arms wrapped tightly around them as she began to rock back and forth. "Oh God." She stared wide eyed in front of her. Unseeing.

Noah quickly moved towards the bed once more. He wrapped firm but loving arms around the mother of his daughter. Quinn rested her head against his chest - it felt like she was trying to crave her way instead to his heart. "I can't want Rachel in that way. It's a sin. It's a much bigger sin then having sex before marriage - and having a baby out of wedlock!"

"Love isn't a sin, Quinn." Noah said. That was the last thing that Quinn took in before all went blank. The next thing she knew she felt strong arms around her. But, they were the last arms that she ever wanted around her. Bowing her head she kissed the man hands that were protecting her from herself. "These are the wrong man hands that I want." She chocked out. "I want Rachel's man hands - only Rachel doesn't have man hands. She never d-d-id. Her hands are so beautiful and feminine. Her fingers are long and delicate."

"I never told her that, you know." Quinn whispered. "I insulated her every chance I had … because I was too damn scared to admit whom I truly am. I was so damn afraid to find the true happiness that God had always had in store for me."

"You aren't afraid anymore, Quinn. You are now brave enough to grab what's your own." Noah whispered in her ear. "You, Rachel, me and our baby girl … just think about it, Quinn. We'll be one big happy loving family. Our little girl will have so much love."

"I'm not keeping her, Puck." Quinn said in a quiet firm voice. "She's going to have a very loving home. A mom, dad, perhaps a sibling or two. They are going to love and make sure she's safe and loved."

"I'm her father - I have my rights too you know, Quinn." Noah hissed in her ear. "I want to keep her. I want to raise her. I want to be part of every aspect of her life."

Quinn twisted her head, "You claim not be like your father."

"My father walked out on me, my mother and sister. I don't plan on doing that to my child." Noah said in a sad voice. "I'm her father - and I have my rights. I'm willing to fight in the courts for her."

"She's not something to fight over." Quinn's right hand rose and traced down his hard cherished cheeks. "You'll see it my way, Puck. Even if it takes you looking into her sweet and innocent eyes at her birth - you'll see that I'm right."

"I don't want to fight you on this, Quinn. But, don't think because I'm putting an end to it for right now, that I'm finished." Noah sighed. His hand rose and lightly traced her jaw line. "I love you."

"I love you too. But -"

"Not in that way." Both teens said with small smiles.

"I wish it was me." Noah simply said. "Not with you."

Quinn's hazel eyes grew insulted …. until she realized whom he was actually talking about. "You are in love with Rachel yourself."

Noah sighed deeply, "I was. From the first moment I set eyes on her in Preschool. But it wasn't until she learned the truth that I was the father of your baby - that I realized …."

"That you realized?" Quinn prompted.

"Never mind." Noah shook his head. "As Rachel and I grew closer, I just realized that Rachel would never truly be in love with me. That I truly wasn't the signer of her soul." His chin rested against her shoulder blade.

"Rachel wants Finn." Quinn sadly sighed. "Even through she's acting all noble right now - by pushing him away out of loyalty to me. Once I convince her that I am not in love with Finn Hudson - and that she's not betraying me … then she'll be in Finn's arms once more. As she should be."

"Finn's not the one for her. He can't love and protect her the way she deserves." Noah sighed. "Finn's too much of a goof to be the protector that Rachel needs. It'll take many more years for him to grow into the man that he is going to be. Much to long for Rachel."

"She has you." Quinn sighed as her eyes finally closed in exhaustion. "Rachel will always have you, Noah Puckerman. She'll learn to love you." She breathed the last as she finally gave into her body.

"Rachel's soul belongs to you, Quinn. Just as your soul belongs to her." Noah whispered as he kissed her neck before closing his own eyes to his bodies exhaustion.


Slipping into the house after spending what felt like forever out in the back yard, she locked and set the Bricks alarm. She knew that Noah would be staying the night. He seemed to have been in the mood since he arrived to tell about Jesse getting shit beaten out of him.

Sighing when she didn't find Noah sacked out on the couch. He must be in Quinn's room still trying to convince the pregnant blond to keep their daughter. She would put a stop to it … after all Quinn must get as much needed rest.

She paused at the cracked opening to Quinn's room. Inside was complete silent. She breathed in relief to know that Noah wasn't trying to keep Quinn from her rest. With the palm of her right hand on the door she pushed it open.

Rachel found Quinn sound asleep on her bed. With Noah cuddling her tightly against his front. His right hand was underneath Quinn's against the bump that was their baby girl. The perfect family. Looks like Noah finally had his dream come true. He had Quinn back in his arms where she belonged.

Rachel made up her mind. Seeing how Quinn has moved on herself; as she should have. Seeing how Quinn has Noah and her baby girl - it was time for Rachel to move on herself. It was time for Rachel Berry to get herself a boyfriend.

Not Finn Hudson. He would be forever out of bounds for her. She just knew whom would be the perfect boy fro her at the moment was. It would be perfect. He wanted the same things in life that she wanted. Stardom.

Jesse St. James would would know how to handle her ways better than any other person in Lima, Ohio. Yes, Jesse would be the perfect boy to help her get rid of the ache in her hurt that was Finn Hudson.

Rachel closed Quinn's bedroom door and made her way to her own room.


teenage angst, oh my, oh trouble hearts, finn hudson, oh boy, glee, noah puckerman, kristopher berry, teenage love, quinn fabray, kurt hummel, teenage pregnancy, rachel berry, jesse st. james, oh man

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