Mar 27, 2004 22:00
By the title, you can probably tell this wasnt my best day. First of all, i went over to my friends out, he wanted to be inside, and i wanted to go outside because it was such a nice day. But, over this little hissy fit, he is really mad at me. But once again, ive learned that real friends have arguements and thats what makes them stronger. so, we ended up making a compromise and we jogged to Bilo, (which is kinda far) and it ended up being ok. He is still kinda mad at me ,though, but a lot of people are mad at me ,so im used to it. Another bad thing happened, but im not gonna tell everybody, or I would end up like Kevin Russel or Andrew Snyder or something. One last thing, i spilled salsa on my almost kinda new hoodie. Right now, your probably thinking, "big whoop." But it wasnt like a little bit. I spilled a JAR of salsa on it. "jar" being the key word in that sentence. Well, that wraps things up for today, maybe the tommorow will be cooler. Got paper boy duty tommorow, so im crashin early.