Doctor of my childhood

Oct 09, 2008 23:11

Sylvester is even more difficult than Paul has been.

So difficult in fact that I did a whole second attempt because I was so disappointed with myself.

The second one did turn out better but not good :(

Anyway today was my first day of a long weekend efore the new job and I celebrated by sleeping in and then having a creativity day with some friends.

TodaxI not only produced two Sylvestery but also decorated two shopping bags,designed a card for a birthday this Saturday and produced two pictures one in chalk and one in felttip pen and acrylic paint, so yay for me :)

And in the evening me and my roomies began to watch the second story-arch of Trial of the Timelords.

All I say is Brian Blessed makes Cpt Jack Sparrow seem like he doesn't wear any make-up ;)

doctor who, art

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