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Cara's reaction to Richard hurting Kahlan hermionegmuggle July 6 2010, 05:00:19 UTC
'Who hurt you, Mother Confessor?' Cara growled. Her hand on both of her Agiels.

'No one. I-I just cut myself is all.' Kahlan attempted to laugh, 'I was carelessly touching the growing life was all.'

Cara's eyes grew even closer together then before. 'WHO hurt you, Kahlan.'

Kahlan swallowed. 'It's all right Cara. It's over now.'

Cara lifted her right Agiel from her side, 'I'm going to make Lord Rahl regret that he was EVER born.' With that she turned around.

Kahlan jumped to her feet, and wrapped her arms around the angry Mord'Sith. 'Cara, please. I can't allow you to kill Richard. He's the Seeker that the Midland needs. Nay, he's the Seeker that the world needs.'

'He hurt you.' Cara growled staring straight ahead. She wanted to jerk out of Kahlan's hold; but she wouldn't dare to hurt the Mother Confessor.

Unlike SOME people.

'He's in pain. He knows that I'm not his. That I was never his.' Kahlan sighed in Cara's right ear. 'He realizes that I belong to someone else.'

Cara's heart broke. But, she willed herself not to allow any emotion too show. 'Your chosen mate is a lucky man.'

Kahlan lifted her hand and gently twisted Cara's face, 'My chosen mate is a lucky WOman.'

Cara stiffened. 'Never going to happen Mother Confessor.'

Kahlan smiled, 'You can fight it all you want, Cara. But, we both know that you and I are soul mates.'

Cara raised her right eye bow. 'Confess me.'

'I would never be able to confess you. Even BOTH times that I had a chance too, beloved. You had all ready given ALL yourself too me. You were protected.' Kahlan smiled. 'I had all ready given ALL myself to you, beloved.' Leaning forward Kahlan gently traced Cara's lips.

Cara's right hand rose and .... the Agiel touched Kahlan's hand. Green eyes wide in shock at truly how much pain Kahlan was in. She quickly dropped the Agiel onto the ground and managed to pull the screaming Kahlan tightly into her. She held onto the sobbing Mother Confessor tightly as Kahlan tried to regain her strength to stand on her own.

When Cara knew that Kahlan wouldn't fall - she pulled back and backed away slowly. 'That's why we can never be together, Kahlan. I would hurt you. All I would do is hurt you.' With one last long look into the blue eyes of her true soul mate, Cara Manson turned and ran away.

Kahlan watched her love run away from her. Once Cara was out of sight, she looked down at the fallen Agiel. 'I wish you were never created!' She whispered in anger.


Re: Cara's reaction to Richard hurting Kahlan synergyfox July 6 2010, 05:04:13 UTC
*flails* NO NONONONO! Bad Kahlan! Don't wish that! Don't wish that! Cos then that would happen and *flails* wishes are bad did you learn nothing from Buffy KAHLAN!????????!


Re: Cara's reaction to Richard hurting Kahlan hermionegmuggle July 6 2010, 06:28:36 UTC
To Kahlan the Agiel is the solid and real reminder of what Darken Rahl had done to Cara. She wishes that the Agiel didn't exist solely because it TRUELY HURTS CARA! She just wants Cara to be whole once again.


Re: Cara's reaction to Richard hurting Kahlan synergyfox July 6 2010, 06:35:55 UTC
-chin rub- So if the Agiel went away... then Cara wouldn't be Mord'Sith... which would stick her in Stowcroft... with Dahlia... and Kahlan never would have met her (unless she really went there anyways with Richard and co.) and she (Cara) would be a teacher... or a hunter... or something of that nature...


Re: Cara's reaction to Richard hurting Kahlan synergyfox July 6 2010, 06:36:13 UTC
O_O And Kahlan would have to court Cara!


Re: Cara's reaction to Richard hurting Kahlan hermionegmuggle July 6 2010, 06:53:59 UTC
I'm so writing that. Expect it up hopefully by Thrusday at the latest.


Re: Cara's reaction to Richard hurting Kahlan synergyfox July 6 2010, 06:55:49 UTC
-squees- Yay! I'll have something to look forward to after class -happy dance-


Re: Cara's reaction to Richard hurting Kahlan hermionegmuggle July 6 2010, 07:04:46 UTC
You just read the first part of the prelude: so I may have it up by tonight.


Re: Cara's reaction to Richard hurting Kahlan synergyfox July 6 2010, 07:06:15 UTC
-squees hard- OHHH! That's good! Because I'm not going to bed tonight... so I need entertainment! -points at you- You're it!


Re: Cara's reaction to Richard hurting Kahlan hermionegmuggle July 6 2010, 08:36:35 UTC
Are you having isses with FFN tonight? It's not letting me into it's damn sight. Damn it all to hell. Well - off to bed. Dreaming that I have Cara's Agiel & shocking the out of the fucking site that's keep from it's glory.


Re: Cara's reaction to Richard hurting Kahlan synergyfox July 6 2010, 08:37:44 UTC
-nod- I am I am. I vote Kahlan confesses it... it'll do her bidding... and then Cara can -mimics jabbing with an Agiel-


Re: Cara's reaction to Richard hurting Kahlan hermionegmuggle July 6 2010, 17:20:59 UTC
Just make a run over to FFN. Finally got to post it. -It still counts! Even through I didn't post it at 1 AM like planned. I still posted it today. (Ah, last night. this morning. Today.) Still counts! -


Re: Cara's reaction to Richard hurting Kahlan synergyfox July 6 2010, 22:29:12 UTC
Well... I ran over... but then I tripped... that was fun. Then I saw it... and squee'd uber uber hard. I'm still squeeing.


Re: Cara's reaction to Richard hurting Kahlan hermionegmuggle July 7 2010, 06:42:35 UTC
Did you review over @ FFN also????


Re: Cara's reaction to Richard hurting Kahlan synergyfox July 7 2010, 06:44:32 UTC
Yes, yes I did. There was even flailing.


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