gifts etc

Dec 18, 2007 01:19

Andre gave me his old mp3 player after he had purchased a new one. I had a nice day with it today, but it seems to be broken, since it turned itself off (although it had a relative new battery) and doesn't want to be turned on again *sigh*. Well one day is better than nothing :)

My roomy brought me a KODT comic magazine and I read Noah Antwiler's column on the Bab5 movies. This was the second point, where it wasn't really a rant at all and henceforth not such a funny read as normally. But  it still was a nice enough. I can't think I would agree on the movies, since I never liked Lochley, but I totally agree on JMS (blessed be his name). And I love what Straczynski (praise to his name) does with Spiderman, no matter what the majority of his fans might think or not. But Noah's right when he says that the whole point of Bab5 was character interaction and long time plot. So why even bother with making a stand alone movie about one of the characters?
I yet have to finish reading the comics, but Noah's my main reason to read nowadays anyway.

Things I learned last week: Benny (One of Andre's cats) loves Tom Baker's Doctor. He sat before the TV for a whole episode of Logopolis and watched fascinated.

Classic Who: Castrovalva:
This was a stronger start for Davison, than Logopolis was as an end for Baker. The story is solid. The companions are great. (Yes even Adric. It is kind of heroic how he wants to sacrifice himself for the Doctor). Tegan is a bit too enthusiastic about helping the Doctor, when you think of the fact, that she doesn't even know him. Nyssa is much better in trousers and after she lost her little tiara thingy. This way she looks as if she could get some other thing done, than laying flowers at the feet of statues. I still wonder why none of them seems to wonder about the regeneration process.
In my personal fanon, the Doctor had a new zero room installed afterwards. (He had the opportunity and it's far to practical not to have around)
Oh and i loved how they played the evil librarian card all the time and in the end the librarian is the good one. I never saw the Master disguised as Portreeve coming. The old guy was so much like the head mathematician in Logopolis I never doubted him once :)

Audio: Chimes of Midnight:
I listened to episode three today and. .. WOW. Now I had a cliffhanger in the middle of the episode (Of course the Doctor survives being shot at, it'a classical episode ending nonetheless). A Doctor who wants to flee the problem rather then solving it because it freaks him out and a living house.
I can totally sympathize with the Doctor, when Charley got sucked into this thing and she readily agreed to kill him, I was chilled to the bones.

Still not very good on the Christmas present front *sigh*. Next week will be hell.

At least lj and teaspoon keep me entertained. Meme's are a fun way to kill some time. I think I will do one in the near future.

And a little ficlet I just wrote...
The Doctor is . . .

. . . an old, rather grumpy man, who cannot stand it, when people keep arguing with him. It is rather pointless since he knows best after all. Sometimes people are surprised, that he has a warm sense of humour and really cares about them, but that doesn't bother him. He isn't half as impatient with their faults as it seems sometimes. They are but children compared to him after all.

. . . a funny little man, who loves all his friends dearly, but most of all the young boy, who had lost everything, but never looked back and embraced his new life. He loves music in all it's shapes and just sometimes he allows people to see, that he is far from a clown. He is a wanderer and he loves to discover the unknown every day. There are in fact very few things he doesn't love about his life.

. . . a handsome gentleman. He loves to wear elegant clothes - cuffs and velvet - and his voice is smooth and warm as velvet, too. He enjoys, that the young, pretty women look up to him and he is a wise and patient teacher to them. He has style in everything he does and he regrets that his friend, who was like him in so many ways had to end up on the wrong side. But he appreciates to have a worthy enemy.

. . . absolutely in control. His changes and mood swings are hard to follow for other people sometimes, but that's just to be expected, since he is a genius. He only ever has one companion, since with him and his ego it would get a bit crowded otherwise. Nevertheless he is easily lovable, because he is not only an egomaniac, but eccentric and enthusiastic and generous and he has a robot dog.

. . . young and vulnerable. He sees his companions as his equals and they help him to cope with the world. All around him hell breaks loose all the time and he wished it wouldn't, since he seems always to only be able to react to the circumstances and he wouldn't be able to manage without them. Which is why he can't stand the thought of loosing them.

. . . totally sure of himself. He doesn't care what others think of him. He is the Doctor. He is a genius, a Time Lord, at the height of his development. So there really is no reason why he should care about other people's tastes. Secretly he does of course. He cares about a very few selected people and what they think of him, to the point where he drinks carrot juice for their peace of mind, although he hates it and it doesn't even do his Time Lord physiology any good.

. . . a manipulator pretending to be a clown. Fighting the evil by all means necessary. He does everything to defeat evil and he doesn't take the luxury of the 'moral high ground' He knows that that kind of thinking can get you killed. And he can't afford that. He lives a lonely life, he never allows anyone really close. Because when he has to, he even uses his friends as tools and they can never understand, that despite his cunning deceitful mind, it still breaks his hearts, when he has to do this.

. . . childlike and naïve. He discovers so many things as if it was the first time and he loves the humans race. He wants to help the people around him, everyone. Even if giving them certain glimpses of their future is - technically speaking - cheating. He doesn't care, he wants to make people's lives better. He is happy and wants to see them happy, too. Luckily his joy is contagious.

. . . broken. He is bitter and doesn't want to live any more. He just helps the people, because he doesn't really know how to stop after all this years. The Doctor is a hurt, bitter man with a Northern accent and a leather jacket as his armour. And when he met her, she healed him, she taught him to be himself again. And in the end he learned to accept who he was and embrace life once more.

. . . bouncy and rude. He tends to be insensitive to other people's feelings and it gets him into all kind of trouble. When he slows down too much, he remembers, what he has lost and that still hurts. He is after all a coward when it comes to feelings, so most of the time he prefers not to stop, not to think.
But no matter what the universe pushes his way, one thing will always stay the same - for one reason or the other - he is the Doctor, champion and protector of those in need.

advent, doctor who, fanfic

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