Morgen fic

Feb 24, 2010 22:59

This is a little snippet, that I wrote for Morgen. I'm not yet sure if this is more of a fanfic or an actual piece of one of the episodes, but it gives a pretty good impression of the main characteristic for most of the major characters.


Ben Morgen looked at his two colleagues. “If you had to choose between saving the life of someone or rescuing the last existing copy of Shakespeare's complete works out of a fire, what would you do?”

Thomas immediately fired back: “Are there any incomplete compilations that would survive? If so which part of his work would we loose? What about films based on his plays, quotes in books, comics, songs etc.? Modern variations like West Side Story?”

Nicolas looked at him in shock. “Saving the person of course - How could anyone think there was a choice?”


Egghead gave him an ironic smirk. “Watched too much Woody Allen again? Well the answer is neither - why would I risk my life to save anyone or anything?”

Kaa wasn't satisfied with that. “And if you knew that there was no risk involved?”

“The person of course. I could easily type down Shakespeare's works again - in several variations including typos. And I'd have a grateful bimbo to do my biding while everyone considered me a hero.”


Vincente Marosso looked at him. “What a curios person you are Kaa, wasting your time with such riddles. - The last existing copy of Shakespeare would be worth more than even I can imagine, why should I help some idiot that probably started the fire himself by smoking in his bed or leaving the electric cooker on?”


Akako Shiro just sneered at him. “You are a sick bastard.”

“Stop trying to wriggle your way out of this, Tom,” Emma interrupted him. “I know that all teachers like counter questions and going all wise ass on somebody, but that's not the sense of Ben's question.”

“Me kettle, you pot. What would you do Mrs. Hardy?”

“Depends on who the person was - you, I would let fry.”

“Haha.” Sheckley turned to Morgen “I would probably go for the book. Those works have influenced so many great spirits I couldn't imagine to rob the world of their beauty. Well I can't imagine letting someone else die either, but I know that if it was me in that fire - I would want the book to be rescued.”

Emma felt sobered by her friends words. “I'm not sure but I guess I'd go for the person. I mean it could be some kid who grows up to be our centuries Shakespeare. His works have already influenced so many people, but they're ultimately dead, they don't change, they don't grow to be more than they are. A person as long as he or she lives has so much potential - I couldn't let that be wasted.”

After a moment of silence Emma turned to Morgen. “And what would you do, Ben?”

“I've considered that question for years now - I'll let you know as soon as I reach a decision.”

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