Today is
Celebrate Bisexuality Day.
It's a little reminder that bi folks exist, even if we are often cleverly camouflaged as straight or gay people.
It's a day to tear down fences and play in the entire yard, damn it. Love cares not for plumbing! We're not confused--we're just happy to see you! (And him! And her! Oooh, and...)
But seriously, I celebrate this because I don't know any other way of being that makes sense for me, that fits, that makes me so happy to be in my own skin.
It may not be how most people are, but I love it. By nature, I tend toward monogamy, which means I can often disappear into either end of the spectrum, but despite that, I'm still always somewhere in the middle. Kinsey 3, ±1, variable by lunar phase, time since last meal, geographic location, declination and right ascension of Venus, relative hotness of persons in line-of-sight, pollen count, and just plain mood.
In other words: Dude, people are hot, who cares what kind of plumbing they've got if it's their person that's attractive?
Sometimes, I feel the luckiest man in the world.