Glee: "Home" (8/ ?)

Aug 26, 2010 23:43




"Rachel," Quinn was sitting crossed legged on Rachel's bed; with Rachel across from her. Their knees were touching as they just simply stared into each others eyes.

"Yes Quinn?" Rachel smiled as the taller blond had paused after saying her name.

"Never mind." Quinn shook her head.

"No Quinn, I won't never mind. You have something on your mind; and it's not healthy for you to hold it in. Nor is it healthy for that little girl inside you. Whenever mama is upset so is baby. So it's best for the baby and for you, Quinn, is to get whatever is troubling you out in the open." Rachel ranted.

Quinn leaned forward and covered Rachel's mouth with the palm of her hand. "You talk to much." She couldn't help but giggle as she saw the shocked look in Rachel's eyes at her movement. When she felt Rachel's mouth move underneath her lips, she looked sternly at the short Diva, "No talking. Not one sound."

Rachel blinked. She sighed and simply waited for Quinn to remove her hand. When the blond girl didn't she decided to be devilish. Her tongue scooted out of her mouth and ran a light trail on the hand. She was surprised that Quinn didn't remove her hand immediately; usually when her dads pulled a stunt like this; the moment her tongue touched their hands they removed them. Quicker than a hot potato.

"I'm not going to take my hand from your mouth, Rach, if I do then you'll start rambling again." Quinn's eyes twinkled in merriment. She watched as Rachel's chocolate eyes darken in slight miffed anger. But, she saw the trust shinning through and knew that the girl was okay with her hand preventing her from her favorite passed time - other then signing that is.

Rachel twitched her nose. She opened her mouth and bit the inside of Quinn's palm. Quinn sighed deeply and moved even closer. "Why do you have to be so damn difficult?" Her forehead rested against the Diva's - she still didn't remove her hand. "Behave and then I'll allow you to have your voice back."

Rachel simply sighed and closed her eyes.

"Rachel, I'm happy that you are feeling better." Quinn whispered in her ear. Her hand lowered from the brunette's lips. "That was all I was trying to say."

Rachel hummed as she just pulled her body closer to the blonds. She breathed in deeply, and slowly the shared air that they were experiencing. Her eyes opened slowly as she felt light butterfly twinkle on her right cheek. "Hey."

"Hey too you sleepy head." Quinn quipped with a small laugh.

"I only had my eyes closed for a few minutes Quinn, that doesn't cause you to call me sleepy head." Rachel said with a roll of her eyes. She sighed in contentment as she snuggled even closer.

"You were actually asleep for an hour." Quinn said running her fingers down the brunette's cheek jaw line.

Rachel lifted her head. "You allowed me to sleep on you for an hour?" She moved away with slight wide eyes. "You never moved an inch during that whole time?" She reached out - but when she was just a inch away from touching Quinn's womb; she stopped dead. "I-I'm so sorry Quinn."

Quinn grabbed the still hand, and placed it against her womb, "You have nothing to be sorry about, Rach. The baby quite enjoyed your little rest. She wasn't bothered at all."

"You should have scooted us more comfortable on the bed." Rachel softly said. "Or, you should have woken me up."

"You needed your sleep." Quinn shrugged. "I was comfortable and relaxed." She crawled closer and sat next to Rachel, leaning back against the bed board. Wrapping her arms around the thin brunette's. "I'm glad that you are feeling better, Rach."

"I shouldn't have fallen asleep like that on you." Rachel sighed. "I feel a hundred percent now." Quinn twisted her head and quirked her right eye brow. "Okay so not a hundred percent. More like Ninety-nine … Ninety-eight …. Ninety-seven ….. Ninety-Six..."

"Keep going lower, Rachel Berry." Quinn said with a slight frown to her lips.

Rachel sighed, "Fine, so I'm more like eighty five percent better now." Sticking out her tongue, "Happy now?"

Quinn's right hand rose and stroked back the brunette's hair from the right side of her face. "You are very beautiful do you realize that?"

Rachel stared into Quinn's eyes, "You shouldn't lie."

"I'm not lying brown eyes." Quinn leaned forward till her forehead touched the Diva's, "Why don't you believe me?"

"I know that I'm ugly, Quinn." Rachel said in a knowing voice. "Everyone had been telling me since the moment they set eyes on me. Expect for my fathers. But, they are my parents; so they have to lie."

"I want to draw you." Quinn said.

"There are bathroom walls that haven't been touched yet. Once you are done with the girls - then I'm sure the boys wouldn't mind getting themselves off with my hideous body." Rachel said in a toneless voice.

"Rachel-" Quinn tried to break in.

Tears rolled down her cheeks, "I'm w-worthless, Quinn, you don't want to waste your God given talent on an worthless, ugly bitch like me." Her knees drew up to her chest, she wrapped her arms tightly around her sweet pants, as her head feel onto her knees. Her back heaved as in deep sob wracked her body.

Quinn wrapped her arms tightly around the broken brunette Diva and just silently healed the weeping girl. Tears rolling silently and freely down her own cheeks. She wanted to break down and join her heart breaking sobs alongside the Diva's; but she forced them deep within her. She had no right to relieve herself of any of the guilt that she had for what she had willing caused in the breaking of Rachel Berry.


"Sit down Jesse." Shelby said with a sigh at the seventeen year old boy.

"What's going on Shelby?" Jesse asked as he sat down in the leather chair that was in front of her desk.

"I need your help St. James." Shelby said in a rough voice. "You are my only help. I wouldn't be asking you if I had another way."

"I am many things, Shelby, you fully know that. But I do admire and care about you. I mean you encourage and help me with my dreams, more so then my own mother." Jesse said in a quiet and firm voice. "I won't let you down."

Shelby searched his eyes for any hidden lie - she couldn't fine one. She told herself that all she had too do was wait a year and half - then she could go too Rachel and be with her. But she had all ready wasted sixteen and half years - she didn't want to wait any longer. She wanted her daughter back.

"Shelby." Jesse's voice broke through her troubled thoughts.

"I need you to befriend Rachel Berry." Shelby said.

"I admit Rachel Berry has talent, Shelby, but we don't have to worry about that. I mean sure she helped New Direction win at Sectionals. But, McKinley High only has Rachel in Glee club - they won't be able to win at Regionals." Jesse sighed as he leaned back in his seat.

"She's my daughter." Shelby said.

Jesse blinked. "Come again. I thought both of her fathers are hard core gay. How the hell did the small Jewish one get it up enough to fuck you?"

Shelby's anger rose. "How dare you go there young man. I'm your teacher and coach!"

"I am just surprised at the news is all, Shelby, I honesty didn't mean any disrespect." Jesse said with a concerned look on his face. "I seriously misspoke."

"I never slept with Giovanni Berry," Shelby said trying to take a firm hand of her emotions once more. "He and Kristopher placed an add in the paper - I was just out of college - trying to get enough money to get to New York. I was curious. They offered more then enough money and at the time my dreams of Broadway were just too strong. I agreed to carry a child for them - and give the child up at birth. I signed away all my rights as the child's mother and walked away."

"You have been in Lima for ten years now, Shelby. Rachel was six when you returned. How is that staying away?" Jesse asked as he leaned forward.

"I never attempted to make contact with her." Shelby said. "I was safe within the contact as long as I didn't make contact."

"Why now?" Jesse brow furrowed?

"When I saw her on stage just mere feet from me - I knew that I couldn't live without her my life." Shelby said with softness in her eyes. She seemed to have forgotten Jesse was in the room.

"So go to her." Jesse shrugged his shoulder.

"If I go to her before her eighteenth birthday, Jesse, then I will be behind bars." Shelby looked him dead in the eyes. "I can't allow Rachel to be hurt by knowing that her mother broke the law just to be with her."

"So how do you suppose to be in Rachel's life - if you can't be face to face with her?" Jesse said beginning to get what Shelby was requesting of him.

"I'll be well in the contact if Rachel, herself, seeks me out. As long as it's Rachel whom comes to me - then I can freely be with her before she's eighteen." Shelby said. "I need you Jesse to befriend my daughter - and help her locate me. I don't want her to ever know that I sent you to her. But, I do want you to guide her to want to search me out."

"It's not going to work, Shelby. Rachel and I all ready hate each other." Jesse sighed. "You didn't see us at Sectionals. When she caught sight of me and she went all Diva on me. Oh high and mighty bit -" Jesse coughed to keep the last word from coming.

"She was intensely nervous Jesse. Rachel usually gives anyone new in her life a chance to prove their unworthiness to her - before she kicks them out of her soul." Shelby sighed, "You are the only one that I can trust here, Jesse."

Jesse shook his head.

"I'll get you into UCLA." Shelby said knowing that this was what he truly wanted. "I'll make sure that you get the best treatment at UCLA. The best of everything."

"All right." Jesse replied. "You really must …." He didn't even finish that sentence. "What's the plan."

"Your parents are still out of the country right?" Shelby received his nod. "I'm going to have you transfer to McKinley. I'm going to get you placed into about three of Rachel's classes - and I want you in New Directions."

"Okay." Jesse nodded.

"You will not use what you learn to destroy New Directions. This isn't trying to take down the competition, Jesse." Shelby said in a hard voice.

"New Directions isn't any competition, Shelby. Without Rachel they are a poor excuses for a Glee club." Jesse looked into Shelby's hard chocolate brown eyes. "I won't hurt Rachel. I promise you that."

"I have to trust you Jesse. You know too much." Shelby's eyes harden even more. "Just remember Jesse, that if you hurt Rachel - then I'll destroy you."

Jesse nodded and stood to his feet. "I won't fail you." He said turning and leaving the office.

"Please Father tell me that I didn't make the biggest mistake of my life." Shelby whispered.


"My little song bird." Rachel heard whispered in her right ear. She moaned as she felt the dryness in her throat. It felt like shards of glass was hitting every sensitive skin it could possibility could. Her eyes felt ever so much dry as she slowly blinked them open. She whimpered at the harsh light that hit her - closing her eyes quickly to protect them.

Noah just leaned against her. Moving his chest even tighter against her back. His right hand covered her eyes, "Open your eyes now song bird, the light won't hurt you."

"N-n-n-Noah?" Rachel whimpered.

"Yes." Noah softly said. "Let your eyes get used to the little light between my fingers. I'm going to ever slowly remove my hand." He waited a few moments before doing that. He looked into her chocolate sad eyes as he was doing so - he would cover them with any hint of pain. "There you are."

"Quinn-" Rachel whispered.

"I'm right here." Quinn said placing her hand on Rachel's hip. Rachel's eyes turned and looked into her own. "I couldn't wake you. You just didn't seem to respond to me. Your fathers suggested Puck. They said that he and you truly clicked. So I called him."

Rachel's right hand reached out and gripped Quinn's. "I'm sorry." She whispered with tears rolling down her cheeks.

Quinn moved so she was laying down in front of Rachel. Her left hand rested on the short Diva's waist, while her right hand stroked her cheekbone. "There is absolutely nothing to be sorry about, Rachel. Nothing." She leaned forward and kissed Rachel's heated forehead. "You were never sick with the flu this weekend were you Rachel?"

Rachel lowered her eyes.

"Oh Rachel what have I done to you." Quinn sobbed as she continued to stroke her face.

Rachel moved tighter against Noah. "Don't touch me." She quietly said.

"Baby." Quinn said her hand stilled on the brunette's cheek.

"Please don't touch me." Rachel said. "I-I can't have you touching me." She wrapped her arms tightly around Noah's arms on her chest. Her eyes wide, "Please just leave me. I can't have you here with me anymore. Please just leave me. Please."

Quinn got off the bed and backed away with wide hazel eyes. "I'm so sorry, Rachel. I'm so sorry." She rushed from the room.

Rachel twisted, and slammed her head into Noah's firm chest. Heartbreaking sobs tore though her as she tried to breath. She felt strong arms tighten themselves around her as she fell apart.


"I'm leaving." Quinn rushed into the study. "I'm doing more damage to her now then I ever did in the past."

Kristopher had jumped to his feet when the pregnant teen had barged into his study without knocking. He quickly wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her against his chest. He held onto her as she sobbed into his shirt.

Quinn finally got her raging sobs under control. She pulled away from Rachel's father. "I'm sorry sir, I'm sorry that you had to hold me. I have no right to your fatherly arms. They belong solely to Rachel." She backed away, but he just tightened his hold on her arms.

"Quinn, you aren't going anywhere. Not today, not the next day, not next week, not next month. This is your home and your family." Kristopher said in a gentle but firm voice. "Now I know Rachel is in an deep depression."

Quinn's eyes darkened, "You knew didn't you?"

"Yes." Kristopher simply said. "But, this has nothing too do with you, Quinn. Rachel is just feeling so much right now that she has to go through this to get to the other side."

"What do you mean this has nothing to do with me? This has everything to do with me! I'm the one whom put Rachel in this place. I'm the one whom broken her over and over again." Quinn's voice rose. "I'm the one whom is the ultimate down fall of Rachel."

"You will only harm Rachel more if you leave." Kristopher said his voice stern. "I'm not going to allow you to harm my daughter any longer Quinn Fabray." Her eyes widen at his tone. "You are going to remain here in this home." His voice had softened. "You will work though your past with Rachel - you will come out at the other side together."

"What if this isn't the right way of helping Rachel?" Quinn whispered.

"It's the only way." Kristopher said with such sureness in his voice that Quinn didn't doubt him. "I know that it will be difficult and painful. But, Rachel has to go though this. You have to go through this. We all have to go through this."

Quinn bowed her head. "I'm so sorry for what I put your daughter through. If I could go back in time - then I would. I hate myself."

Kristopher just held the blond teenager whom had been the sole reason why his little girl hadn't had a friend in her life tightly against him. He didn't know how this all would turn out - but he knew that God had put everything in play to his will.


teenage angst, depression, glee, noah puckerman, quinn fabray, shelby corcoran, teenage pregnancy, rachel berry, jesse st. james

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