(no subject)

Jun 20, 2009 23:57

he I'm tired! it's 12 and i have donut duties in the morning which means proly 6 1/2 hours of sleep yays! wht am I trying to say....Umm children are overrated. I had to spend time with 3 little todlers last waak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think there's spiderin my hair get out outget out get out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

spider is dead. to freaked out to sleep so i'm gonna analyze.
  • ok tori is no mastermind
  • tori keeps secrets
  1. I tell tori things couldn't tell anyone else
  2. tori is an artist
  3. tori is very empathetic
  4. tori is the rock and suport group even for ted/jayson
  5. tori would be a fair and just slap bet comitioner

  • victor is not superstiaus
  • victor has no patiance for my theorys
  1. victor has a temper when it comes to anyone hurting his freinds but is very lovable and lade back
  2. victor it seems is very romantic
  3. victor cators to tori
  4. victor would not aprove of me throwing bear cans at pigons if I changed my views and randomly started doing that
  5. I don't want to get slapped by victor. would never make slap bet with him

hehe this has to be quoted

Barney: you could be slap bet comitioner.

Lily: oh cool! what are my poweres?

Barney: blah blah cant remember, you must take this seriusly Aldrin. on your tumb stone it will read Lily Aldrin, caring wife,devoted freind, and just slap bet comitioner.

Marshal:(smiles evily) your tomb stone;s gonna read, slapped by Marshal so hard he died.

and this one couse I just thought of it

Barney: (slaps marshal) Ha are you crying?!

Marshal: (crying) no! *sniffle* your gonna cry...
had to add this one!


theorys, himym

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