Doctor Who Meme: Day 24.

Jan 26, 2011 22:25

I'll get this finished one of these years.  Amusingly, this sort of meme came up in my poetry writing class.  Another girl does general ones on her blog, and I mentioned this one but I didn't mention how long it's taking.

Day 1 - Favourite Incarnation of the Doctor
Day 2 - Favourite Companion
Day 3 - Favourite Villain/Monster/Alien/Baddie of the Week
Day 4 - Favourite Character
Day 5 - Favourite Guest Star
Day 6 - Least Favourite Character
Day 7 - Favourite Episode
Day 8 - Favourite Series/Season
Day 9 - Least Favourite Episode
Day 10 - Favourite Scene/Moment
Day 11 - Scene/Moment that makes you cry
Day 12 - Scene/Moment that makes you giggle
Day 13 - Favourite Era visited by The Doctor & Co.
Day 14 - Fave Doctor Moment
Day 15 - Fave Rose Moment
Day 16 - Fave Martha Moment
Day 17 - Fave Donna Moment
Day 18 - Fave Amy Moment
Day 19 - Favorite Ship
Day 20 - Prettiest Scene
Day 21 - Favourite Location
Day 22 - Something Silly
Day 23 - Something Epic
Day 24 - Favourite Accessory of the Doctor's
Day 25 - Favourite Tardis Team
Day 26 - Scene/Moment that made you go 'awww'
Day 27 - Scene/Moment that made you go 'argh'
Day 28 - Favourite Series Arc
Day 29 - Favourite Music/Song
Day 30 - Why Do YOU Love Doctor Who

This is incredibly easy:


Not for phallic reason, perverts.  (Never mind the gif.)  I just think it's such a neat little gizmo that's great in a tight spot.  I know some might say it's a magic wand with technobabble to back it up, but I think it's so quintessentially Doctor Who.  Captain Kirk doesn't have one.  Luke Skywalker doesn't have one.  The Doctor does.  Because he's one of a kind.  Also, Nine and Ten's sonic screwdriver is my favorite (probably because it was my first), but I posted pictures of the other ones just because they do exist.

Oh, and here's a great video displaying it's awesome:

image Click to view

Nine gets the bronze for most uses!  YES!!!

video, meme, tv, doctor who

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