READ THIS Wikileaks story is flashy, and probably loaded with all kinds of entertainingly sordid details, but I'm a little focused on the whole not dying a nuclear apocalypse thing. Plame lays out the case for the treaty-- it's pretty cut and dried, and it's not a coincidence that treaties like this almost always pass unanimously or near unanimously -- or they did before it became so easy to play such extreme hardball politics so very far beyond the water's edge.
Frankly, I think this needs to be the first priority, and I think that every loyal US citizen ( and really everyone who is loyal to this planet , because the actions of the traitor Kyl threaten the entire world with nuclear annihilation) has a responsibility to keep it on the front page.
Repost this story. Write letters to your editor about it . Call your Senators today: insist on a vote on this at once. Ask Republicans if they will denounce Kyl, and repudiate his actions; ask Democrats to commit to voting for censure or expulsion of the traitor Kyl, once his plot to sabotage our national security in order to score cheap political points has been foiled.
Your senators vowed to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic," and I can imagine no more virulent domestic enemy than one willing to give material aid and comfort to domestic terrorists worldwide for political gain. The traitor Kyl swore to "bear true faith and allegiance to [the Constitution of the United States]," but he has proven beyond the slightest shadow of a doubt that his allegiance is to his class and his party and his political career, the last of which must end quickly and definitively if we are not to be at the mercy of the most unscrupulous, the most morally reprehensible, the most shamelessly vile elements in this country.
Read it. Repost it. Call your Senators.