Nov 02, 2010 01:04
There is NO excuse to sit this one out! I can't remember a time when there was more daylight between the two parties.
The GOP is getting lots of soft money advertising from the foreign companies that benefit when YOUR JOB gets moved overseas, and they are getting that soft money because they are willing to sell us out. The candidates that the Chamber Of Commerce (this is not your local chamber of commerce, this is mostly Asian companies that get the contract to do the job you used to get paid for doing before your employer chose to take advantage of the tax breaks that Republicans give companies that move their operations to the country with the lowest labor standards That's what the "U.S." Chamber of Commerce is) are anyone who might try to keep jobs in the US by any means other than giving companies that move your job overseas more tax breaks. These are not American companies and they don't give two shits about the US economy. If it's more profitable to suck us dry, they will (continue to) suck us dry. These are the real welfare queens-- welfare pays about half of Wal-Mart's payroll expenses. These are the real foreign usurpers. These are the real anti-Americans.
Carly "demon sheep" Fiorina has already moved thousands of jobs overseas when she was with HP (you know, before she got shitcanned for trashing HP's reputation by putting out a shoddy foreign-made product). They love Fiorina. They know she'll sell you out, she's already sold out 10,000 or more Americans.
If the Repugnantkl Republicans get their way, the only thing this country is going to export will be jobs. If we don't make anything, we don't have an economy-- people buying imported shit on credit at Wal-Mart is not an economy. It CAN happen here-- feudal systems have been the status quo for most of history since the Neolithic-- we have no reason to believe that democracy will survive, other than US.
The danger is real, but we do have a chance-- the pollsters are making the same stupid mistake that led to the infamous "Dewey defeats Truman" headline (i.e. polling only people with landlines, which is once again not a representative sample), but it will be close.
The enemy has huge resources-- foreign companies that benefit when your employer moves your job overseas are trying to buy the election so that they can finish sucking our economy dry-- they want to make us serfs on the Wal-Mart plantation, trapped in eternal debt servitude. They are like the kid who wished for all the money in the world and then they had nobody to trade with-- but they're okay with that. They are perfectly comfortable being feudal lords. The only thing stopping them is YOUR VOTE and to any US citizen reading this, THIS MEANS YOU! Don't count on someone else to do it.
I say again, vote motherfuckers, VOTE! We are outspent, the odds look bad, but this is AMERICA, DAMMIT, and that means WE THE PEOPLE (the majority, not just some noisy fringe group) RULE! Are we going to just roll over and let some foreign corporate scumbags take over our country so they can drain the last of the lifeblood out of our economy.Are we going to cringe at Sharron Angle's vabgue threats of "second amendment remedies" and Rand Paul's jackbooted thugs? Are we going to let the bullies win because they have power?
I say, HELL NO! Hell no to the Repugs and their foreign masters. Hell no to TP thugs who would rule us by threat. Hell no to the six media conglomerates that think they can erase dissent.