Republicancer or: why negotiating with hostage-takers is bad

Jan 04, 2011 00:02

The Rethugs got their tax-cut-for-the-ultra-rich by threatening economic ruin (by taking the middle-class tax cut and unemployment insurance hostage), not to mention holding up medical care for 9/11 first reponders, and giving material aid and comfort to nuclear terrorists (through their obstruction of the New START treaty).  Yes, we got these things passed finally-- but only after acquiescing to the Rethugs' demand for a deficit-exploding giant giveaway to the ultra-rich.

Their tactics were beyond repellent; they arguably qualified as outright treason. AND THEY WORKED!  Those tactics worked-- we rewarded hostage-takers--- and no surprise, they took another hostage.  Now they are threatening to force the country into bankruptcy, which will also have some pretty dire consequences for the whole world economy.

Has anyone ever seen Torchwood: Children of Earth?  Well, this is the same principle. If they get their way this time, what do you think they'll take hostage next? 

hostage_taking, republicancer, appeasement, disloyal_republicans

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