Aug 20, 2008 20:50
Even Kamatani Yuhki and the magazine editors cried when they were discussing about chapter 50. ;__; I guess it's not just me being emotional then...
Yeah, Kamatani-sensei, you better fix "that problem"...orz
I wonder how much time it will take me to recover from the madness this time. It's like mourning over Rozen Maiden a few years ago again. Last time it took me a year if I remember correctly.
Muse went away today again. Oh well.
I tried reading D.Gray-man today (because I need some distractions from the doomed Nabari chapter orz) although the first two chapters don't interest me much yet. Guess I should read several more chapters to see later.
Sorry to spam you with yet another pointless entry |DD
nabari no ou,
tragedy happens,
do not want,
rozen maiden,
nabari is my life,