This was the worst day she had had in a long time. Hermione apperated inside her empty apartment. She looked around, it was clean as a whistle. There was nothing to do to distract herself from her thoughts.
She had co-hosted a party, that she ended up running when Lavender was nowhere to be found. She helped Harry navigate through his stupid, drunken stupor to get to through to his sensible side. She had spent the last two days living in the library uncovering who the Burning Man, well Men, might be. She had accidentally confronted Ron, which ended in disaster. She sent Harry off to on a near-wild goose chase after four muggle, witch-killing, cults, that may or may not be dead ends. She had kept a brave face for him, and congratulated him on his reunion with Skylar. She was completely and utterly used up. And now, what?
She felt the tears pouring down her face again. She walked over to her medicine drawer in her bedroom, and took a sleeping draught. Hermione was done.