Nov 23, 2004 12:39
Alrighty, I'm slowly getting back into work mode, I've only got 3 shifts this week, I would have had 9 but I can't do my shifts on the weekend at the Pub, cause I'm off to Port Stevens for the Festival. I am SOOOOO excited about it, I know I still have to go and get pressies for people, but I have music, I have costumes, and I have a knowledge of the books etc, it's just going to be so good to see so many friends again.
Now!!! I'm trying to call camp people, now I don't know the new time difference, I think I have it right, but I can never tell. The thing I need to know, is WHEN should I try to catch you guys. PLEASE, I really miss talking to you all, and considering as I'm back here, and haven't spoken to anyone but my wonderful Polly, whom has kept me sane without all of you crazy people, I want to call. If you get the chance, please send me a time and a number to call you on. Thanks,