four days down, three hundred sixty-one to go

Jan 04, 2007 20:04


It's been four days since the new year started, and those four days felt like a MILLION. Seriously time has moved a little bit slower this year (well, at least, for me) and honestly I'm getting really tired already... And to think the third term has barely even begun.

It's quite crappy actually to think that this term is our last term EVER in Zobel. Three months from now we'll be posing in "kenkoy poses" while clutching that diploma in our hand and flaunting those togas. Wahahaha I don't wanna think about those yet... LOL although I have decided on my "kenkoy pose" already (and I ain't revealing it till grad day itself! HAHA)


For the second year in a row, I was asleep when midnight struck during January 1. I felt really pissed, actually, but eventually let go of that. It's just midnight, for crying out loud. The other remaining minutes and hours of 2007 are more important.

Still I wasn't able to jump and eat thirteen grapes and fill my pockets with coins.


So anyway school has started and we're like few of the very few students who went to school this early in the year. How I hate the schedule. I lack sleep and I feel like I'm about to faint every single step of the way. (I don't look like that type of person but seriously you have no idea how badly my body wants to collapse.) And whenever I am about to sleep, I lose the desire to sleep and therefore I don't get my sleep. Stupid body clock. But I guess in college I'll be lacking tons and tons of sleep so I guess I have to get used to it one of these days.


MOST CONTAGIOUS MENTAL DISEASES (even the smartest and wisest people even catch these diseases!):

1. sabawness
2. sleepiness
3. slothness
4. vanity
5. LSS

haha la lang
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