Title: Pretty Peter Prances
hermione_vader Fandom: Heroes
Characters: Peter Petrelli, Claude Rains
Rating: PG
Warnings: Some humorous crack.
Spoilers: None. It's set before "Unexpected."
Summary: Claude takes Peter to an unusual place for his training session. A concert, specifically.
"What does this have to do with training?" Peter asked, feeling confused.
"Well, let's see...I'll bet you didn't know that using your powers requires focus," Claude said sarcastically.
"Well, you've only told me about a thousand times!" Peter snapped. "But that still doesn't explain why we're here."
"God, you're thick," Claude sighed. "Through these doors there's a concert going on, yeah?"
"Yeah, so?"
"Concerts are noisy. You need to wander around in there and see if you can focus and block out all the noise."
"I get that, but why did we have to come to this concert?"
"Because---" Claude pushed the door to arena wide open and the sound of obnoxious pop music spilled out into the lobby. "The more annoying the music is, the more you want to block it out. C'mon." Claude walked in the arena and Peter followed, still feeling unsure of the situation.
Once they were in, their eardrums were assaulted by the unbelievably perky sounds of Hannah Montana.
"I pity all these parents," Claude shouted over the noise as he glanced around at the audience.
"What?" Peter hadn't understood a word he'd just said.
They just stood and stared at the ridiculous spectacle for a few minutes, and then Claude began shooing Peter further in the arena.
"Go on, go wander. I'll be right behind you." Claude motioned for him to go.
So Peter started meandering down the aisle, trying to pretend the incredibly bubbly music wasn't blasting in his ears. He tried to pick a power. He decided on flight. He tried to focus on flying, how it felt to move through the air, and tried to pretend he was on that roof again with Nathan in the street below. But the music was too much. The lalalas, the oohs, and the aahs couldn't get out of his head. It was invading his brain and he couldn't stop it.
Then Peter did a small leap. He thought maybe a couple more leaps could get him flying. So he tried it again. And the music was still eating at his mind; he couldn't focus on flying. Then he did a little twirl, and then a few tip-toe steps. And then he did a few kicks. And soon it was all connected and he was---what the hell was he doing?
He shouldn't be dancing, but the music, that awful, horrific, addictive, unstoppable, sugary pop music made him do it. Peter stopped and looked around and saw that people were staring at him. Wait, staring at him? Then where was---
"Time to go, Petrelli." Claude grabbed him roughly by the arm and dragged him out of the arena, through the lobby and out on to the street.
"What the hell was that in there?" Claude did not look happy. "You were supposed to be concentratin', not imitatin' the bloody Sugar Plum Fairy!"
"I know," Peter said nervously, "but the music was so...I don't know what happened."
"I don't know why I bother." Claude rolled his eyes. "But you have to admit, the looks on those parents' faces when they saw you were priceless. I saw one mother cover her little girl's eyes." He began laughing and Peter breathed a huge sigh of relief.