Glee: "Home" (7/ ?)

Aug 23, 2010 00:14




Giovanni opened the door to his only daughter's room. He frowned at the sight before him. Instead of his bubbly daughter finishing up with her last minute things before school; he found her still in bed. "Rachel," he said concerned. This wasn't normal for his little girl.

Rachel just let out a chocked out sob.

Giovanni shut the door and rushed towards his daughter. His baby needed him. He was going to find out whom hurt his precious daughter and make them pay. His heart harden once more against Quinn Fabray. He just knew it was a mistake to allow Rachel's worst tormentor into his home. Quinn would be kicked out that morning. Kristopher would never be able to talk him out of this … not this time. "Baby, I'm going to make everything better. Quinn -"

"I betrayed Quinn in the worst possible way." Rachel said with tears rolling down her cheeks, as she sat up to lean into her father's chest.

"You never betrayed Quinn." Giovanni said in a loving, but a slight harsh tone. Quinn was playing mind games with his little girl. He was going to place that girl behind bars for this.

"I kissed Finn yesterday, daddy, I mean I truly kissed Finn. Finn finally opened his heart and soul to me. He's ready for me now daddy." Rachel said in her father's chest.

"Quinn is quite through with that boy, Rachel." Giovanni replayed squeezing his daughter's shoulders. He knew this too be true, Quinn had told him that she had never really loved Finn Hudson, that she only dated him because it had been expected of her. She told him that she hadn't really been jealous or in a rage when Rachel tried to steal him from her. She just acted her part was all. "Quinn will be happy that he has finally moved on. She'll be happy that he moved on with you." He breathed easier now that he didn't have to actually harm Quinn, he quite loved the blond girl as an daughter.

Rachel pulled away from her father, "I can't ever be with Finn Hudson, daddy, not ever." She stared into his eyes.

Giovanni right hand lifted to catch a tear. He brought it to place against his heart. "In time darling, in time. Once high school is over and you are all grown up. You time with Finn Hudson will come."

"No daddy, I can never hurt Quinn." Rachel shook her head. "I'm going to kick Finn Hudson from my heart and soul. He can only be my friend."

Giovanni sighed. He knew this daughter of his. Once she set her mind too it - she'll succeeded in doing what she aimed too do. He knew that it would be painful for his daughter to willing lose the only love out of her heart and soul, but he had a feeling that Finn truly wasn't the one to make his daughter for the rest of her life.

"I can't face anyone today, daddy. I know that school is important. But, I can't face Finn today." Rachel begged her father with her eyes.

"Today is Friday, Rachel, so you'll have three days away from Finn. But, you have to go to school Monday." Giovanni replied. "What should I tell Quinn?"

"Don't tell her the truth." Rachel said. "Please tell her that I didn't sleep well last night, and that I'm feeling unwell. It's part of the truth at least."

Giovanni leaned forward and kissed his daughter's forehead. "I'll tell your dad the situation after Quinn leaves for school. He'll be home with you all day." He watched his daughter lay her head back onto her pillow.


"I'm surprised that I didn't hear Rachel up and about like usual." Quinn said before putting the piece of bacon into her mouth. She bit off a piece thoughtfully.

"I thought you were a deep sleeper." Kristopher said with a grin, "I mean after your two o'clock feeding; I thought you normally sleep peacefully until seven."

Quinn winked her nose at the African American before taking another bite from the crispy bacon. After swallowing, "You do your own two o'clock feeding also Kristopher Berry." She finished the bacon.

"Since you moved in, Quinn, I haven't done a two o'clock feeding since Rachel slept through the night." Kristopher grinned. "When S - well, when the woman whom carried Rachel for us was living with us, I used to wake up with her at two o'clock also. Giovanni always slept through the night."

Quinn frowned, "You can say Rachel's mother, Kristopher. After all Rachel does have a mother after all. I hate it that you refer to the woman whom carried and bore Rachel was the woman whom carried Rachel for you and Giovanni." Her fingers played with her plate. "The woman, whom you have yet to name, does have a solid place in Rachel's life and heart. As her mother. It's her rightful place."

Kristopher leaned forward and captured Quinn's chin in his hands, "You are absolutely right, Quinn. That was the first time I ever thought S - …" He paused as he swallowed the lump in his throat. "Rachel's mother the way I vocalized it to you. I'm very thankful for the woman whom agreed to carry and give up her daughter so Giovanni and I could be fathers."

"Why won't you tell Rachel, whom her mother is? Rachel needs her mother." Quinn said in a soft voice. "You won't lose her. You'll just gain a more fuller and healthier daughter."

"Giovanni and I made a hasty, and very selfish decision when we chose the woman whom is Rachel's mother. We made a legal contact that stated that she can not be in Rachel's life until Rachel is eighteen. That if she made any contact with Rachel than she would go to jail. But, if Rachel learned whom she was before her eighteenth birthday, and chose to meet her; than we would be fine with it." Kristopher frowned. "Back in the days before gays could adopt or have a surrogate carry a child for them - if the mother wanted to back out of the contact - then the courts would have award full custody to the mother."

"Kristopher and I did what we had too do." Giovanni said in a firm voice as walked into the kitchen. "Look Quinn, I know you have much to say on this subject. I promise you that we will sit down with you and explain our reasons at a later date. But, it's time you be off to school."

Quinn looked from Kristopher too Giovanni. "Does Rachel know about the contact?"

"No." Giovanni said. "We thought it best -"

"Best that Rachel believes that her mother doesn't want or love her!" Quinn said standing to her feet.

"I have always told my daughter that her mother loves her." Giovanni said. "I have always told her that her mother wanted her - but that her dreams needed to be full filled."

"Rachel needs her mother." Quinn quietly said. "You are right, Giovanni, sir, this subject would be best to be discussed when there is no time limit." She walked past Kristopher with a gentle squeeze to his shoulder. Stopping in front of Giovanni. "You know what you did as a young man was wrong, Giovanni, and I'm sure that if you had to do it over again - you would have done it differently. I'm not judging you. I'm just sad for you. For you, Kristopher, Rachel's mother and especially Rachel."

Giovanni couldn't meet the young teenage age pregnant girl's eyes. He lowered them. He felt arms wrap around him and he was being hugged once more by a pregnant female. His arms slid around Quinn's back and gently squeezed back in a fatherly manner.

Quinn pulled back, "Is Rachel about ready?"

"Rachel isn't going to school today." Giovanni said. "She didn't sleep well last night - and she's feeling to ill to attend school."

Kristopher's right eye rose on this note. This didn't sound good - not good at all. He was worried about Rachel. But more then what Giovanni had told Quinn. He knew more was going on with his daughter than what his husband let on. For some reason Rachel didn't want Quinn to know the real reason why she's upset.

"I'll go up and check on her before I leave." Quinn said leaving the kitchen.

"I'll tell you once Quinn is safely out of the house." Giovanni said to Kristopher's silent question.


Quinn opened the door after Rachel softly said enter. "Hey."

"Hey back at you." Rachel said looking at the door. "I'm sorry that I won't be traveling to school with you, Quinn, as we planned. I know it's highly rude of me on getting ill when we planned on going to school together. But, this can't be helped."

"I'm glad to see you haven't lost your voice." Quinn couldn't help grinning at Rachel's long ramble. She had walked close to Rachel's side of the bed as the small Diva was speaking. Sitting down at Rachel's waist. She rested her hand against Rachel's forehead. "You are a little warm, I can't tell how high your temperature." Smiling gently, "But, I have a perfect way of finding out." She lowered her head and pressed her lips against Rachel's skin.

Rachel's eyes drifted closed at the feel of Quinn's lips against her forehead. She could feel the heat of the blond girl's breath against her skin. She moaned softly. Her nose crinkled when Quinn's lips left her skin. She slowly opened her eyes and looked into the concern hazel eyes of the blond girl.

"You have a slight fever, Rachel." Quinn said as she lightly played her fingers against Rachel's forehead. "I'm going to remain home and take care of you."

"No!" Rachel said in a high voice. She noticed shocked look in Quinn's eyes. "I mean too say, we both shouldn't miss school over this silly little bug that I caught. I mean I need you to take notes in the classes that we share - get my homework from my other teachers. Also I need to know what is going on Glee today. I mean Glee could seriously fall apart if I'm not there to hold it together."

"You need me to take care of you." Quinn said.

"Dad is staying home all day. I'm going to be all right, Quinn. I just need today away from school is all. I'll be up and running full speed on Monday." Rachel's right hand rose up and touched the blond's shoulder. "Go, truly there isn't anything you can do for me right now."

"If that is what you want." Quinn said standing to her feet. "I hope that you feel better Rachel." With that she turned and left the bedroom.

Rachel wanted to call her back. But she kept her mouth firmly shut. It was better like this. If Quinn had stayed - then she would have told her about ridding her heart and soul from Finn for all time. She had a feeling that Quinn wouldn't be pleased with this - so she did the best thing she could. She allowed Quinn to be hurt that she didn't want her to take care of her.


Quinn stood in the middle of the hallway. Her back was towards her and Rachel's locker. She looked at Santana and nodded.

"Everyone shut up. NOW!" Santana shouted.

It took a few minutes for the teenagers to shut their trapped. But, to Quinn it felt like decades. "Everyone, there are now new permanent rules for McKinley High!"

"Yeah fucking right Juno!" A male voice sneered in the crowd.

"Watch it." Santana threatened.

They heard a hard gulp.

"Rachel Berry is now off slushy attacks! Rachel Berry is now off the name calling. Rachel Berry is now off -" Quinn ranted off.

"We aren't going to give up attacking that loser! I don't care that you have taken her under you wing, Juno! I don't care that she suddenly found her way of getting protection here." A huge hockey player shoved his way through the crowd to stand in front of Quinn. He turned and frowned down at Santana, "I'm not afraid of you Lopez. I don't care that you can kick me in the penis and make me not have any children." He turned and glared into Quinn's eyes. "I hate children."

Puck was in front of Quinn, "If you even try to lay a hand on Quinn or my child, O'Neil, then your life won't be worth living."

"Like I said, Puckerman, I hate children." He smirked. "I also hate man hands. So Quinn's new rules don't apply to me."

"You lay one hand on Rachel, then you will be dead." Puck said in a low and calm tone.

O'Neil just eyed him for a long time, then turned and shoved his way out of the crowd.

"If anyone lays a hand on Quinn and Rachel from now on - you will wish you never had done so." Puck's voice steadily said. "If anyone thinks of destroying Rachel without the normal route; then think again. We all had put Rachel Berry through plenty of abuse since preschool. It ends now! It's time to prove to Rachel that we are worthy of her friendship!"

Most of the kids had the grace to look down in shame. Some of them were eagerly nodding, others looked angry.

"That is all." Quinn said. The teenagers began to buzz over this newest shift of their high school lives. This very interesting, intense turn of effects. Quinn knew that by the end of homeroom - everyone at the high school will know the way of things.


"I have been meaning to ask you, Puck, what the hell happened to you?" Quinn said sitting next to the father of her child. "You look like shit."

"Finn and I got into it yesterday." Puck said. "Don't worry, I didn't break any bones."

"I'm sorry." Quinn whispered.

"It wasn't all about you and our daughter. Although it did help relieve much of Finn's anger." Puck said.

Before Quinn could speak, Finn walked into the room. He stopped dead in his tracks. He looked at Quinn and Puck sitting with their heads closed together. Quinn noticed that some of the anger and hurt was in his eyes - but there was also such calmness and peacefulness. Even through he looked like shit; just like Puck, she could tell that he was coming back to himself. Her lips lifted in a soft smile.

Finn softly smiled back at her. He walked over and sat down on the free side of her. "Hey you two." He softly said nodding his head.

"Hey bro." Puck said reaching across Quinn's lap and gently slapped Finn's arm.

"How are you Quinn? How is our baby girl?" Finn softly smiled. "I still consider that baby girl my daughter. Even through she's not. I fully know that she's my niece."

"She's doing fine, Finn. She has missed you." Quinn leaned her head onto Finn's shoulder. "I have missed you also."

"I have missed you too." Finn bent his head and kissed her forehead. "I'm never going to leave ever again."

"You promise?" Quinn whispered her eyes closing.

"I promise." Finn said.

Puck grinned as he simply watched his best friend, more like a brother than anything else - and his baby mama being close once more. They seemed to be much closer than when they had dated. He wanted to jump out and shout - but he knew that Quinn truly wasn't up for the sudden noise. She seemed worried that Rachel was home sick.

"I have something to tell you, Quinn." Finn said tightening up.

Quinn lifted her head and looked into his open eyes. "I'm not going to be upset with the fact that you have moved on from me, Finn. Even when we first started going out - I fully knew that we weren't going to last or grow too serious on one another." Her hand rested on her womb, "I shouldn't have cheated on you, Finn, especially with your best friend whom is more like a brother. I'm so sorry for leading you on."

Finn's hand rose and gently caressed her right cheek, "That's in the past now, Quinn. It remains in the past." He licked his lips, "I have finally opened my heart and soul to Rachel."

Quinn's heart stopped for a second. But then it started once more. She smiled softly, "I always knew that you would. I-I'm happy for you."

"I wanted to be the one to tell you, Quinn. I knew that Rachel wouldn't tell you." Finn said but before he could say more Mr. Schue entered the room and started the club.

Quinn just looked at Finn's side profile for a long moment - before she turned her eyes to Mr. Schue was going on all excited about something or other. She couldn't take in what Mr. Schue was saying. All she could think about Finn and Rachel.


Quinn slipped into Rachel's bedroom and saw that the drapes were drawn across the windows. She found that Rachel was laying sideways with her back to the door. She couldn't tell if the Diva was awake or asleep. She walked to the bed and gently slipped underneath the covers. Scooting carefully closer she slipped her right arm around the slim waist - and she rested her head against the crook of the brunette's neck. "I missed you today." She murmured.

"I missed you too." Rachel whispered. She closed her eyes as she tried to pull herself together once more. It had been a long day building a steel wall around her heart and soul where Finn couldn't get through. It was as solid as she wished it would be - but it would by Monday. At least she had a strong foundation up before Quinn came home from school.

"Finn told me about you two." Rachel's heart stopped at those words. She willed her tears from falling as she pulled herself together once more. She just prayed that Quinn hadn't felt her body tighten up.

"You are stiff." Quinn said with concern as her left hand went to massage Rachel's shoulder. "My poor Rachel, this bug is taking a toll on you huh?"

Rachel breathed in relief. Quinn thought it was the "flu" that was bringing her down. "I'm sorry that you feel that you have to be so close to me. Hopefully I don't make you and your daughter sick."

Quinn leaned in closer and gently kissed the warm neck. "My daughter says it's worth it." Her hand started to stroke small circles around the slim waist. She heard Rachel sigh softly. "Did you remain in bed all day?"

"No, I joined dad down in the living room when I got lonely." Rachel said her left hand reached over and rested on Quinn's womb. "But, for some reason this time being with him wasn't what I needed. So I remained in my room for most of the day."

"I'm sorry." Quinn murmured.

"Not your fault." Rachel sighed. She snuggled a little more closer to the warm pregnant body.

"I'm sorry that I was the major force of you being friendless all through your childhood." Quinn sighed. "I'm sorry that I don't have a time machine to go back in time and prevent my stupid decision."

"You were just a child Quinn, you didn't know no better." Rachel twisted her head to stare into Quinn's hazel eyes. "I never held it against you. Never will."

Quinn stared silently into Rachel's open eyes into her soul. How could she make Rachel realize that she deserved to be hatred by her. That she deserved Rachel to want revenge against her. That she deserved Rachel to want her dead.

Rachel's left hand rose, and lightly traced Quinn's cheek bone, down her jaw line. "Oh Quinn, what you were put through when you were much to young to understand." She whispered. "I see I do have much work to do."

"Why do you even bother?" Tears rolled down Quinn's cheeks. "I don't deserve you."

"You deserve peace." Rachel softly said leaning forward, and kissing first the right eye; then the left eye. "You deserve the good that God has in store for you." She kissed in between the blond's eyes.

Quinn just buried her head into Rachel's neck, and silently sobbed. She felt the brunette Diva's arms tighten around her, and hold her in the safety of her arms.


depression, finn hudson, oh boy, glee, some of the truth is revield, noah puckerman, teen pregrancy, quinn fabray, high school drama, rawness, high school love drama, rachel berry

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