Jun 08, 2008 19:36
Absolute diddly squat. This afternoon was rather frustrating.
This morning was fine. Woke up, went to Holy Trinity to sing with the choir at the South African service. Got a ride to St. Bart's. Had lunch at Whole Foods. Rushed some work on my fourth step. Went by my storage unit, on the off-chance that I might be able to get in (the 8th of the month is the cut-off day). Amazingly, my code still worked.
Went back to St. Bart's. Waited for my sponsor. No show. Called her. Apparently, she conveyed the idea that we would have to change our usual Sunday meeting time when she started school. She's apparently started school. I called my housemate to tell her that yes, I could get into the storage unit. Called around. Finally found a truck I could borrow.
After the meeting, housemate picked me up. Went and got the truck. Put gas in it. Drove to storage unit. NOW I'm locked out. What a difference three hours makes. Took the truck back. Went by the old apartment to get the mail that was supposed to be there for me. No one knew of it, or where it was. Person I've been communicating with was not there. I was hoping that one of these pieces of mail would be my state tax refund. But for now, I have no idea. Good thing, though, was it made me realize how grateful I am to be away from David's Den. The phone and the electricity bills have not been paid. The guys are borrowing electricity from the tenant across the hall with a couple of long extension cords. No air conditioning. No phone. All the food in the fridge went bad. Thank God I'm not there anymore.