Title: Green
acoustics1220 &
glockgal Pairing/Characters: George/Hermione, Fred/Angelina
Summary: George is finding that caring for his brother and running a business keep him too busy to look for love, but he finds it anyway.
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 36,408
Author's Notes: Thank you to my Britpicker,
angelbabe_cj for her tolerance, and my Beta,
featherxquill for
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I loved everything in this fic so much that it's hard to find a place to start. :P I love how naturally George and Hermione's relationship evolved, and I love how Fred tricked them into dating. That seemed like such a very Fred thing to do, and after seeing how much he'd changed, there was just that little glimpse of the old Fred still in there, and you could see how he's both the same person and different. You did that all along, too, but it was just that one moment at the ball that struck me. I think I teared up a little. ^_^
Other things - I loved George's proposal, and that he bought the ring Fred pointed out at the jeweler's. I loved the letters interspersed throughout, especially Fred and Hermione's corrospondence. And I loved beyond belief the green. Maybe because I just reread La Casa de Bernarda Alba (by Federico Garcia Lorca), in which the color green symbolizes life, sexuality, escape from hardship, freedom, etc., but I really noticed it every time green was mentioned. I think it has a similar symbolism in your fic as in Bernarda Alba, but thankfully it ends up showing Fred's (and everyone's) progress towards peace and hapiness (as opposed to in the play, where in shows how completely and utterly doomed the character is).
Anyways, the point of this whole rambling and probably slightly incoherent comment is that I really really liked your fic. And I can't wait to read any more little ficlets you have in this universe. I'm sure annafugazzi will rec them whenever you post them, but I might have to stalk you a little bit as well. ^_^
I appreciate every word of your rambling; you have no idea how worried I was that nobody would even read this. Stalk me all you want, I'm so thrilled that people are enjoying it! As soon as I can post this on my own LJ, I'll be putting up the next little fics.
And thank you, thank you! You made my day.
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