I aten't dead

Oct 14, 2014 00:01

It's just that so much has happened and keeps happening.

And LJ has become something that I can ignore, which is sad. (I miss it, but...)

Anyway, back to the things that keep happening--no, there's too much. Let me sum up.

I'm in nursing school. (Oh, yeah--I got in.) It's HARD.

I'm writing. Intermittently. Also hard. (But I'm really happy with the stories I'm working on.)

I'm having a complex emotion response to a particular relationship that is ostensibly a friendship but was otherwise once and there are underlying unresolved issues, and oh, yeah, I'm fairly certain I'm not, but I might kind of be a little bit in love and that's actually not a good thing, because I really shouldn't also be this angry about it--but that's born out of the resentment over those unresolved things plus the fact that I know it will not go anywhere... and I'll be over here, self-analyzing, thanks.

I moved into a new place and have a roommate. So far, this is a good thing.

I'm just this side of flat broke. This is a worrisome thing. Have a job interview on Wednesday, since I need to get more money in, but damn, I'd rather not have to work, you know? But then, having a job would force me to budget my remaining time more wisely, which would be helpful. I do much better when I have some external restrictions. I've gotten better at self-regulating, but not nearly as good as I'd like.

On the whole, I'm happy, and the trajectory of my life seems to be going in a positive direction. But I am so tired of so many things, and right now, I have not got the time to deal with them.

I have my first nursing school midterm tomorrow morning, for pathophysiology. Which, of course, is part of why I'm posting to LJ. I mean, I already scrubbed and bleached the bathtub yesterday.

life happens

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