Jul 31, 2005 13:00
yes, I finally have a cellphone...yay...so If u guys want to talk to me...well, u know the number.
today I might go to the gym with Joshua...well, most likely. he said he was gonna call me back. ummmm....so, I don't know...if anything, I'll just saty home and watch movies...u know...some time 4 myself.
On Tuesday I'm going to the Hilary Duff concert!!!!!!!!!!!!!yay!!!!with Diana....really close to the stage I must add....lol, I'm really excited....
And finally, today is J.K. rowling's b-day, as well as Harry Potter's!!!!Harry B-day to both of u!!!!!!!
so, I hope u all had a good weekend...and me....lol, I'll update after the concert!!!!!!!!