Glee: "Home" (2 / ?)

Jul 18, 2010 21:18




Quinn turned her eyes on the closed door to the guest room. There was another tap on the other side. "Come in." She said in a quiet voice. The door opened and reveled Rachel. She blinked in surprise, by the tap she assumed it was one of Rachel's father's. Rachel after all was the type of person to knock energetic on the door.

"Hi," Rachel said with an unsure look on her face. "I ah, came to check on you." Her right hand rose and pushed back some hair that was bothering her eyes.

"I'm fine." Quinn said waving her right hand to the side in a slow circle. "How can I not be." She sighed as she breathed in and out. Licking her lips, "Thanks for the room." Standing to her feet. "I'll get out of your hair now."

Rachel blinked rapidly. "Wait, what?" She blocked the door way with her small frame as the taller blond pregnant girl made her way towards her. "Quinn, this is your home now. You don't have to leave."

Quinn stopped dead in her tracks. "Get out of my way, Berry. I don't want to harm you." She said in a quiet seething voice, her fists clenched at her sides.

"You aren't going to hurt me, Quinn." Rachel said smiling softly.

"I'm a hormonal pregnant sixteen year old. Berry, I can easily destroy you - even kill you and blame on the hormones." Quinn said in a tone less voice.

"Then you automatically lose your daughter." Rachel sighed. "Do you really want that choice to be taken from you?"

Quinn lowered her eyes.

"I didn't think so." Rachel said with a glad smile.

"I all ready said thank you for the rest that you allowed me to take. I won't take up anymore of your time or concern." Quinn took two steps towards the door.

Rachel squared her shoulders and stared silently at the taller blond girl.

"Just let me go." Quinn pleaded softly. "Just let me go."

"Go where?" Rachel asked. "Where else do you have to go?"

Quinn folded her arms across her chest stubbornly. "You have no right to ask me that, bitch." Her temper rose higher than ever before. She hated being corned. "My life is my own to live, Berry. Mine. Where I chose to be is my decision. Not yours! Not Puck's! Not Finn's! Not my parents! Mine!"

Rachel moved forward and silently wrapped her arms around the taller girl's waist. "This is your home now, Quinn. Your family. Your safe place." She whispered as she raised her right hand to run the back of her hand on the pale girl's cheek.

"Get your man hands off me Ru-Paul." Quinn gasped out in a dry voice.

"My name is Rachel." Rachel said as she pulled the taller girl closer to her.

Quinn allowed the short diva to pull her into her. Her eyes closed as she rested her head against the diva's right collarbone, just against the neck. Just as she allowed herself to relax in the arms of safety - her childhood came rushing back to her. Stiffing up she jerked back away from the brunette, "Get your man hands off of me queer freak." With that Quinn put her hands on Rachel's shoulders and pushed hard.

Rachel lost her grip on Quinn, and banged against the wall. Hard. Blinking as she stared wide eyed at the angry pregnant girl in front of her.

"I never asked for your help bitch! I never wanted to ask or need your help! I can handle this thing I call my life on my own! Just as I have always done!" Quinn screamed with tears rolling down her cheeks. "I c-c-c-can't do this alone." She knelt down to her knees, her hands wrapped protectively around her womb.

Rachel moved quickly and knelt down in front of the broken girl. "Quinn," She wrapped her arms around the blond, and pulled her into her. Quinn finally wrapped her arms tightly around her slim waist, after several minutes of just sitting stone still. As soon as she allowed the comfort that Rachel was offering - Quinn finally broke down in heart wrenching sobs.

Rachel bent her head down to rest against the top of the blond's head. She kept making shushing noises & kissing the head below her. Her hold on the broken girl just tightened.

Quinn finally pulled away from the shorter diva, "I'm sorry."

"No need to apologize, Quinn. You had a lot of emotions to get out. I'm just happy that you were in a safe place when you finally broke." Rachel said brushing her hand through Quinn's long blond hair. "Now, about we get you cleaned up. My dad promised to make your favorite meal."

"I'm not hungry." Quinn shook her head.

"Don't be like this, Quinn, think of the baby." Rachel said softly.

Quinn lowered her eyes, "I can't be around your dads, Rachel. Not now. Not like this."

"Dad will bring us a tray up." Rachel said in a decided voice. "Sides I think he and daddy would love a quiet dinner for two tonight." Placing her hand along with the blonds in her lap, "Now, it's time you get freshened up. We are sharing a bathroom, you and I. I know - I know so 'Brady Bunch' - but if you think about it, Quinn, it's more like '90210' - when Brandon and Brenda shared a bathroom - or even with Annie and Dixon sharing one. You are my Dixon."

Quinn looked up, "I look like an African American male to you?" She couldn't help quip.

"Okay so you are my Brandon." Rachel shrugged. She was just happy to see some up lifting spirit in Quinn.

"So I look like a male." Quinn stressed the male part once more. She saw the puzzled crest in the short Diva's eye brows - then sudden light.

Rachel blushed beet red. "Of course I don't see you as a male, Quinn, a female yes. B-b-but not a male. You don't have a penis; I never even thought of you with a penis. Even through I'm quite sure you'll be able to carry off a penis quite well." Her eyes grew big as she just realized what had just come rambling off her tongue. "Oh God."

Quinn just stared wide eyed at the short brunette with the chocolate brown eyes. Did Rachel Berry just used the word penis in describing my body? Not once, twice but three times. Oh my, so Rachel Berry does have a good dry sense of humor. Wonders never cease. Wonder what else Rachel has in store for me? She began to laugh under her breath. She couldn't help it. The look on Rachel's face as she realized what she had just blurted out was just too priceless for words. "Well; if I ever do decide to have a penis implanted on me - then at least I'll know you'll be fine with it." She said in her most serious tone of voice.

Rachel's mouth dropped opened.

Quinn couldn't keep the straight face any longer. She let out a gust of laughter. "You should seriously see your face, Rachel, it's simply priceless." She settled herself down and wiped the tears from her eyes. "Wait until I tell the gang at Glee club."

Rachel stiffened up, and Quinn, who's hand was still in Rachel's grasp felt a death like gripe on it. "Oh God please don't Quinn. I know that you don't have any reason to keep this between us - but I have too -" She paused and looked down.

Quinn scooted closer to the short Diva. Placing her hand under the brunette's chin and gently lifted it. "I promise I won't tell anyone about your very crude and interesting joke." Her right eye brow rose, "Although everyone would love this side of you."

"They must never know." Rachel softly said. She suddenly realized that she was holding Quinn's hand in a death gripe. "Oh God, I'm sorry Quinn, I never meant to hurt you like this." She dropped Quinn's hand quickly. She saw the wince in Quinn's eyes as her hand fell hard on her leg. Tears rose up into her eyes, "I'm just hurting you Quinn, I didn't mean too. I never meant too."

Quinn did the only thing that came to her in that moment. She reached forward and pulled Rachel into her chest. She held onto the babbling diva until Rachel quieted down. "You didn't hurt me Rachel. You can never hurt me. It is I whom has hurt you over and over again."

Rachel shook her head against Quinn's neck, "No Quinn."

Quinn held onto the short diva in quietness as she pondered. I'm not alone in pain here. I have been so wrapped up in the pregnancy, guilt lying to my parents, lying to both Finn and Noah, being kicked out of my home, having my parents disown me, moving in with Finn and his disapproving parents, being kicked out of Finn's. Having to deal with being kicked off the Cheerios and have everyone calling me a slut, a whore, a free for all. Having to decide weather or not to raise my daughter or give her to strangers. I forgot that I'm not the sole person on this planet that we call Earth. I forgot that other people have problems and issues also.

Quinn looked down at the brunette head which was resting comfortably on her chest, just next to her collar bone. Rachel has issues going on also. Seriously Quinn, are you just reaching that truth now? Where the hell have you been all your life? You very well know that Rachel has more issues and problems then you ever could have. YOU, yourself made it your mission to be MOST of them. Licking her lips as she brought her hand up to rest on the shaking shoulder of the diva.

It's going to change right now. No more will I be the cause of Rachel's inner pain. I'll make sure that no one else is able to hurt this girl in my arms ever again. I promise you baby girl that you WILL be proud to call me your biological mother. Even through most likely you won't be able to get to know me - not for the first eighteen or twenty one years of your life outside of my womb. Even if you and I never set eyes on each other again on this Earth. I'll make sure to make you proud that you are mine, baby girl. I promise you. Quinn pulled Rachel back, "I'm sorry for everything that I put you through, Rachel. The slushy, the name calling, the pornographic pictures on the girls bathroom and locker room walls."

Rachel tried to lightly laugh, but fully knew it came out heartbroken. "All that just made me stronger Quinn. It just made me more prepared to take my rightful spot in center stage on Board way." She lifted her head with her chin jetted out, "I read that the chemicals that they make slushy are actually most helpful too the skin and hair."

"Rachel," Quinn began.

"The name calling has also helped me prepare for the catcalls that the first few hard years of trying to make it will bring me." Rachel rambled on. Her lips pursed, "You are quite a fine artist Quinn, those pictures that you drew in the bathroom and the locker room had always been flattering." Tilting her head to the right, "You should be an artist, Quinn."

Quinn blushed, "No!"

"Why ever not? You have talent. You would be a great success." Rachel said.

"I'm never drawing ever again." Quinn firmly said. "It would make me sick to draw now. After everything I drew of you, Rachel. Taking away your safety and security."

"But, you didn't." Rachel said.

"Don't lie, Rachel. You aren't a good liar." Quinn swallowed, "Never become a good liar, Rachel."

"I'm not lying." Rachel said leaning forward and resting her hand on Quinn's left shoulder. "I knew that you were working off some issues when you drew what you did. I never seriously took the drawings to heart. I mean you gave me some great assets. None that I have really have." She looked down at her body and saw her flat chest.

"You have a beautiful body, Rachel." Quinn said quietly.

Rachel looked up with doubt clearly shown in her eyes. "Now you are the one lying, Quinn. Thanks for it - but we both know that's not true. It will never be true."

"I'm telling the truth, Rachel. You have a beautiful body Rachel Barbara Berry." Quinn quietly repeated looking Rachel deeply in the eyes.

"You have never seen it." Rachel flushed.

"In the locker room I have." Quinn said. "You were taking a shower and Santana doubled dared me to take a peek at you. I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry you had to see what a horrible body that God could make." Rachel's head bowed.

"Rachel -" Quinn began.

Rachel suddenly got to her feet, holding her hand out for Quinn to take. Once Quinn's hand was in her own, she helped the pregnant blond teen too her feet. "Go take a shower or a both, Quinn. I'll have our dinner ready by the time you get out."

"Rachel-" Quinn tried again. But the short stacked diva just turned, and rushed from the room. Shutting the door with a soft whisper. "How am I going to convince you that you have a beautiful body, Rachel?" She murmured to herself as she just stared sadly at the closed door.


quinn fabray, love story, home, glee, teen pregancy, rachel berry, angst

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