Feb 28, 2012 21:30
I'm looking at my finances and wondering if it's really a good idea to go to WisCon this year after all.
I had unexpected car troubles in January that meant that I spent money I could have used to pay for WisCon. I keep looking at my bank statement and getting slightly terrified at how it's so much smaller than it used to be. The move was expensive... about twice what I had originally thought. And setting up house is always spendy. And never mind quotidian costs. And textbooks! Ay ay ay.
Part of me wants to say, "Screw it!" and use my mileage points to pay for it. The rest of me is--"You'd still need to pay for the room, food, books, and whatnots, and how about using those to take a trip or two home, hmmm?"
I am strongly considering that it might be best, long-term for me, to just stick to local cons while I'm a student. That should be okay to continue to network. I could make a triumphal return to WisCon when I've got an income again...
You know, I really hate that I have to worry about money again. And yes, I am fully aware of how privileged I am to have had a period in my life where money wasn't an issue. Sadly, that's over for now.
Oh well.
Hmmm. I might have just decided to skip WisCon this year. I'm going to have to think about that a bit more.
being a grown up,