Oct 06, 2008 19:49
Why is PreCalc so easy? I have never taken a class this easy at County Day before. Are we slipping? Am I smarter? I really miss math that is hard. Maybe now I've jinxed myself and it'll get really hard all of a sudden.
I love Lancaster. I'm glad to be in school. I really am. But right now I just wish it was still August, when I was in NYC during the week and home on the weekends and constantly seeing people that I love. I need to go to the city soon, November is too far away. I've been saving up for a good pair of black pumps (because my old ones have DIED! The ones that I wear every other day! Broken beyond repair!), but I think I might, once again, put the money to train tickets.
Also, everyone should download iTunes 8, and watch the visualizer. It is so. good. But be warned, though, if you think you can put it up in the background while doing homework, you are sorely mistaken. The next thing you know, you'll realize that three hours have passed and you have no work done. It's that good. I recomend Radiohead or TV On the Radio as good visualizer bands.
itunes visualizer,