Stupid day and Rituals: Chapter 1

Nov 20, 2007 01:17

Long stupid day. Two of my students didn't come and I ended up waiting for them. Started a new X-over fic in my notebook. We'll see where that will lead.

RPG was trying, our game master bombs us with little copied pieces of fairy tale -, holy - and unholy books and we should try to piece it all together to find an old lost elven city (and buy a harp), not really the work for my smuggler/veteran - Amber, nor for the thief girl - Kareen, the priest of Rondra - Roderic (godess af valiant and honorable fighting) or the fighter - Djaibrado.
At least today Steffi our lost player joined us again (maybe for longer) and played her female healer/merchant Gudrun herself. It's always good to see her and this way we managed to split up and work sensible in our little groups.

Typed a bit of fanfic, answered commets on pics&fics, nothing much else to say. I'm to tired to do more interesing stuff tonight, so here's the second of ten parts of Rituals:

“Can't we help you with this ritual, Doctor?” Rose asked eager to help her friend and just a trace of curiosity in her voice.

“This is a very intimate and private thing, Rose. I have to do this on my own. The best you can do is leave me alone in the zero room without disturbance. But thanks for the offer.” he answered her with a genuine smile. “You two should be alright on your own, the TARDIS is perfectly safe and you can keep each other company.”

He had shared a look with Jack and and hugged Rose and now he was on his own in the zero room. Luckily for him the TARDIS provided him with everything he needed for the ritual. He still wished he could avoid all this but obviously his ship believed this old ritual to be important for him. *Damn you, I was doing quite fine without it.*

He pulled out a glowing crystal cube and placed it on a small table before him. He ignited some sticks of incense and sat down on the small mat before the table. He took in eight deep breaths and began to focus his conciousness on the cube. The incense helped him to calm down and reach the meditative state needed for the ritual. At first his thoughts whirled around Rose and Jack and what they probably thought about all this but then he forced those thoughts away, concentrating only on himself and what he needed to do.

“That took you longer, than it should have, young man.” a very familiar voice told him.

The Doctor looked up from the cube to the man standing on the other side of the small table. *So it has started.*

“And I don't just mean the meditating. You should have done this a lot earlier. It helps you to settle in with your new self.” the old man with the weird small cap continued.

The Doctor stood up, stretched his legs and began to move. “This wasn't my idea, you know. She thought it would be necessary.” he said accompanied by a gesture, that included the whole ship around them.

“And right she was, like almost always.” the old man chuckled softly.

“God, was I really ever such a self-satisfied 'grandfather knows best' type?”

“Language, young man. And respect. I think I deserve as much since I was the original.”

The Doctor (the ninth incarnation that is) rolled his eyes. “Could you stop from calling me young man? I'm nine hundred years older than you, so I don't think it's appropriate.” he grumbled and began to pace the zero room.

The Doctor -first draft- looked at his most recent successor. “You really didn't want this, did you?”

This earned him a 'how stupid are you' look.

“Well that just means, that you needed to do it all the more. Oh sit down, will you. This won't go any faster if you are pacing around instead of offering me a nice cup of tea. I really would prefer it, if I didn't have to look up to you the whole time we're talking.

I am tall this time around.”

It didn't surprise the ninth Doctor, that the TARDIS promptly produced a pot of tea and two cups. *You always liked him best didn't you?* He sat down next to his former self.

“You really are tall this time around.” the old man stated once again.

The Doctor grinned forcedly. “That's not the first thing most people notice.”

“Well I'm not most people like you well know, and the first thing I noticed, was the fact that you didn't return to that ridiculous taste of fashion, I have shown in between, although I liked our last self's sense of style better.”

Nine shrugged. “I prefer practicality to style this time around, and you can't please all.”

“True enough.” One agreed and took a sip of his tea.

“I know why you didn't want to talk to me, of course. I'm still around after all, even if it's just in the backside of your head.”

A huge silence hung between them. Nine avoided to face himself.

The first Doctor looked absent-mindedly into the cube. “Gallifrey gone. The place where I grew up. The place where I had lived with my family. The place I ran from never to return in that lifetime. All the people I had known, loved - Susan, erased from the universe by your hand.”

The ninth Doctor visibly flinched at his counterpart's words. But he didn't say a word.

“I don't think I ever fully realised the Dalek's potential for evil, when I first encountered them.” The old man's hand lightly touched the 'young' man's arm. “I always regretted things, you know that. Considering how it all ended, I especially wish I had spent more time with Susan, visited her more often, but I don't blame you for that.” Nine looked at One unsure what to say. Looking into his future self's eye the old man continued to say what needed to be said. “You did what was necessary. I understand that, like Susan would have understood it. Stop hating yourself for doing what couldn't be helped. Hold up our traditions as best as you can and live.”

The Doctor blinked away some tears. “Thank you.”

“Nonsense.” The old Doctor waved dismissively with his hand. He took another sip of his tea and looked at Nine. “At least this time your neither a dandy nor a clown.” he mumbled while he began to grow transparent and then he vanished.

doctor who, rituals, rpg, fanfic

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