Dresden Files RPG is out

Jun 25, 2010 08:55

Attention Harry Dresden fans who are also gamers: The DRESDEN FILES RPG came out this week. It's a two-volume set that is in full color and is printed on glossy paper. It's based on the FATE system (SPIRIT OF THE CENTURY), which is based on FUDGE. It looks beautiful, and is well written. The meta-presentation of the game is amusing: Billy the Werewolf has made the game as a training aid for new supernaturals, and he, Harry, and Bob make comments throughout the book.

It's a bit pricey, though: The first volume, YOUR STORY, which contains all the rules, is $49.99, while the second volume, OUR WORLD, which contains all the background material, is $39.99. I set aside some money for this game a while back, mostly because I'm a Dresden fan, but also because I hope to be able to run a session or two; folks with casual interest in the game might want to peruse it in your local store before committing to it.

Other than that, I'm doing well.
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