Watch Kuroshitsuji II. Also, get your free Jirachi from Pokemon as well on wifii that unlocks the one PokeWalker course. Get on msn more as well, or *cough*give me the msn your on more*cough*. I thought you were notgonna spoil yourself as well lol. Oh well. xD
Isn't Kuroshitsuji II very least from what I've heard? o.o;;
ME HAS NO WIFI AT HOME ;A; /cries a river of tears A-Anyway. I actually haven't been on msn that much since June, neither accounts. School and work are killing my social life. I miss the days when I can go out and shop with friends all day D':
I couldn't resist. Fandom was exploding from the awesomeness last month and I just had to join them...! xD;;;
ME HAS NO WIFI AT HOME ;A; /cries a river of tears
A-Anyway. I actually haven't been on msn that much since June, neither accounts. School and work are killing my social life. I miss the days when I can go out and shop with friends all day D':
I couldn't resist. Fandom was exploding from the awesomeness last month and I just had to join them...! xD;;;
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