Glee: "Home" (9/ ?)

Sep 01, 2010 21:55




Rachel walked into the kitchen dressed in her favorite pant suit. The one that actually looked like it was made in this decade. But, still nothing that a typical high school girl would wear on an ordinary school day. She paused at the sight of Quinn sitting at the table eating her eggs and bacon. She could tell that the blond didn't get any sleep the night before - just as she hadn't. "Quinn," She paused.

Quinn placed her fork onto the plate. She picked up the glass of milk and took a long drink from it. Setting it back onto the table; she slowly turned and looked at Rachel. "Hello Rachel." She said in a tone less voice.

"I'm glad that you didn't leave your home." Rachel said walking towards the table. Kneeling down in front of the pregnant girl. "I wanted you to remain with me. But, you took the blame on yourself. I couldn't allow you to stay when you wouldn't believe that I truly have forgiven you."

"I'm an Fabray." Quinn sighed. "Not only do we all love to win - but we hold on to guilt more then you Jews ever could dream of." She barked in harsh laughter, "Which is ironic … seeing how most of my family don't care much for the Jews."

"You aren't living in your parents house any longer. You are living with your true family now." Rachel gently said as she put her right hand on the taller girl's long sleeved pale pink arm. "I'm sorry that I couldn't stop withdrawing inside me last night. I desperately wanted to allow you in - because truly Quinn Fabray you are my anchor."

"How can I be your anchor - when I had always been your hurricane?" Quinn shook her head.

Rachel sighed and lifted herself up so she could be eye to eye with the blond. "I like it when you are my hurricane." She whispered as she placed a kiss on Quinn's cheek.

Quinn wrapped her arms around the slim waist, and pulled the brunette onto her lap. "I wish you didn't have to go through this." She nuzzled her face into Rachel's neck. "I wish I could take it fully onto myself."

Rachel's hand rested against the womb of the blond. "I know that Mama is upset - so that means baby girl is upset. I need to find a way to not cause you two to be in danger due to this inconvenience of a dark mood that I'm in right at the moment." She rested her head against Quinn's head.

"You aren't an inconvenience." Quinn softly said. She lifted her head away from the warm neck, cupping the chin in the palms of her hands, "You are never an inconvenience."

Rachel smiled softly.

"Sorry to interrupt ladies, but we have to get to school soon." Noah said walking into the room himself.

Rachel picked up a piece of bacon and put it in Quinn's mouth. "You need to eat more, Quinn, it's not proper for the baby if Mama doesn't get enough food in her system." She stood to her feet and watched Quinn finished her eating her bacon and eggs. Turning to faced the tall Jewish boy whom was eating toast, "Noah, I hope you don't mind driving solo today. I know it's most rude of me not to ride to school with you - but I wish to be with Quinn. Seeing on how you must get home after football practice ….."

"It's quite all right that I'm not taking you or Quinn to school, song bird. I figured as much." Noah said with a smile.

"I don't have to ask either of you not to mention any of this to any of the Glee club right?" Rachel looked at Noah, and then over at Quinn. "We all have to get ready for Regionals and I don't want to take any valuable time that we need to be prepared - for my personal reasons. Sides the others don't need to concern themselves with me."

Quinn had stood to her feet, and walked over to the short Diva. Wrapping her arms tightly around the slim waist - she pulled the brunette tightly against herself. "They care about you, Rachel, they would want to be with you in your time of need."

Rachel shook her head. "No one else is too know." She felt Quinn's chin on her shoulder, "Please."

"No one else will know." Quinn whispered. "I don't like it. But, it's your decision Rach, I'll do whatever you are most comfortable with."

Rachel closed her eyes and just accepted Quinn's essence into her soul.


Finn was standing besides Rachel's locker as she made her way over to it. She almost stopped walking. She wanted to turn and flee - but she couldn't. Quinn was beside her. If she did that - then Quinn would question the move and she didn't want Quinn to know what she was doing. So she kept the same pace to her locker.

Towards Finn.

"Hey Rach." Finn said with a smile. "Hey Quinn."

"Hey Finn." Quinn said easily as she spun the lock on her locker.

Rachel didn't trust her voice at the moment. She just smiled and quickly turned to her own locker.

"I'm happy that you are feeling better, Rachel. I missed you Friday." Finn said holding Rachel's open locker. "I wanted to come by and see you over the weekend - but I know how most girls are when they are sick. They don't want anyone to see them at their worst."

Quinn hid her smile behind her locker door. She could tell that Rachel's rambling wasn't just contagious to her. She was happy that Finn was rambling on and on due to Rachel's influence. In all the years of knowing Finn Hudson - she had never ever heard him run his mouth so much. She found it cute.

"I'm sorry that I missed school on Friday, Finn." Rachel said looking for the book she needed for her first class. "It couldn't be help. I don't normally allow my sickness to get the better of me. But this time it had."

"Now that you are feeling fine once more, Rachel, umm … would you like to go out on a date with me?" Finn asked in somewhat a rush. "I mean whenever you are free that is. Not tonight - I know that you have a lot to catch up with; what with school and Glee. Oh and every club that you belong too. Whenever you are free would be excellent with me."

Rachel licked her lips as she stiffened up. She backed up from her locker and turned to face Finn. "Finn, do you mind if I let you know another time?" She bit her lip, "I just have so much to catch up on due to missing school - and not too mention Glee Friday. My mind is just solely on catching up with my school work right now. Not too mention my future as a Broadway star."

"Of course Rachel. I understand." Finn said with smile, "Like I said whenever you feel like going out is great with me. I'll be waiting." He looked deeply into her eyes before walking away.

"Rachel-" Rachel just shut her door and quickly said, "I'm running late to home room, Quinn. I don't mean to be rude - but I like I told Finn, I have much to catch up on due to my missing a day of school." With a quick smile, that didn't reach her eyes; she turned and rushed down the hallway.

Quinn looked after Rachel's rushing back with a sigh. She couldn't keep the frown from her face as she watched the brunette rushing away from her. Something didn't feel right about this situation. Something more then Rachel trying to hide her depression from Finn.


Rachel walked into her homeroom and made her way to her desk. She stopped dead in her tracks at the site of Jesse St. James sitting in the desk that was to the left of hers. "What are you doing here St. James?" She hissed.

"Hello Rachel, nice seeing you once more." Jesse said with a smile. "My parents are out of the country for a few months. I'm staying with my Uncle. He lives in the McKinley's district - so I had to transfer."

"You are seventeen, and have a Range Rover - you can easily drive to Carmal." Rachel stormed as she held her book, and notebook tighter against her chest. "So I'm asking again, St. James, what are you doing here?"

Jesse leaned forward, "I couldn't get you off my mind. After meeting you at Sectionals. You have gotten under my skin Rachel. So when my parents told me their plans, I jumped the chance to stay with my Uncle - knowing that he would want me to transfer to McKinley."

Rachel snorted.

"Look Rachel, I know that you and I didn't get off to the greatest of all starts. But I knew that you were beyond all hell nervous at your first Sectionals - so you just exploded." Jesse's eyes lowered. "I don't have that excuses myself." He lifted his eyes. "I was a complete jerk. I was set out to take out my -"

"Get away from her bastard." Puck roared as he stormed over to where Rachel was standing. He moved in front of the brunette, and glared into the eyes of Jesse St. James.

"Puckerman." Jesse leaned back in the chair with his arms folded across his chest - and a smirk on his lips.

"I don't want to know what you are doing here St. James. I just want you out of here - like yesterday." Puck forcefully said. "You don't belong here."

"I transferred to McKinley. Today is my first day. I'm going to be here for a few months." Jesse calmly stated.

"Get the hell out of that seat." Puck snarled.

"Puckerman and Berry take your seats now." Mr. Trent said walking into the room.

"You aren't going to sit next to this slime." Noah turned around and put his arm around Rachel's waist. "You'll sitting next to me."

"You sit in the back Noah, I like to sit in the front." Rachel couldn't help but point out.

Noah turned and glared at Phillip whom had the desk to the right of Rachel. Phillip gathered his stuff and vacated the desk. No one messed with Noah Puckerman. Noah was the male version of Santana Lopez at McKinley High. "You are going to sit in Phillip's old desk then. I'm going to sit in your desk." He gently pushed Rachel away from St. James's desk, and passed her own.

"Noah," Rachel whispered.

"I'm not going to allow that slime near you." Noah said stubbornly.

Rachel sighed and moved out of his arm, so she could sit down in her apparently new seat in homeroom. Noah just sat down in her vacated sit and glared sideways into Jesse's eyes.

Jesse had watched the entire scene with much amusement. "I didn't realize that you and Puckerman are dating, Rachel." He said leaning forward to smile into Rachel's eyes. "I don't see the appeal here - I think you can do better. Much better than the man whore of Lima, Ohio."

Puck's fists gripped the edges of the desk. His face heated up and all he wanted to do was stand up and beat the smirk off of St. James's face. But Mr. Trent was glaring right at him. He grind-ed his teeth together to control his rage.

"I'm not dating anyone right now, Jesse. Not like it is any of your business. But if I was, and if it was Noah - then I would be one lucky girl." Rachel calmly replied. She reached over and wrapped her hand around Noah's right bicep. She could feel the muscle burgle.

Noah calmed himself down with Rachel's touch. He turned and smiled softly at her. "Just ignore him, Rachel, he doesn't matter!"

"All right class it's time to get some learning done today." Mr. Trent said with raised voice. He had to bring his class back in order. They were in school to get an damn education after all. The drama that was going on between Puckerman, Berry and the transfer student, St. James was a side issue. There should be no damn room for side issues during school hours.

Rachel and Noah turned their grazes onto Mr. Trent in a show of respect. Jesse smirked as he turned around in his seat to do so. It would be interesting to him too see what this McKinley high teacher had to teach him. After all this was a Sophomore year home room after all. He was a Senior. He couldn't believe that Shelby didn't think of this when she set up his schedule. Okay fine, he could lower his dignity for a month to get Rachel to locate Shelby. After all this truly doesn't matter too him - he'll soon be out of Lima for good. He'll graduate and leave for California that same day.


"What is this that I'm hearing that Jesse St. James has transferred to McKinley!" Kurt hissed leaning forward in his seat. "Rachel is it true?" He demanded at the short Diva's back.

Rachel's back had stiffen at Kurt's question. She twisted her head, "It's true. He claims that he willing transferred here because of me." She shrugged her shoulders. "He claims that I got to him when we went at it at Sectionals."

"You don't buy that crap do you?" Kurt hissed. "I mean come on Rachel, he's just using you. We both know that the only reason why St. James is here is to spy on New Directions. He's out to bring us down."

Quinn leaned in closer to Rachel, and glared heatedly into Kurt's eyes. "Back off Kurt." She seethed.

"Look Quinn, I'm not insulting Rachel here. I'm just pointing out the obvious here. Jesse St. James is a senior - he's the lead male vocal at Vocal Adrenaline. Matter of fact he's one of the main reasons why Vocal Adrenaline had won Regionals for three straight years. Hell, he's the reason why VA wins the Nationals for three straight years! Now, don't you find it funny that he has decided to up and quite VA in his Senior year and transfer to McKinley? What he wants to join New Directions and lose to VA?" Kurt shook his head. "He's up to something, Quinn, and I want Rachel to be well aware of it!"

"I'm well aware that it's suspicious that Jesse St. James has transferred to McKinley, Kurt. I wasn't born yesterday." Rachel frowned. "But, I'm willing to give him a chance to prove himself."

"What!" Kurt raised his voice. He noticed Mr. Schue frown at him. He just glared at him in a knowing fashion - then went back to glaring into Rachel's eyes. "Rachel, Jesse St. James isn't Noah Puckerman." He said in a low hard voice. "Puck is a bad boy yes, but Puck has a heart of gold. Jesse St. James is a bad boy in the worst way. His heart is made of coal."

Quinn was nonplussed by Rachel's statement herself. But she knew that Rachel was doing what she always did. She was going to give Jesse St. James the chance to prove himself to her. Weather to be worthy of her friendship or unworthy. Quinn had a deep feeling that Jesse would prove to be unworthy. She promised herself that she wasn't going to allow Jesse St. James to destroy one ounce of Rachel.

"You are going to be hurt, Rachel." Kurt said in a softer voice. "I'm not talking dirt against Jesse to you - because I'm after him. I learned my lesson with Finn." He reached over and put a hand over her right fist on her desk. "I wouldn't hurt you for the world, Rach. Not any more. I'm trying to be a friend here."

Rachel's fist loosened so she could intertwined their fingers together. "I know that Kurt, and I do appreciate your concern. But, it's not in me to shutting someone from my life - just because that someone is in direct competition with me." She shook her head, " I would be a hypocrite if I allowed my slight competitive feeling get in the way of getting to know the real Jesse St. James."

Kurt sighed and looked over at Quinn. She's not listening to me. Perhaps she'll listen to you.

Quinn sighed deeply and gently shook her head.

Rachel leaned sideways, and rested her head against Quinn's shoulder. "I can't write anyone out of my life, Kurt. Please just understand and accept that."

Kurt kept his hand in Rachel's. "That's what I most admire about you, Rachel Berry, your willingness to just allow everyone into your heart and soul. Even the ones whom had made it their life mission to destroy you."

"I always understood." Rachel murmured. "I wasn't entirely blameless myself."

"You never did anything to deserve the treatment that we gave you." Kurt frowned darkly.

"I wanted out of Lima, Ohio from day one. I fully knew I had the talent to get out. I never wanted to look back. " Rachel said her eyes in a far off place. "I put out that vibe from day one. It is no wonder no one wanted to get to know me. They knew that I was going to get out and never look back. Why open themselves to hurt in the future."

"That's not true." Quinn hissed in her ear. Rachel just snuggled closer to her neck.

Will should have stopped the conversion that was going on between the three; he should have gotten them back onto the assignment that he had assigned the class. He should have separated all three for this assignment. But he didn't. He had been in the hallway Friday when Quinn told of the new rules of McKinley High school student body. So there was no way in hell he was going to separate Rachel and Quinn - not going to happen. Not on his watch. He had decided that Kurt would due well with being partnered with his fellow Glee clubbers - help unite them even more.

He fully knew that Jesse St. James transferring here was going to be the hot topic for his kids. He knew that in the beginning they had to discuss in details on what the real reason St. James had transferred. So he just allowed Kurt's anger to run it's course - figuring that Rachel whom was very studious would get them back onto the assignment. But after ten minutes he could tell that his kids were too focused on the St. James front to even remember they were in Spanish. He should have put a stop to it then. But, he knew that Rachel had to make both Quinn and Kurt understand her need not to turn her heart against Jesse right off the bat.

When Rachel laid her head on Quinn's shoulder; Will knew that he had to speak up. It wasn't appropriate behavior for a classroom. But hell this was Quinn and Rachel! Will didn't have the heart to separate them.

He watched as Quinn just wrapped an protective arm around the brunette and pulled them closer together. Something was playing with his heart strings - but it was still out of his grasp. He promised himself that he would keep reaching for what he all ready knew - but still wanted to deny any knowledge.


Quinn slipped in the chair next to Rachel and picked up her arm. Sliding her hand lightly down to intertwined with the short brunette Diva's fingers. They hadn't been able to be with one another during the past two hours. They didn't share their last two classes. She was in the process of rectifying that situation. Within the next two days she should be transferred in Rachel's American Lt. Honors, and Honors History. So that would mean that they shared four out of their seven classes together.

She didn't worry about the other three classes that Rachel had without her. Puck was in those three - he would be protecting Rachel in her stead.

"I missed you." Rachel said turning to smile at her.

"Not as much as I missed you." Quinn said with a smile of her own.

"All right everyone, we have a new member of New Directions." They turned their eyes onto Will as he clapped to get attention. Jesse was standing against the wall with his arms folded across his chest.

"No!" Everyone - minus Rachel shouted in anger.

"Dude, if you don't get your sorry ass out of here like now, then I'll enjoy beating you to the pulp." Mike said standing up.

Jesse just smirked.

Rachel pulled her hand out of Quinn's, and stood up. She walked over to where Jesse stood and put out her hand. "Hello Jesse, my name is Rachel."

Jesse stood straight and smiled, "Hello Rachel, my name is Jesse. I'm happy to meet you." He took her hand and shook it gently.

Quinn had stood to her feet when Rachel had stood up. Hot anger coursed through her system when Jesse's skin touched Rachel's. She had to get to Rachel to protect her - like now! She stopped beside Rachel and glared at Jesse. But the boy wouldn't tear his eyes off of Rachel. Well she wasn't going to have any of that. She reached up and separated their hand. She gently backed Rachel up so she could be behind her. "I don't trust you, St. James." She said in the quiet of the room.

"What ever Fabray." Jesse shrugged. He turned back to Rachel, "Thank you for giving me another chance to prove myself to you, Rachel."

"You deserve it." Rachel said looking over Quinn right shoulder. "Quinn, it's quite rude that I can't speak to Jesse face to face. Can you please stand by my side."

Quinn glared at Jesse. Reaching behind her with her right arm, she wrapped it around the slim brunette's waist - pulling her against her back. "No Rachel, I won't allow this slime to have any close contact with you."

"I'm not here to cause so much trouble." Jesse said moving past the two girls. He walked to the stage where the chairs were. He stopped and took in the angry and murderous glare of the ten remaining New Directions teammates. Smirking he turned too the left and sat down in the chair that was against the wall. He was five feet from the McKinley High school Glee club.

Jesse watched as Quinn slowly turned around, still managing to keep her hand on Rachel's waist. Rachel lifted her head ready to speak. But Quinn lifted her right hand, and placed it gently over the brunette's mouth. Quinn smiled softly and shook her head. He watched as Rachel just took a deep breath, and then nodded.

Jesse now knew how things stood and he made his plans according.


oh trouble hearts, oh boy, glee, noah puckerman, quinn fabray, teenage lust, kurt hummel, satan, . james, oh man, oh my, deep depression, jesse st, teenage love, teenage anst, the devil, teenage pregnancy, rachel berry

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