The Archive Is Now Open!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sep 19, 2009 11:15

It's time! The archive is now open! We will be posting direct links to the Big Bang Fic/Art and Phase I Art/Fic throughout the afternoon, and we'll post a master list of each at the end. However, if you want to go ahead and start reading, the archive is here! It contains forty-seven big bang fics totalling more than a million words, over 100 pieces of creative artwork to illustrate the big bangs, and twenty-eight pieces of Phase I artwork with twenty-four fics to illustrate them! This is just amazing, so huge job well done to all of the participants!

You do NOT need to join the archive to read/view the fic/art. All commenting on fic/art will be done in the LJ post containing the header/link information so that the participants can keep track and reply. [Note: Leave comments for fic AND art in that post] We will be adding that link to every post in the archive throughout the day to make it convenient for our readers to leave comments for all the participants.

We strongly encourage everyone to step outside their normal comfort zones and read every fic [and comment!], as time allows, because the work is brilliant and the art is fantastic. The authors and artists put in a lot of time along with stress, tears, worries, and enjoyment, so we'd love for them to receive comments for all their hard work!

Below, we have new banners to pimp the challenge now that everything has gone live. Feel free to grab one and post it! We'd love to get word out so go forth and pimp like pimping things! Also, authors and artists, you can now post in your LJs to point to your fic/artwork here at hermionebigbang. Please remember that you can't post the fic/art anywhere other than our archive until September 30.

We hope that everyone has had fun with this challenge, and that you all enjoy the results of months of work on fic and art! Here's wishing Hermione a very happy 30th birthday! Now, go start reading and looking at the art! And don't forget to comment!

ETA: Just a warning to those of you who are watching the community - we've had over sixty fics, which is great! But it also means that the review posts for each fic will be showing up on your f-lists over the next few hours. Thanks for your understanding!

If you'd like to pimp the fest, please feel free to take the banners below!">" width="382" height="155" border="0"/>">" width="382" height="155" border="0"/>


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