I realized that I'm writing less and less about anime episodes ever since I got a
Twitter account. Perhaps Tweeting is just so much more convenient than blogging? But when there are things that I simply can't squee about within 140 characters I shall still turn to LJ, haha.
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Episode 51
FMA:B has been nothing but amazing lately lksdjflsdj ♥♥♥
Fandom is being very divided on the new OP/ED because they have more emo-ness than actions, but I'm one of those who loved them ♥ I was very excited to learn SID and Nakagawa Shoko would be singing FMA's last theme songs since I like both of their music fairly well (though to be honest, it's surprising that they are hiring SID for the job again as they already did the first ED). I personally love how smoothly all the scenes flow together in the OP (especially the Bradley/Scar part) and all its symbolism. ED is lacking real animation but I could care less since the art is really beautiful in there. Loving both songs so much too.
All the emo-ness in the new sequences really makes me feel that they are going for a bittersweet ending - Ed and Winry will live, Al, Roy and Hohenheim, on the other hand, I'm not too sure about though. Plus Winry and Riza crying can't be good ;A; I heard the sequences were actually really spoilerific (they at least spoiled the 5 sacrifices for certain, but hey, we all knew who they were from the very beginning?)
Somehow Olivier has become my absolute favourite character in the series, and the abundance on Olivier-kicking-asses screentime in this episode doesn't help either *w* YOU JUST HAVE TO LOVE HOW SHE CAN STAND AGAINST SLOTH FOR SO LONG WITHOUT ANY SORT OF HEAVY WEAPONS/ALCHEMY. Plus her outwitting all those crappy officials? PWNAGE. But...
Hey Sloth, you sure you aren't touching anywhere you aren't supposed to touch?
...yeah, that's the first thought that came to my mind @__@ Anyway. Someone please stop her from doing
anything crazy next week. DON'T YOU DARE DIE LIKE THAT OLIVIER. Miles, if you don't make an epic entrance soon I shall ship Buccaneer/Olivier and Olivier/Roy for real. Or Olivier/Alex ohohohoho. Please excuse my sick mind.
...I should just call Buccaneer=Bear from now on.
Envy wins the most comedic villain award imho. It's sad (...and gross) to see him going back into his monster/human form as he's the cutest and funniest in that jar lol. Don't you just love his voice there? But sure, we all saw it coming and knew poor Mei would be tricked. It's only fair though because I want Envy to be eventually killed by Mustang. Yay revenge?
I'm finally liking Yoshino's Kimblee voice here. He usually talks so slowly that I'm just too impatient to wait for him to finish his line. But the way he says "Nice. very~nice, ALPHONSE ELRIC!" near the end of the episode totally sends chills down my spine @.@ But I still can't take Kimblee as a villain too seriously; I just can't feel the...um, threat from him? He's no match when it comes to physical fist fight, and I don't see what's so special about his alchemy if it wasn't because of the Philosopher's Stones. He got so much set up since the first episode yet he has barely done anything real threatening in the series without the Stones orz.
Other random thoughts:
-The animation isn't so consistent this episode and so you see animators cutting corners here and there, but it doesn't really affect the enjoyment that this episode brings anyway.
-Those Mannequin Soldiers were fricking creepy.
-Roy is being cool this few episodes. Hope that continues...but I doubt it.
-Loving all those Mei actions here *O*
Eden of the East Movie I: King of Eden
The continuation of one of the best anime in 2009.
...THUS MY LOVE FOR EDEN IS REVIVED. Oh gosh long wait is long but it's worth it.
The opening was very, very pretty. If people said the anime opening sequence was beautiful already, then I seriously don't know what you can call this - while I liked the anime opening and thought it was unique, the movie opening was stunning beyond words (Or, according to Senjougahara Hitagi, I merely lack vocabulary). Every scene is top-wallpaper material. I wish I can use textures, abstracts and text as well as they do, haha. It also shows several scenes of the anime finale, including Saki riding on the merry-go-round while Akira watches her.
I was like "EEEEEEEEEEK" when I found out that Akira actually left Saki a message in his cell phone before he erased his memories. So that's why he slipped his phone into Saki's pocket! And then shipper mode 100% turned on. JUST AWWWW. I found it absolutely lovely how Akira has faith that he and Saki will meet once again and fall in love despite knowing he will forget about her as soon as Juiz goes beep and erases his memory, and Saki has been looking for him endlessly during all these six months - but no, that's not it! And then we found out, even without his memory, Akira still subconsciously remembers that he is waiting for a certain person just in front of Ground Zero...yeah he mixes it up and thinks it was a movie he watched but whatever. Good enough.
BUT MY GOOD LORD. The bond they share might be way deeper than what I expected before ♥♥♥
I would totally be left heartbroken if they can't be together at the end of Movie II (I'm doing quite a good job staying away from spoilers this time lol). There was an interview with the director/scriptwriter (can't remember which) that said Eden of the East was a story about "girl meets boy for 11 days" - and the anime covered the first 8-9 days, while the movies will cover the rest. And so I thought...does that mean after the eleventh day they won't see each other again? JUST PLAIN NO. The thought is terrifying ;A;
Oh right. Let's get back to the movie. As you can tell, I fail epically at writing reviews because I always get distracted with my fangirlism and just go plain off topic...yeah.
The movie actually has many scenes that resemble the anime, such as Saki going to the US and losing her passport/luggage, Akira running with Saki, Akira inviting Saki to go home with him and the two spending the night at the movie theatre (...no, it's not what you think) and Saki worrying that he would leave halfway, and lastly but not the least...the famous boat scene where Akira extended his hand to Saki becomes a plane scene this time. *laughs* Happy shipper is very happy with the amount of Akira/Saki interaction.
Point form for the rest because I'm writing too much:
-Saki looks awesome in that pink dress with her hair tied up ♥
-No. 6 is beyond insane. Not that I mind a shower scene, but boo, you fail. I love his conversation with Juiz though. *laughs* It was also a nice bonus that I managed to pick out Yoshino Hiroyuki's voice so I don't fail completely.
-Those who should be dead are revealed to be alive, just like Pantsu. Perhaps the Selecao game isn't what we thought after all.
-Shiratori being on the good side this time, sacrifices her Juiz so Akira can continue the game. And she comments how Juiz is her best sub-coordinate of all. Just baaaaaw ;A;
-...They seriously need to stop messing around with missles. Another sixty coming in Movie II, oh yeah.
-I want another kiss in Movie II. Any kind, just not a goodbye-kiss please.
MOVIE II. COME OUT ON DVD NOW. And no spoilers from those lucky ones who get to watch it in the Japanese theatres at this time please |D;
Kobato anime finale
Okay so, I liked the idea of dead!Kobato taking the contract challenge so she could be reborn to be with the person she likes, it's sweet and further emphasizes the soul-mate concept in all means - but I do not like the fact that that person is anime!Fujimoto.
They tried so hard to portray Fujimoto as a complete jerk for most of the anime, and by the time they attempt to fix his character in the last two or so episodes, it's already too late. I mean what the heck, he remained a complete bastard to Kobato even on the evening just before she left, telling her he's relieved that she wouldn't be able to accompanying him the next day, and then suddenly he started to cherish her in the final park scene?!
...For one thing, I cannot make out why would Kobato suddenly think -and realize- that Fujimoto is her most important person out of everybody, to the extent that she would give up filling the bottle so she could spend her last month with him.
Again, the idea is very sweet and endearing, but inconsistent writing and poor characterizations (especially on Fujimoto) has ruined the whole concept for me. Had Fujimoto's character been developed better, I would probably have gived the show an A+. Moreover, they could have told the whole story in 13 episodes and it would have been way more effective without unnecessary fillers, and everything would have been so much faster paced. The whole debt issue/Okiura was too conveniently solved too, wasting all the earlier set up.
I also realize that most of the fandom seems to hate Hanazawa Kana's Kobato voice. Personally I thought she performed better than what I expected (and her voice is fairly close to what I have imagined all along when I read the manga), though I do agree that sometimes she overexaggerated Kobato's...er, what's the right word? Freakiness? You get the idea. I still wished Kobato would be voiced by Nakahara Mai with a slightly calmer voice, but Hanazawa still did a decent job.
TL;DR, in conclusion:
Favourite episodes: 18, 23, and 24. 19 would be on the list if my Takashi/Kobato heart wasn't breaking into tiny pieces TT__TT
Favourite character: Doumoto Takashi.
Favourite character voice: Biased self wants to say TAKASHIIIII~ without second thought given 1)Kobato's wasn't the best 2)I dislike Fujimoto's from the beginning till the end 3)Ioryogi has good acting but his voice still doesn't fit him imo and 4)The rest of the cast either has too few lines...or their lines don't really require too much emotion/acting. Okay. I will stop trying to be objective here and just say Takashi (Kamiya Hiroshi) and Zuishou (Yoshino Hiroyuki).
Arakawa Under the Bridge episode 1
Summary: Bakemonogatari take two, minus inappropriate stationaries usage.
It has become clear that as long as SHAFT/Shinbou are still producing anime, Kamiya Hiroshi won't have trouble getting a lead role or two once in a while.
...But this time I actually wish it wasn't Kamiya that they hired. Don't get me wrong, his acting is beyond perfect as always and I totally would have loved Kou's voice as much as I should have if it wasn't that I watched Bakemonogatari and the show is still fresh in my memory. To keep it short...Kou resembles Koyomi way too much, and the voice and acting that Kamiya uses for both is way too similar. In other words, his voice to losing identity to me @A@ This has never happened before, no matter how many shows with Kamiya in it that I watch. Perhaps the Bakemono/Arakawa comparison is to be blamed?
On the other hand, I love that Sakamoto Maaya is voicing Nino ♥ I always get so happy when she gets a lead role, as I'm one of those weirdos who like her better for her voice work than for her singing. I also like Fujiwara Keiji as that...green guy. His acting is scoring really high in my mark book lately *w*
Episode-wise! I don't find the story especially interesting yet (and Shinbou-directed anime isn't always my cup of tea), but it does resemble Bakemonogatari in many ways. The visuals (especially the sceneries) are beautifully painted though. I guess I'll just keep an eye on the blog reviews for the future episode since it doesn't seem like the kind of show I would be impatiently anticipating every week - if I hear good things about it then I will keep watching.
WORKING!! episode 1
Summary: Durarara/Shizaya take two.
Okay, not really aside from the fact that we have Fukuyama Jun as the male lead, and then HiroC and OnoD suspectiously being buddies again and...
those strips that scream "KEEP OUT!!" to me. Joking aside, WORKING!! feels like another of those slice-of-life anime, so if you like shows like Lucky Star/K-On then it's good and all. The problem is I don't |D; I guess I'll try a few more episodes and see if it gets more amusing.
I love that they have the girls singing the OP and the guys doing the ED though. That's just adorable despite half of them can't sing haha.
Summary: Typical reverse harem with delicious samurai. Uhmmm.
I became interested in this since it screamed reverse harem to me...as I'm quite sick of regular harem shows that sell lolis and boobs. Bishies is a nice change, don't you agree? *w*
Hmm let's get serious here. First episode doesn't tell much other than some rather forceful introduction of the cast. The visuals are
quite nice when they are doing it right, though I would worry about art/animation consistency later as I'm not a big fan of Studio DEEN. High chance I will eventually drop it like what I did with Shounen Onmyouji if the story doesn't become interesting soon, but I would give it several more episodes since it does look like the type of show I like.
It's quite uncommon to see Kuwashima Houko taking the lead role nowadays too, even though she is one of those ladies who can pull off a thousand voices and does all of them justice *w* MikiShin voicing another samurai totally reminds me of Fate/Stay Night in which he played Assassin, which was the first role of him that I heard now that I remember.
Ohh and the OP song is very nice, even though I don't like the animation that comes along with it. ED isn't bad either!
Skipping the ever-so-talked-about Angel Beats for now as I really dislike the character design+art style and the crazy lightings they add;;; The main girl really reminds me of Suzumiya Haruhi from what I can see in the screenshots. Everyone speculated why KEY turned to P.A. Works instead of KyoAni this time, and whether it is a good change or not we shall find out later. But aww, finally Kamiya gets to voice the male lead in a KEY title after Ono/Sugita/Nakamura and it's not KyoAni? ...Yeah it's Kamiya again.
It seems like you can't really avoid him in Spring 2010 lol (I actually thought Yoshino Hiroyuki got the most roles at first when I skimmed through the Spring Anime Previews).
Still waiting for Vampire Knig...errr I mean Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru next week. I'm glad to find out that I'm not the only one who found the artwork resembling VK lol. First heard of it due to its fabulous casting and its BL-ness. But I doubt it would be anywhere near hardcore otherwise Ishida Akira (probably Sakurai and Miyano too) wouldn't have signed himself up. *laughs* It's J.C.Staff (another studio that I don't have good records with @.@) though so I won't put my hopes too high orz.
Let's hope I won't keep watching all the new shows I listed above, otherwise...
Thu: Durarara
Fri: Angel Beats
Sat: Hakuouki
Sun: FMA, Working, Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru, Arakawa Under the Bridge
Long post is long orz.