My last week of school...COSTUME PICUS

Jul 06, 2008 20:20

Well, after I shook my laptop with many angry glares it works again and so I FINALLY can post my first costume pics I promised.
(that wasn't entirely my Mum's laptop fault but took even more time because he was a little bitch.)
(BTW: it was a virus^^°)

Well okay, as a little reminder this were the topics of the different days:
1. Doctors and Accidents
2. Heroes of your childhood
3. Mafia
4. Pirates
5. Schoolgirls

Hihi^^ That were my costumes and I almost made it to cosplay a actual character everday....if it wasn't for the topic change to Mafia on Wednesday...^^°
But anyway I loved ALL of my costumes *hihi*^^ (although House was highly improvised *grin*)

The next stuff I'm going to post with pics is:
RedArrow and Sailor Moon pics (mooore SailorMoon pics^^)
SPIEL 07 pics (Joker-TheBatman Version, Robin OYL suit +Nightwing, Superboy+Impulse, Batman+Robin)
ComicSalonErlangen 08/ Fantasydays 08 (Impulse?+Superboy?; WonderWoman!!!+Supergirl, Robin+Beastboy, Fred+GeorgeWeasley civi-outfits)

(BTW: I hate when all my plans fall apart....hetearia and me are planning to do Fred+George Quidditch Uniforms and NOBODY  (of 3 possibilities) can knit us the sweaters in time *sucks* at least I got brooms VERY cheap at ebay *grr*)

cosplay, real life

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