interview me

Jan 20, 2007 13:16

The Rules:

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your journal with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.


Ria's interview:

1. If you could go back in time, what era would you want to be in & what would you do?
-> I would love to go back to the fifties. For me it's a decade full of life and transitions. There're amazing music, old-school-style stuff to do (old school bowling, inline skating, jitterbug), cool fashion and a lot of stardom opportunities.

2. What was the most stupid thing you ever did for love?
-> I've never done anything stupid for love.

3. If you could instanlty be fluent in one language, what would it be?
-> Spanish, with that fairly distinct Colombian accent. I love the way Latinos and Latinas speak Spanish. It's kinda sexy and sultry to listen to, and somehow I hope I could do that too. Besides I also have a bit of Latino blood in me so why not accentuate it?

4. What is the one thing in the world you can't live without?
-> Coffee. Even though it's forbidden for me as of this moment, I could never EVER survive life without having a sip of even the bitterest coffee. It keeps me functioning everyday and it's also my anti-depressant.

5. Do you have any weird habits? What are they?
-> I have a habit of twitching my nose whenever I think. I also have the OC habit of using my own pronunciations for some words (for example, I say "skeesors" instead of "seesors" for scissors).

From Stef:

1, If you could chose anyone in our batch to take to the prom (and that person would say yes), who would it be? 
-> Uh, I prefer not to reveal this on the Net. Haha. Sorry. Lol. But my closest friends know who this girl is.

2. Who would you rather be, Saddam Hussein or Osama Bin Laden?
-> Osama. For one, Osama is still alive. Plus, Osama is, in my opinion, a more brilliant strategist and terrorist than Saddam. (Saddam could never pull off a WTC stunt.)

3. Which famous rockstar would you like to be?
-> I would love to be Freddie Mercury, lead singer of Queen. Queen is my ultimate favorite rock band for life, and I think that Freddie Mercury is the greatest rock singer that ever lived. I love his voice, I love how he sings and how we uses his charismatic appeal on stage.

4. Who would you pick to star as you in a movie?
-> Me. There's only one person in this world who can actually speak my voice, and that's me.

5. What place would you like to live in aside from here? 
-> I would die for an opportunity to live in Switzerland. I love the country. It's so peaceful and so neutral that's why it has remained untouched by wars since eternity began. The atmosphere there is clean and safe, and the environment is heavenly and divine.


From Eica

1. If you were given a million dollars, what would you spend it on?
-> I would buy a mansion in Switzerland, one that costs nine hundred thousand dollars. The remaining money will be spent on stuff for the house, like furniture, appliances, kitchenware, etc.

2.) If you could be any WOMAN for one day, who would you be? (haha!)
-> I would be Hilary Duff. What I would love to do as Hilary is to use my money and buy tons of food to gain some weight so that I won't look like an anorexic horse. I would also have my shoulders resized. Oh, and voice lessons would also be nice.

3.) What is something weird about yourself?
-> Hear me say a word. That's all I'm gonna say.

4.) Do you miss web design? Because I do.
-> I do too! Haha. I miss being in control of my own world. I miss coding my own codes, laying out my own layouts, and blogging using the old style of blogging. Haha.

5.) Which movie star would you date?
-> Keira Knightly. Oh crap I'm drooling right now. Hahahahaha.


I'm gonna go back to slumbering now. I seriously need a LOT of hours of sleep. Coffee + stress + school are taking tolls in my nightly slumber sessions
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