dtrumps wrote
Let Sleep Claim Me. following the final battle, Hermione seeks rest (Ron/Hermione, G)
mandy_jg wrote
Worth The Risk. "I always knew you were a fan of pro/con lists, but this is different, never thought you'd do one for this." (Fred/Hermione, G)
padmasamadhi wrote
Furry Little Problem. "I wish I had seen you when that cat thing happened to you. I only heard rumours, but it sounded adorable." (Hermione/Padma, PG)
rarity wrote
Back. Ron seeks out Hermione, and then brings her back. (Ron/Hermione, PG13)
reallycorking &
mudblood428 drew
"Troll in the Dungeon!" (Harry, Ron, Hermione, G)
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