Jun 14, 2011 08:53
Day 2 in JiuZhaiGou started early. We got up for breakfast at our hotel and there was a recurring theme with the meals. They always consisted of a tofu dish, 2 or 3 cabbage dishes and then a wild card or 2. This was true for every meal. For breakfast the wild cards were steamed bread and rice porridge. To give my stomach a break, I went with the two bland wild cards. It was satisfactory. We got on the bus and headed to JiuZhaiGou park. On the way, our fearless tour guide told us not to waste our money at this place b/c the stuff sold there wasn't very good. It would later be revealed why he stated this. We arrived at the entrance and you could sense the beauty before going in. We were told what would be the best route of action and we took a bus to the highest point of one of three trails. We teamed up with two college girls that had also sat at the back of the bus (I like having a window to open). They were great, or should I say Mia was great. Nothing against her friend, but Mia could speak some English, very well in fact, but didn't have the confidence. Oh, how I could relate. Her friend spoke none. E talked to them both, so she could speak better on the matter of Mia's friend. But she seemed very nice.
We began walking down this path of the mountain and no matter what angle you looked, you would have a photogenic moment. It was awesome, in the literal sense. I was at a loss for words. I frustrated the group sometimes because I would be taking video or photos. There were gorgeous lakes, waterfalls and forests with moss. We could walk a wooden plank walkway or go back to the road and catch a bus going down if the next stop was too far. We stayed with the girls until lunchtime. E and I decided to go to the visitor center inside the park and grab lunch. This is where a magical moment happened. We decided to shell out extra money for a buffet and went to go eat. The food was outstanding, especially compared to our hotel. My hunger decided to come back at that moment. I was scarfing down food like there was no tomorrow. We both left full and happy.
The other two trails were nice, but nothing could compare to the first one. Our day ended at the park and we headed back to the hotel. That night, we went to a variety show. It was okay, but they filled the room with artificial smoke. That caused me to cough for the next few days. It was a very noisy show because they provided everyone with plastic clappers. Very noisy and, considering their purpose, very effective. We were to head back to Chengdu in the morning. Thus beginning the worst day of the trip, hands down.
Apparently, my thought of it appearing that our guide had made deals with that family and the hotel were spot on. I was thinking we would get to Chengdu by early afternoon. Our leader had something else in mind. On Chinese tours, they make deals with vendors and promise to bring their clients to these places to not only try to buy stuff, but also have them sit in a room and listen to sale pitches. Thus began my almost meltdown.
Our first stop was a crystal place, very expensive. It started the spiral of rage for two reasons: 1. They forced everyone off the bus (E didn't want me to refuse and start trouble) and 2. our bus driver locked the bus, so we couldn't get back on for almost 2 hours. I am stuck standing around smokers. Everyone is ticked, but no one goes to get our driver. I can't b/c I only studied Mandarin for a month. Eventually we get back on the bus and head out. At the time, I did not know we would do this 4 more times. So each time we stopped, I got angrier. Another thing that got me raging was our guide. He took great exception when people bought stuff at JiuZhaiGou park and didn't buy stuff at the crystal place. He gave a long speech (which E didn't translate fully for me at the time, smart move) about how we were disrespecting him and he respected us by not dropping us off anywhere and leaving us. I would have destroyed him, the bus driver and the crony. Maybe not the bus driver, but definitely the other two. Got to get home somehow.
We then proceed to a medicinal place where 'doctors' tell you what is wrong with you and prescribe herbs and natural remedies. I am fuming, but Mia was nice enough to lighten the mood by talking and goofing with us. Then we go to a yak comb warehouse. It reeked, both in what they sold and the smell. Next was a yak meat store, that we actually bought some meat for Aunt 7 and her cousin. We did this also because E wanted to make sure got home and pleased the tour guide. I didn't like the latter reason, but hey, two birds. Finally, we went to a jade place. In the middle of their sales pitch, the saleswoman was interrupted by someone saying that the owner was going to come speak to us. He was a man that worked in the gambling business and had opened some casinos in the US. He turned out to be a very scrawny, moderately tall man that began speaking about his sick grandpa. I was very incredulous about that story. He gave us a free jade coin and had us go shop. I needed to use the restroom, so I didn't follow the group. E did and while in there, they appeared to lock the doors. E was worried it was a buy something or never leave. Actually, only one door was locked, so she escaped.
We were about to leave the final spot and our guide gave us a survey. I was ready to have fun with that, but 'Cool Head' E decided to do it herself and give satisfactory marks. I was just ready to get out of here, so I let it pass. Two things then occurred on the way to home. Our tour guide (who gave us the survey just before) came asking for 300RMB more for the room. We had heard of him gouging other people, so this came only at a small shock. E called our travel agent, who called his boss. Then he called back saying we owed nothing. We think this was underhanded, because he acted very timid after that fact. Hopefully he got reamed. Secondly, because these forsaken visits to vendors took so long, we got stuck in the worst gridlock I had seen.
On two lane roads, Chinese like to pass like crazy, even if it is on a twisting road on the side of a cliff. They were passing so much that everyone going our direction occupied both lanes fully. Shockingly, there were cars that wanted to go the opposite way. When that happened, everyone was stuck until they merging of the lanes could occur. This happened 6 times on one road to Chengdu. What should have taken 3 hours to travel, took almost 7. Then add other elements.
They had a tv and speakers over every seat. There is danger about falling asleep when ascending, so they blasted bad music videos to keep everyone awake. Well, on the way to Chengdu, they decided why waste our time with variety, and instead play 5 sure-fire fan favorites and then cycle them? I was in a personal hell. Each song was worse than the previous. While we were in gridlock, they would play them, so loud that we couldn't watch a movie on my computer b/c we couldn't hear it. I did everything I could to muffle the speaker. I used my hand, my coat and even my foot, helps being flexible, but nothing would work. Thankfully, my wife kept me calm, again. Beating the snot out of them would have felt so right, but it wouldn't help the situation otherwise. Eventually, they shut off the music to conserve the battery power, so that lessened the pain.
In its stead, an ambulance was stuck behind us, with lights and siren blaring. No one would pull over for it. It was stuck right next to us and the sound came right into my window. Again, nothing I could do to muffle it. It would give up hope after a while and turned off its lights, then its siren a bit of time later. I would have preferred those actions to have been switched. Eventually, the cops began getting order to this and we got through the last gridlock. The bus did not run out of gas, as I had feared, and we made it back to Chengdu. Instead of taking the last few of us to our destination, our tour guide gave us some taxi fare and told us where to go. We said goodbye to Mia and her friend and left for our hotel. A 3 star that looked like a 6 star after our stay in JiuZhaiGou. We slept comfortably, except for the fact that we had another tour to go on, the next morning.