Fill #1

Jun 02, 2010 01:24

Title: Can it
Rating: PG-ish
Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Warnings: This was my first ST fic and I'd probably delete it except for the fact that it's in the archives so I'd feel bad if someone clicked on it to read it, only to find it was deleted. I dunno. It's embarrassing crap, though, so don't read it unless you have a high tolerance for crappy writing. :)

Prompt from st_xi_kink_meme: Kirk (while slightly inebreriated) attempts to crush a can against his head during shore leave. This back fires on him. Spock manages to crush it against his own head in order to get Kirk to stop hurting himself. This is the hottest thing drunk!Kirk has ever seen Spock do.

"Hey Spock, watch this!" Kirk said as he tried to crush the empty can against his forehead. Unfortunately, he hiccuped at the exact moment that he needed the

momentum necessary to crush the can and ended up hitting himself instead. He swayed a little and tried to regain his equilibrium. "Whoa..."

"Captain, I fail to see the significance behind your actions," Spock said somewhat primly.

Kirk hiccuped again and scowled at Spock. "This is a rite of passage, Spock. Every young man has to crush an empty beer can on their head. It's what makes separates the men from the boys!"

Spock's face remained impassive. "That sounds completely illogical."

Kirk snorted and rolled his eyes. "I'm too drunk for this," he said as he swayed his way over to grab another beer.

Spock followed him from a discreet distance but kept his hands folded neatly behind his back to hide the twitch that resulted from a desire to steady his captain.

Kirk collapsed on the couch in the hotel room they were staying in during shore leave. Spock stood stiffly next to the couch and waited for the inevitable drunken storytelling that the captain tended to fall into whenever he was inebriated.

"So Spock, are you trying to tell me that you've never gotten drunk and smashed a can against your head?" he asked with a loose grin. His eyes were bright and glassy and his cheeks were flushed in a very attractive fashion, but Spock would never admit that out loud.


He rolled his eyes. "Then what d'you guys do when you leave home and you wanna rebel and prove you're a man?" he asked with a snorting laugh that made Spock's facial muscles clench against a sudden desire to smile.

"When Vulcan males are ready to claim their manhood, they go to the desert with limited provisions and meditate for several days," Spock explained.

Kirk looked up at him as soon as he finished chugging the beer. He burped and wiped his arm across his mouth. Spock's fastidiousness nature was revolted by this, but only temporarily because the captain was smiling up at him. "Sounds intense," he said.

"It is necessary and logical for a young Vulcan to go through this trial," Spock said stiffly. He was too tempted to relax in his captain's presence, but that would be improper.

Kirk didn't say anything as he stood up and swayed a little unsteadily on his feet. "Whoa, damn, okay. I'm gonna try this again. You'll see. It's totally awesome," he said before he tried to smash the empty can against his forehead.

This time the can, damp with condensation, slipped from his sweaty hand. He groaned and bent to pick it up. "Third time's a charm," he muttered as he raised it again.

In the blink of an eye, Spock snatched the can from Kirk's grip and crushed it effortlessly against his smooth Vulcan head without a flicker of an eye. His superior strength exerted over the flimsy aluminum of the can made this an extremely easy effort. Once it was crushed, he wordlessly handed it back to Kirk, whose mouth was hanging wide open. "I would request that you refrain from engaging in this endeavor. It is most improper for the captain of the USS Enterprise to injure himself in such a manner."

"That was...that," he choked out as he gripped the crumpled can in his hand. Spock watched his pupils dilate and he could detect the scent Kirk's sudden arousal.

"I suppose this means I am a man now by Terran standards?" Spock asked smoothly. Only a small flicker of amusement reflected in his serious brown eyes.

The captain's mouth snapped shut but his eyes were growing dark with lust. Spock did not anticipate the sudden lunge that knocked him back toward the couch with a lap full of very drunk Kirk. "You're damn right it does," he declared before he smothered Spock's mouth in a hot, wet kiss.

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