-Only use the image provided. Stock pictures, Textures, Brushes ETC are allowed.
-Don't post your icon anywhere untill voting is over. If you do so you will be disqualified.
-Icons must fit LJ standards (100x100 etc)
-Only submit an icon if your name is listed on the sign up post. If you fail to submit an icon, and haven't asked for a skip, then you will be eliminated. You can only use a skip if post a request for one on the skip post.
-Post your icon as a comment to this post only. Make sure you post as IMGSRC form and the URL.
-You can only submit one icon. However, you may change the icon until the voting is up.
-All icons must be submitted by Thursday, April 3rd. Voting will go up the next day.
((Any Questions? Post as a separate comment.))
Need to Submit:
silverwindsongs YOU MAY NO LONGER USE SKIPS!