Kuroshitsuji anime, Tears to Tiara, Haruhi 21, Animelo

Aug 22, 2009 03:55

I was spoiled of the Kuroshitsuji anime ending a few days ago (thanks guys~♥ *grins*), surprisingly, that actually motivated me to finish watching it. I can't remember what caused me to put it on hold while it was airing months ago...perhaps it's when I got into Gundam 00, ah. Whatever. Let's get a fact straight...I like the anime way better than the manga *O* (now all those manga fans are going to kill me. *laughs*) Loads of people hate those so-called "filler" episodes, but I belong to those few who don't call them fillers because all of them contributed to the overall anime plot in some way or another. Anime original ≠ fillers to me as long as they have a point! xDD; One of my biggest complaints about the manga is that most characters introduced in any specific arc either 1)die 2)end up as filler characters, which bascially waste all the focus and screen time used on them, thus creating a really weak supporting cast. The anime elimated the problem quite well, with the exception of Soma and Agni (...who were from the so-called non-filler manga arc).

The art and animation were close to perfect - it's really enjoyable to stare at the screencaps even for the whole day. The seiyuu work was also brilliant...Ono Daisuke was born to voice Sebastian, for real! (Now every time Jack talks I'll have to hear Sebastian again ;w; I don't have that problem with Koizumi though, for some reasons). Sakamoto Maaya's Ciel was also one of the best roles I've heard from her so far. And I didn't expect the anime would actually pull of a decen...no, excellent conclusive ending. There were minor plotholes of course, but not to the extent that bothers me. Having seen such an amazing ending, I really don't want them to make a second season just for the $$$$$ now ;A; Leave Kuroshitsuji perfect the way it is, please.

I remember when Kuroshitsuji's anime character design first came out, my first reaction was that it looked even better than the manga...and I ended up liking the anime better than the manga. Now the same is happening with Kobato (yes, I love the anime's design so much ♥), so hopefully the anime adaption will be awesome too. I really don't mind if they create a ton of anime original episodes (like what they did with CCS) as manga!Kobato doesn't have that much to be animated currently;;;

Oh yep, I caught up on Tears to Tiara sometime ago too but I didn't write about it until now \o/ I didn't enjoy it as much as I first thought (something is missing from the show that cuts my excitement level by a lot...although I'm not sure what), but it's still a decent show. It's quite confusing without some research on its background. Character-wise...
- Arawn is alright. He's my second favourite from the show, but my love for him isn't really that big.
- Arthur's also alright, I don't find him annoying like many people. But I'm not particularly interested in him either...I don't like grown-up anime guys with big eyes arrrrrrgh!!!1!!
- The whole female cast is either 1)annoying (read: Riannon & Morgan) 2)uninteresting (girls-which-I-can't-remember-the-names) or 3)filler characters. Octavia is probably the best out of the whole harem, but I got bored of her after a while too...
- Gaius ends up being a dissappointing villain ): I want my cool Benawi back.
- DON DON DON!! My favourite of the show is actually Taliesin. Unexpected~? ♥ Perhaps it's because he's the only one in the show who has a decent sense of fashion. lol Or I just have a thing for mysterious angsty bishies... *goes watches that sword fight with Arthur again* ♥

Now that the show is putting more focus onto Taliesin, maybe I'll be more enthusiastic to watch it. It's hard to feel for a show when you aren't attached to any characters ;w;

Anyway. Looks like we are done with the Lucifer/Arawn past (...which I'm still as confused as ever) and we can move onto some actions/singing next episode. ♥

Looks like we will be stuck on the movie making for a couple of episodes...They certainly are not the most exciting things to watch as we knew how the movie would come out already, but better than Endless Eight anyway. They will probably spend the rest of the season on some decent stuffs...

What I wanted to complain is the art. Are you sure we are watching Haruhi, not K-ON? ;;;; The new Haruhi's art and animation is nowhere compared to the first season. Of course, it's still above average compared to other anime shows, it's KyoAni after all - but in KyoAni's standard, or at least Haruhi's standard - it's below average. Hope they didn't spend all their budget on Endless Eight. orz

And the recent Photobucket fiasco...instead of hotlinking, I'm pretty sure it's just Photobucket using some sort of cheap tricks to get more people to go pro. Way too many icon comms' bandwidth were exceeded on the same day that it's unrealistic, plus when I checked my own accounts...over 20% of my monthly bandwidth was used in the time frame of merely two days (which has never happened before! Even if I make an icon post of 200 icons and x-post it everywhere, I doubt it will use over 2GB of bandwidth in such a short time with some 25kb pixels). So lol, Photobucket. You are just asking people to sign up for more accounts.

Unrelated: ANIMELO 2009 DAY ONE IS HAPPENING NOW HOLY SH*T SLDKFJKLSDJFLSD I just have to write something to record this godly moment ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Hopefully we'll have some live reports soon. I wanna know who sings what~♥ ELISA is for sure to perform Ebullient Future, 95% chance Minorin will sing Paradise Lost...and can't-remember-what-she-released recently. May'n can keep singing her old Macross songs or the ones from Shangri-La \o/ Just please please please sing something with Makkun together. Miracle Upper would be nice. Don't mind another Rinbu -revolution- collab either.

EDIT: Performance predictions. Or maybe it's the the real stuff leaked form 2ch...whichever. But god Nana and Yukarin singing DISCOTHEQUE? I WOULD DIE FROM THE MOE-NESS. And Maze + Parallel Hearts are pretty much settled, since they just can't invite both AA and Ohmi Tomoe together by coincidence (not to mention Makkun wrote the song!). It's a Pandora song fest! AND GOD THE FICTIONJUNCTION CHOICES ♥♥♥ I'm not too fond of Suara's choices this year, on the other hand. Adament Faith and Free and Dream are nice, but they never beat Musouka in my heart. I liked the WA ed much more 'w' Yukarin and Nana's are nice. *WANTS WANTS WANTS*
EDIT*2: The full Re:Bridge PV, finally! Sung by at least 25 artists: 彩音、ALI PROJECT(宝野アリカ)、石川智晶、いとうかなこ、ELISA、近江知永、奥井雅美、GRANRODEO、栗林みな実、サイキックラバー、榊原ゆい、savage genius、JAM Project(影山ヒロノブ、遠藤正明、きただにひろし、奥井雅美、福山芳樹)、Suara、茅原実里、平野綾、manzo、水樹奈々、May’n、桃井はるこ、米倉千尋.
-Suara's "GO!" almost killed me ♥♥♥
-ELISA is pretty as always. I swear she looks so nice in white *w*
-AA-chan (savage genius) is energetic like always.
-Lol'ing at May'n and Makkun's almost identical hairstyles.

/wants to fly to Japan like woah ;AAA;
Long post is long.

animelo, tl;dr, kobato, ono daisuke is sebastian forever, kuroshitsuji, photobucket, anime thoughts, suzumiya haruhi, !public, tears to tiara

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