Jun 20, 2010 13:31
Day 12 - An episode you’ve watched more than 5 times: Heroes, "Company Man"
This one is pretty predictable. Yeah.
Basically, I really enjoyed that they took time out from all of the bazillion other storylines to focus just on HRG; they gave us enough of his past to fill in some blanks, but left plenty of mystery. It was like a 45-minute thriller film, so tightly written with an interesting noir feel to the flashbacks (the black & white filming may have helped). All attempts to repeat this episode failed fantastically---mainly, I think that's because they were trying to balance other stories along with those flashbacks, as well as the fact that you just can't top this episode. Also, this episode had Christopher Eccleston in it, which just makes everything better.
I think another possible answer to this question is the Ninth Doctor episode "The End of the World," but I've used Doctor Who way too many times in this meme. I just...really like that episode, even if no one ever talks about it. Jabe the Tree-Lady rocks my world. And it has The Sexy Lean.
doctor who,
claude rains,
ninth doctor