LOTS: Waterfall prompt

Jun 28, 2010 23:14

This is a story from FFN by the most amazing  Plush Panda entitled As it should be.  What this amazing author has done is accept 'prompts' from her reviewers & writing Kahlan and Cara around said prompts.  Well the section of the story I'm posting right now was a prompt from me.   (My second prompt that she has chosen so far).   I found what  she ( Read more... )

kahlan, prompt, legend of the seeker, richard rahl, waterfall, cara

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Re: Prompts posts synergyfox July 2 2010, 05:46:38 UTC

asks for a prompt


Re: Prompts posts hermionegmuggle July 2 2010, 05:48:51 UTC
Check in box.


Re: Prompts posts synergyfox July 2 2010, 05:55:19 UTC


Re: Prompts posts hermionegmuggle July 2 2010, 05:58:28 UTC
Do you need more?


Re: Prompts posts synergyfox July 2 2010, 06:05:02 UTC
Of course! There's 17 naked lines in my notebook!


Re: Prompts posts hermionegmuggle July 2 2010, 06:12:22 UTC
(1) Wizard Fire

(2) Going through to the other side

(3) Sling shot and arrows

(4) Wild life calls

(5) Raging rapids

(6) Dancing among the stones

(7) Temple of the

(8) Rain drops falling on my

(9) Colors of the rainbow

(10) Cart, horse and injured Cara

(11) The tongue

(12) Case of the false Seeker

(13) Strawberries

(14) Lost among the ruins

(15) Throwing pebbles

(16) Thigh, Lick, Nibble, Tuck, Roll, Sigh

(17) All is well


Re: Prompts posts synergyfox July 2 2010, 06:12:49 UTC


Re: Prompts posts synergyfox July 2 2010, 06:17:05 UTC
I now have things to do while I hide from the high schoolers that are getting orient'ed tomorrow!


Re: Prompts posts hermionegmuggle July 3 2010, 08:13:07 UTC
Just read a fic where they 'claimed' Cara's last name was Mason? Did they ever address this on the TV series? Because Goodkind NEVER, EVER gave us Cara's last name. (Matter of fact he never gave us any of the Mord'Sith - or Sisters of the Light, Sisters of the Dark's last names. We just knew Richard, Zedd, Kahlan & of course Chase, and Darken).


Re: Prompts posts synergyfox July 3 2010, 15:32:53 UTC
We discover that Mason is her surname when Zedd does his cockblocker-I-mean powerful magic cos he doesn't wanna deal with evil Cara. He creates a reality where she was never Mord'Sith, narates and pisses everyone off about a comment when he sees Leo trying to woo Cara (who has two cute D'Haran children and is a school teacher). On lots_fem Ivonlix (sp?) Is writing an AU off of that AU where Zedd dies before he can redo the spell of undoing and Cara is named Seeker.

In the show he re-redos the spell to solve another problem but does it on Dahlia. Which while I don't like her a LOT on the show she still impacts show!caras life a lot. If they thought about it properly more than just Dahlia not being mordsith would have been undone.

Fucking Zedd.

So -cough- in a world where Cara is not Mord'Sith, she has a last name of Mason.


Re: Prompts posts synergyfox July 3 2010, 16:15:36 UTC
And another thing! at least show wise, cos I know she doesn't exist in the books If there's a season 3 they had better bring Dahlia back into play. Because her being non Mord'Sith paired with Cara would be epic. I mean if Cara can't have Kahlan, she can get a civilian... who happens to be from the same town... and... happens... to maybe... be... a bard >_> I have a thing for bards okay! who wouldn't after her?!


Re: Prompts posts hermionegmuggle July 3 2010, 16:43:28 UTC
Oh yes; now I remember. I did catch pit and pieces of part one of season two final. I remember someone (I forget whom) who said Cara (surname) Mason lived so and so. Seriously, Terry Goodkind NEVER gave us Cara's surname. (Guess when I write fan fiction for Cara's surname - I have use Mason - due to TV canon and all).

Seriously during Zedd's 'undo' spell - I feel that they should have remained in that reality for a bit more. Have Richard under Darken Rahl's control. Have Leo die. Then have Cara and Kahlan realize that they are in love (Now that's the TRUE SOULMATE love for both Cara and Kahlan) - then have Zedd do another 'undo' spell on Dahlia and bring the time line back to where it ended up for the final part of the season two final.

If Cara has to be paried with a woman = NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER that bitch of a whore Dahlia. (She willing HURT Cara). I would say bring Anna back from season one - and have her and Cara being in love with one another.


Re: Prompts posts synergyfox July 3 2010, 16:50:20 UTC
On the upside I remember reading somewhere that they asked Terry Goodkind what her last name would be. It was kinda like when Faith needed a last name and the group asked Joss Whedon and he was like -shrug- LeHane cos she's from Southie. They were like, "if Cara were never Mord'Sith, what would her last name be" and he was like "mason" but in a cooler way because he's cooler with words and stuff.

that would have been amazing (which is why i like ivonlix's so much cos they stay in that reality cos zedd get's offed) and off's all who would get between cara/kahlan

but in season 3 Dahlia wouldn't have ever hurttttttt Cara. I could deal with it if Dahlia never hurt Cara. Which one was Anna? Was that Chase's daughter?


Re: Prompts posts hermionegmuggle July 3 2010, 16:59:18 UTC
Okay; seeing how Terry Goodkind said Cara's surname was going to be Manson - then I'm not bothered too use Manson in fan fiction. (It's Terry Goodkind's canon now).

This is Anna.

Dahlia ALL READY hurt Cara. I don't forgive ANYONE whom has hurt Cara! I don't forgive Richard for hurting Cara in "fury". Doesn't matter if for some odd reason that if in season three they somehow write that Dahlia was not Mord'Sith (Zedd's 'undo' reality) - the fact that Dahlia HURT CARA!

What's the link too .... ivonlix's story.


Re: Prompts posts synergyfox July 3 2010, 17:05:41 UTC
Anna is shmexy!

Well true... but... but... hmm... well actually... now that you mentioned it... with the Dahlia hurting Cara thing... brings up that ep... with cockblocker!Zedd... in which Kahlan confesses Dahlia and is like 'well i could confess cara' all to fast might i add... i may have to write off that at some point... in which kahlan attempts to confess cara and fails...

http://ivanolix.livejournal.com/166882.html <- ch1
http://ivanolix.livejournal.com/167848.html <- ch2
http://ivanolix.livejournal.com/168563.html <- ch3
http://ivanolix.livejournal.com/170489.html <- ch4

:) and it's update regularly on lotsfemslashy ^_^


Re: Prompts posts hermionegmuggle July 3 2010, 17:34:07 UTC
Kahlan just had that look in her eyes when said "I could confess Cara". Kahlan's heart wasn't in the suggestion.


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