Fic: (Inception) Birthday Boy (2/2)

Jul 28, 2011 17:23

Title: Birthday Boy (2/2)
Characters: Arthur/Eames, Dom Cobb, Mal Cobb, Ariadne, Yusuf, Phillipa, James, OMC
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: jailbait!Arthur, Lolita!Arthur, age difference, not-actually-incest taboo, corny home improvement jokes, overuse of convenient plot devices, schmoop, angst, barebacking, and size kink. Yeah. Maybe that covers it.
Disclaimer: So not mine.

The next day...

Arthur hadn't left his room for the rest of the night. Eames didn't bother him, but there was a tray of food left outside his door sometime in the evening hours. Arthur refused to touch it even though he felt a painful twist of tenderness in his chest at Eames's consideration.

When he woke up, he looked at the clock and saw that Eames would be at the gym by now, so he got up and went downstairs. He was surprised to find Eames sitting quietly at the kitchen table with the newspaper and a cup of coffee. When he heard Arthur, he folded down the paper and greeted him awkwardly. “Good morning.”

Arthur scowled and slouched down into a chair. There would be no escaping what was sure to be the Most Uncomfortable Talk Ever. He was completely resigned to his fate when Eames put the paper down and fiddled with his coffee cup. “About yesterday --”

Arthur waited, but it seemed Eames was having some trouble sorting out what he actually wanted to say. He decided to cut to the chase. “I'm sorry I kissed you.”

“What?” Eames said. “That's not - well, what I mean to say is --” he was fumbling for something to say, but Arthur wasn't all that interested in what he would eventually come up with, because it was sure to crush the last bit of hope that Eames would ever see him as something other than a kid.

“I get it, okay? You think I'm just a stupid kid. You can spare me the lecture,” Arthur said snippily.

Eames looked like a fish out of water for a second. “I never said you were stupid.”

Arthur shrugged dismissively. “Doesn't matter, I know how you see me.”

He watched several emotions flit across Eames's face. Finally, he looked defeated. “You really don't.”

Arthur wasn't sure he'd heard correctly. “Say what?”

Eames looked like he didn't want to say anything. “You're a beautiful boy, Arthur. You're bloody gorgeous. belong to Mal and Dom.”

Arthur's mind exploded a little. “What do they have to do with this?” he asked dumbly.

Eames looked regretful now. “Arthur. You're beautiful and intelligent and all sorts of other delightful things, but I'm not meant to have you.”

Frustrated, Arthur chewed the inside of his cheek and gripped the edge of the table until his knuckles were white. “I don't see why --”

Eames cut him off. “We both know why this can't happen.”

Arthur wanted to protest, to shout and throw things until Eames gave in and let Arthur have a chance to show him that he wasn't a kid anymore...but he could hear the finality in Eames's words, and that told him more than anything that he couldn't persuade him otherwise.

Instead, Arthur stood up and left the room without another word. Eames didn't bother him for the rest of the day.

Five days later...

There was a tentative knock on his door. “Yeah?”

Eames poked his head in and located Arthur slumped down on the bed with a book. “You busy?” Eames asked politely.

Polite. Ever since The Talk, Eames had been unfailingly polite, as if he were afraid Arthur would snap at any moment and go off the deep end. Arthur wanted to punch something every time Eames looked at him like this, because it just wasn't fair. “No,” he mumbled.

“Great. I thought maybe we could go for a hike tomorrow, get out of the house for a bit. What d'you say?” Eames asked.

Arthur considered this. Frankly, he was surprised that he hadn't already been sent packing back to Dom and Mal's house. He wondered if Eames let him stay because he wanted him to, or if he just couldn't come up with a good enough excuse to send him back. Maybe he should ask, but he was already feeling shitty enough as it was. “Yeah, I guess,” he finally replied. If Eames was willing to be alone with him for the duration of the hike, he might as well take advantage of it since he was apparently a masochistic little idiot.

Eames looked momentarily satisfied and turned to go. “Oh, one last thing...” Eames said. “I invited Yusuf. He's home from uni for the summer. Nice kid. See you bright and early tomorrow, yeah?”

That sneaky son of a bitch.

The next day...

“Hey, I'm Yusuf.” Arthur shook the offered hand and introduced himself, barely trying to cover his anger at the whole set up.

If Eames thought he could foist Arthur off on some guy just because he didn't want to deal with him, well... he could just think again. Even if Yusuf was attractive in a comfortable sort of way, with his curly black hair and his smooth, dark skin. He still wasn't Arthur's type.

Arthur listened to Yusuf's casual chatter with one ear while he watched Eames load the car. He tried not to notice the way Eames's muscles bunched and flexed as he lifted the heavy bags into the trunk. It was difficult not to, though, because Eames was wearing a pair of low-slung cargo shorts and a fitted tank top that really accentuated his ridiculously sexy body.

If Arthur had to put his hands in his pockets for a minute in an attempt to disguise just how interested he was in Eames's body, well, at least Yusuf didn't seem to notice.

An hour into the hike, Eames was leading the way while Arthur and Yusuf engaged in a lively debate about their favorite childhood shows. Despite his initial anger at Eames for inviting Yusuf along, Arthur now found that he had quite a bit in common with him after all.

He didn't want to fuck him, but he definitely wouldn't mind hanging out with him again. Yusuf was smart and funny, and he had good taste in music. Arthur thought they could be friends if they had enough time to get to know each other.

They came to a clearing and Eames stopped to take a drink from his water bottle. The sun was bright above their heads, but the air was crisp and cool at this elevation. Arthur shivered a bit as the sweat on his back started to cool. “You guys need a break?” Eames asked. His breathing was smooth and normal, unlike theirs.

Yusuf was worse than Arthur, collapsing back onto a log with a relieved groan. “Just leave me here. I think I can die peacefully,” he said dramatically.

Arthur snickered and caught the small frown that crossed Eames's face. He couldn't figure out why Eames would be in a bad mood, since the afternoon had been perfectly entertaining thus far. “What about you?” Eames asked him.

Arthur shrugged. “I'm fine if you want to keep going,” he said.

Eames took another healthy gulp of his water before he nodded. “Fine. You okay here, Yusuf?”

Yusuf nodded and waved them off. Arthur smiled at him before they left the clearing.

Ten minutes later...

“I can't believe you,” Arthur muttered.

“What's that?” Eames asked over his shoulder. They were hiking through some thick vegetation, and the air was even colder under the canopy of the enormous trees. Arthur could hear running water nearby.

“You tried to set me up,” he accused.

Eames snorted. “Looks like it worked, too. So you're welcome.”

Arthur scowled and stomped after him. “Fuck that. You're trying to get rid of me, aren't you? Why don't you just send me back?”

Eames was silent for a moment as they reached the water. It was a small river, maybe more of a brook, but deep enough for fish. Eames stood at the edge and dropped his backpack. “I'm not trying to get rid of you, Arthur,” he said quietly.

Arthur didn't believe him. “You're just too chickenshit to admit it,” he accused.

Eames looked really angry now. He reached out and caught Arthur's arm in a vise grip. He hauled Arthur up against him and pushed the heavy pack from his back. It hit the ground with a muffed thump. He watched Eames warily as large hands framed his face. Eames's dark eyes stared down at him with an intensity that left him breathless. “You're not ready for this,” Eames murmured.

“Ready for what?” Arthur asked quietly.

Eames pulled him in even tighter and Arthur shuddered as his hands roamed down Arthur's back. “You're not ready to be with a grown man,” he clarified.

“Bullshit,” Arthur said and dove in for a kiss. It was different than the first one, and not only because Eames was responding this time. Their hot breath mingled as their lips and tongues stroked each other. Arthur heard Eames groan and felt hands gripping his ass. Arthur canted his hips toward Eames's and whimpered shakily when Eames pushed back. Judging by the swelling bulge in Eames's shorts, he was just as affected by this as Arthur was.

They kissed wetly and ground against each other until Arthur felt Eames slip a hand down the back of his shorts. Thick fingers pushed down through the cleft of his ass before a blunt fingertip circled his hole. Arthur moaned and rubbed against Eames frantically. Then he felt the fingertip push inside him, just a bit, and he jumped as if electrocuted. “Fuck!” he gasped.

Eames rushed to let go of him, and Arthur stumbled back. His lust-heavy limbs felt clumsy, and he tripped over one of the large boulders at the water's edge. With a feeling of dread replacing the arousal in his stomach, Arthur fell back into the water. He was soaked...and mortified.

He looked up to see Eames with his arms crossed over his chest. “You still expect me to believe you're not a virgin?” Eames asked, with only a minute tremor in his voice.

Arthur glared up at him from the water. “I hate you so much right now,” he panted.

Eames raised an eyebrow and smirked. “I sincerely doubt that, but at least one of us got the cold shower we needed. C'mon,” he said as he reached a hand out to help Arthur up.

As soon as he was out of the water, Arthur started shivering. Eames looked concerned. “You brought a change of clothes, right?”

Arthur clenched his teeth against their chattering. “Why would I? We're not spending the night or anything,” he said defensively.

Eames shook his in disbelief. “You should always bring spare clothes when going on a hike, Arthur.” He picked up his pack and dug through it while Arthur tried to huddle in on himself to conserve any body heat he possibly could. Once he produced a pair of pants and a soft-looking thermal henley, he tossed them to Arthur. “Here, put these on.”

With no alternative to save his dignity, Arthur started stripping off his wet clothes. Even his boxers were soaked, so he had to take those off too. Feeling entirely too self-conscious, he slipped on the pants and shirt before looking back at Eames. Eames's clothes were huge on Arthur. The neck of the thermal hung down, exposing most of his collarbone while the pants just barely clung to his narrow hips. He hoped he didn't look as stupid as he felt.

For his part, Eames looked like he wanted to take a dip in the brook as well. His normally soft lips were tight and hard, much like the front of his cargo shorts. Arthur stared at the erection tenting his shorts and licked his lips. Eames groaned. “Stop being a cocktease and put these on,” he said raggedly as he tossed a pair of wool socks his way.

Arthur rushed to put the dry socks on, but there was no alternative for his wet boots. Unfortunately, he'd have to finish out the hike with water squelching between his toes, which is why he was relieved when Eames took them back the short way after picking up Yusuf.

Unsurprisingly, the car ride home would have been awkward and silent if Yusuf hadn't been there to hold up the conversation.

Later that night...

Arthur looked at the calendar. His birthday was coming up in a couple of weeks.

He knew just what to ask for.

One week later...

It was a Saturday and Eames wanted to work on the bathroom Arthur had been using during his stay. “I think it needs a new toilet, and the shower definitely needs some work too. I need caulk for the bathtub,” he said.

Arthur, who had been lost in his thoughts, snapped back to attention when he heard Eames say I need cock. He may or may not have choked on his orange juice. “Uh, what?” he asked, throat tight.

Eames smirked. “I need to re-caulk the bathtub. I'm going to the store in a bit for supplies.”

“Oh, cool,” he mumbled. Arthur cleared his throat and tried to calm down. He had a request, but he didn't know how to go about...well, requesting it. Eames hadn't touched him since the hike, and Arthur hated it. It wasn't just the kissing that he missed; casual touching had also stopped. No more slaps on the back, no more pinching, poking, or friendly headlocks. Eames was a tactile person who showed his affection through touch, and now he was holding himself completely aloof from Arthur.

It kind of drove him a little bit crazy, and he thought maybe it was difficult for Eames, too. He looked tired and a little bit sad as of late.

After Eames returned from the hardware store, he asked Arthur to help him in the bathroom. It was more or less understood that Arthur would need to share Eames's bathroom until this one was finished, but neither of them said anything to that effect.

Arthur was stuck with painting again. He was forced to work around Eames, who was busy grumbling and cursing at the caulking gun. “This bloody thing is broken,” he muttered.

Arthur smirked. “You're probably just doing it wrong,” he said.

Eames looked as offended as if Arthur had just questioned his manhood. “I'd like to see you do a better job!”

Shrugging, Arthur carefully set down the paint roller and reached a hand out for the gun. “Fine by me,” he said.

Eames slapped the caulking gun into his open palm with a grunt. “I bet you anything I'm gonna have to pay someone to come fix this up,” he said grumpily.

Arthur just smiled and watched Eames stomp from the bathroom. “I'll just handle dinner, shall I?” he said as he disappeared down the stairs.

An hour later, the scent of stir fry drifted up the stairs and Eames stood in the bathroom doorway to see Arthur finishing up with the paint. “I thought you were doing the tub,” he said.

“I did. And now I'm done with the painting, too,” Arthur said as he set the brush down and rubbed at some paint smudged on his hand. He couldn't help the smugness in his voice.

Eames frowned. “How the hell did you manage that?” he asked.

Arthur raised an eyebrow. “I read the directions.”

With that, he pushed past Eames and patted him condescendingly on the shoulder before heading downstairs.

Two days later...

Kitchen table. Steak and potatoes for dinner. Eames was quiet, and Arthur was on edge.

“My birthday's coming up,” he said casually.

Eames put his knife and fork down to reach for his water glass. “I know,” he said. “What would you like to do? I'll bet Dom and Mal will want to spend the day with you,” he said.

“I want you to fuck me,” Arthur said.

Eames coughed a little. “I walked into that one,” he muttered.

Arthur leaned forward and tried to get Eames to look at him. “I'll be eighteen. It'd be totally legal,” he said stubbornly.

He watched Eames's hands tighten on his silverware. “Doesn't matter. Dom would garrote me.”

This wasn't going well. Arthur decided to go the manipulative route. “Well, being eighteen will get me into the clubs, I guess,” he said nonchalantly. He held his breath.

Eames looked angry now. “Why are you pushing this?” he asked.

Arthur pursed his lips and shoved his plate away. His stomach felt too hyped up to eat. “Because I want you to - to be my first,” he said honestly.

Eames's knuckles went white on the knife and fork as he savagely sawed through his steak. “I'm too old for you, Arthur. You should find someone your own age,” he said tightly.

Arthur had him right where he wanted him. He tipped back in his chair and smirked. “But I don't want to fuck someone my own age. All I'd probably get is an awkward, likely even painful, fumble in the dark.”

“What about Yusuf?” Eames asked, sounding pained. He wouldn't look at Arthur. His eyes were trained entirely on his plate, even though he wasn't eating.

“I don't even think Yusuf is gay,” Arthur said.

Eames's eyes shot up at this. “But you two hit it off!” he insisted, looking upset.

Arthur snorted. “Just because we both like Invader Zim and listen to old grunge rock doesn't mean I want his dick in me,” he said sarcastically.

Eames's soft mouth pinched shut and he flexed his jaw, but he didn't say anything.

Arthur decided to press his advantage. He knew he was being a dick, but he knew Eames wasn't as opposed to this as he was pretending to be. “Did you know I thought I liked girls until I met you?” he asked.

Eames shut his eyes and sighed. “You were only fifteen,” he said quietly.

“Right. But I knew then, just as I know now, that you're the only guy I want to be with,” Arthur said with a hint of the pathetic hope he'd harbored for the past two years.

Eames's hands shook as he pushed his plate away and buried his head in his hands. “You know I want you, Arthur, but it wouldn't be fair to you,” he said.

Arthur's shoulders tensed at this. “Why not?”

“Because you're still a teenager. You have your whole life ahead of you. I'm almost thirty, in a completely different place than you are,” he explained. “Even if it's legal, and even if Dom and Mal were okay with it, that doesn't mean it would work out. You shouldn't tie yourself to me when you could have anyone you want.”

Arthur felt stinging behind his eyes. “Apparently I can't,” he whispered. “The only person I want is you, but you won't have me.”

He stood and quickly left the kitchen before he could make an even bigger fool of himself.

The next day...

Arthur stood on the porch with his bags and waited.

Eames sat on the back porch and stared at the patches of dead grass.

Arthur's 18th birthday...

Ariadne sat at the dining room table, blowing up balloons. Arthur watched her cheeks puff out and deflate with each blow. Her cheeks were red, but she kept going anyway.

“Why don't you call him?” she asked between balloons.

Arthur shrugged listlessly. He'd always loved his birthday, but this one was obviously going to suck. He was in a foul mood and nothing Ariadne or anyone else did could cheer him up.

Another balloon. “Maybe he's right,” she said.

“He didn't even give it a chance!” Arthur said angrily.

She chewed her lip and stretched another balloon. “Yeah, but he has a point. Dom would probably never talk to him again,” she said.

Arthur sank down into the chair and frowned. “I'm an adult now. Dom has nothing to do with it,” he said.

“Dom has nothing to do with what?” Mal asked as she entered the room with a large bowl of potato chips. She set them down between Arthur and Ariadne and brushed a hand through Arthur's hair. “You have been so down since you came home,” she said with concern etched on her beautiful face.

Arthur tried to close in on himself even more. “I don't wanna talk about it,” he said. He knew he sounded like a sullen teenager, but really. What could he say?

A look passed between Mal and Ariadne before Mal sighed and left the room. Ariadne looked sympathetic as she reached out and laid a hand over his. “Look, don't let this ruin your birthday. We'll have cake and ice cream, and then we can go out and have some fun. What d'you say?”

Arthur raised his eyebrow. “What did you have in mind?” he asked warily.

She smiled brightly. “There's this club...”

Arthur was dressed and ready to go. Ariadne bought him clothes for his birthday, obviously for going out tonight. The jeans were tight and they made his ass look awesome. The black shirt was just as fitted. He should look like the scrawny beanpole he was in this outfit, but Ariadne assured him that he looked good. After a long and critical look in the mirror, he decided she might be right.

“You look totally hot. I'll have to bring my pimp stick to beat them off you!” she exclaimed.

Arthur rolled his eyes. “Jesus. No pimp sticks, please.”

Ariadne was just about to reply when they heard the doorbell ring. He heard Dom open the door and say something, but Arthur couldn't hear who it was so he turned back to Ariadne. “Let's go.”

She clapped her hands excitedly and grabbed her coat. “We just need to stop by my house so I can make myself just as hot as you, my dear Arthur,” she said as she pinched his cheek obnoxiously.

“Why? I thought we were going to a gay club,” he said.

She scoffed. “Um, hello? The lesbians will be ALL OVER THIS!” she said as she pointed at herself.

Arthur laughed. “Lesbians? Isn't the place called Man Meat?”

“Good point,” she said, deflating. “I should have thought of that. But whatever, I'll be the best wingman ever!”

They were laughing as they walked downstairs. Mal was waiting for them at the bottom, looking confused and concerned. Arthur drew up short at her expression. “What's wrong?” he asked. She didn't know where they were going, so he couldn't imagine why she'd look this way.

She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear before she spoke. “Eames is here. He's with Dom,” she said. It was clear she knew something was going on, but she didn't give anything else away.

“Oh,” he said dumbly.

Ariadne nudged her way around Arthur. “Um, so I was just going...” she said awkwardly.

“Wait--” Arthur said, panicked.

Ariadne gave him a quick smile, but her eyes looked worried for him. “Just, um, call me later. We can still go out if you want.”

Arthur watched her go. Mal reached out and took his hand. “You should go into the kitchen,” she said.

He didn't have it in him to argue, so he followed her. To his surprise, there was a large bouquet of flowers on the table. “I put them in water for you,” she said.

He was confused. “But who?” was all he could say.

She smiled tenderly and stroked a hand down his cheek. “I think you know who,” she said quietly.

Arthur's mouth hung open. Was she serious? Did Eames really bring him flowers? Flowers??

“Umm...” he said awkwardly.

Mal sighed and pulled him over to the small kitchen table. He collapsed into a chair and she puttered around the kitchen, making espresso and cutting two large slices of leftover chocolate birthday cake. When she was done, she came back to the table.

It occurred to him then that the house was entirely silent. He saw it was past 9 o'clock, so the kids were already in bed. He couldn't hear anything from Dom's study.

Mal set the food on the table and sat down across from him. With nothing better to do, he picked at the cake while she quietly sipped her coffee. Finally, she spoke. “Do you love him?”

He quickly swallowed the cake and looked at her, wide-eyed. “I think so,” he said.

Mal smiled and got a faraway look in her eyes. “You know, I met Dom when I was your age. I was just a freshman in college. My father thought I was crazy, but I knew I loved him.”

Arthur shook his head. “It's not like that. Dom's totally gone over you, but Eames...he doesn't even want to give me a chance,” he said sadly.

Mal put her cup down and reached out for his hands. “Then why is he here?” she asked him.

He shrugged. “I don't know.”

They sat in silence after that, picking at the cake and pretending they weren't listening for sounds from the study.

After about an hour, the door to the study opened and the men emerged. Mal patted Arthur's hand and stood to put the dishes in the sink.

Arthur had no fucking clue what to do with himself at this point. Both Dom and Eames looked calm, nothing more.

“Arthur, can I see you for a moment?” Dom said.

Without looking at Eames, he nodded and followed Dom back into the study.

Dom sat behind the desk and Arthur looked at him warily. Then it went like this:



“Eames, huh?”




“You know he's...”

“I know.”

“Are you sure?”

“Is he?”

“I'm guessing so, since he offered me two goats and a pig for your dowry.”

“...Did you just make a joke?”


“No, it was funny.”


“Did he really?”

“He just wanted my blessing.”


“I can't say I'm totally cool with this, but I do realize you're an adult now...”

“Yeah, I know.”

“Okay then. Glad we had this talk.”


When they came out of the study, Mal was doing the dishes and Eames was sitting awkwardly on the couch. Arthur hovered near the stairs, wondering what he should do. Dom disappeared...somewhere. It didn't matter.

Eames stood and brushed his hands down the front of his pants. He looked a little bit nervous. “Hey,” he said.

“Hi,” Arthur replied lamely.

“Did you, ah, get your flowers?” he asked.

Arthur nodded. “Yeah...thanks. You didn't have to,” he said.

Eames cleared his throat. “I thought maybe I could take you out, if you want?”

Arthur felt like he had vertigo. Nothing made any sense. “You're asking me out?”

He watched Eames cross the room to stand in front of him. A rough fingertip brushed across his bottom lip and Arthur felt his heart stutter. “If you'll still have me,” he said quietly.

Smiling brightly, Arthur leaned forward to kiss him, but Eames pressed that fingertip against his lips again. “Ah, not here. I promised Dom,” he said.

Right. Arthur pulled back and reached for his coat on the coat tree. “Let's go,” he said.

Eames smiled and pressed a hand to Arthur's lower back as he led him from the house.


Arthur had to fight to keep his eyes open as Eames kissed and nibbled his neck and shoulders. “I've wanted to do unspeakable things to your collarbones,” he said as he pressed the tip of his tongue in the dip of Arthur's throat, making Arthur moan.

They were on Eames's bed, and Eames was slowly taking him apart. Their skin was damp with sweat and the long, wet kisses they shared. Eames had him caged in with his much larger body, but he was careful not to crush Arthur no matter how many times Arthur tried to pull him down on top of him. “Come on, I want to feel you,” he begged as he tried to tug unsuccessfully on those broad shoulders.

Eames just smiled and pushed Arthur's legs further apart. “I'm too heavy,” he said as he licked a stripe up Arthur's neck.

Arthur whimpered and reached down to grip his muscular ass. He tried to push his hips against Eames's so he could get the desired friction against his cock, but Eames just wouldn't let him have his way.

“I want you to fuck me,” he demanded.

“Your patience will be handsomely rewarded,” Eames said, amused.

Arthur scowled. “You sound like a fortune cookie, asshole.”

Eames laughed and reached down to grip Arthur's cock, giving it a few rough strokes. Arthur garbled out a moan and arched his hips, hoping for more. “I want to get you good and ready for me,” he said.

Arthur was not pouting. He wasn't. “I'm ready now,” he insisted.

“Is that so?” Eames asked with an arched eyebrow.


“Okay then,” he said as he sucked a finger into his mouth and reached down between them. Arthur clenched his teeth against the feeling of that wet finger pressing into him. It hurt. When he opened his eyes, Eames wasn't smiling anymore. “Do you see my point?”

Arthur hated being proven wrong. “Yeah, whatever,” he grumbled.

Eames removed his finger and smiled tenderly now. “I know you think you know everything already, but you need to trust me. This is your first time...let me make it good for you,” Eames said quietly as he stroked through Arthur's hair.

Arthur sighed. “Fine,” he said.

Eames grinned and leaned down to give him a wet, sucking kiss. “Good boy,” he murmured.

Arthur's cock jumped.

“Ahhhh, I think Arthur might have a newfound kink,” Eames said with a dirty wink.

His cheeks went red. “Shut it,” he said.

“It looks like someone here needs to relax,” Eames teased as he dipped down to take the head of Arthur's cock in his mouth.

Arthur choked at the feeling of Eames's mouth. It was too much. It wasn't enough. He needed more. “Please,” he whined as Eames began to suck and lick until Arthur's eyes crossed.

“Please what? Please stop? Please go on?” Eames asked.

Arthur growled and pulled his mouth back down. Eames's chuckle vibrated up through his erection and into his spine, making him shudder. He was embarrassingly close to coming. Eames hollowed his cheeks and the suction sent Arthur over the edge. “I'm gonna...I'm...gaaaaaaaaaahhhhh,” Arthur whined as he tried to pull Eames off before he came.

Eames wouldn't budge, instead swallowing down every last spurt of Arthur's come. When he was done, Eames crawled back up and nuzzled Arthur's neck. “There. Now you'll be nice and relaxed for me,” he said huskily.

Arthur pulled him into a kiss, tasting himself in Eames's mouth. It was so hot that Arthur felt his spent dick twitch. Eames must have felt it, too, because he chuckled and said, “Hmm, we need lube...”

Arthur bit his lip in anticipation and automatically reached for the bedside table. He had his had around the bottle before he realized that he probably shouldn't have known where it was. He looked up at Eames and saw a mischievous smile on his face. “Well that explains the night with the sheets,” he said with amusement lacing his tone.

Good lord. Mortification washed over Arthur. “How did you--”

Eames dipped in to lay a quick kiss on Arthur's tense mouth. “You forgot to put the lube away, darling. Rookie mistake,” he teased.

Arthur wanted to die a little bit, but Eames's eyes went dark as he gazed down at Arthur with intent. “Why did you do it?” he asked roughly.

Arthur chewed his bottom lip and looked away from his face. “I was jealous, I guess.”

“Of whom?” Eames asked, confused.

He met Eames's eyes defiantly. “Whoever you sneaked out to fuck that night,” he said stubbornly.

“Ah,” Eames said, looking chagrined. “I was just trying to stay away from you, Arthur. I wanted to do the right thing,” he admitted.

Arthur frowned. “Well, it doesn't matter now,” he said as he tried to bring Eames's attention back to the present.

Eames took the lube from Arthur and popped open the cap. “ were in my bed, fucking yourself and thinking about me?”

Arthur blushed. “Yeah.”

Eames groaned.

Suddenly, Arthur felt the power shift. Feeling a confidence he didn't know he possessed, he decided to see how far he could take this. “Ever since I met you, I've been fucking my hand to thoughts of you.”

“Jesus,” Eames whispered.

Arthur ran his hands up Eames's neck and buried his fingers in the soft hair at his nape. “You know all those long showers I took?” he asked. Eames nodded, looking unwittingly mesmerized. “I was in there, working myself open, just wishing they were your fingers instead,” he said.

Eames looked like he was in pain now. He kissed Arthur with urgency as he reached down to brush slick fingers against Arthur's hole. This time, Arthur was relaxed enough that it didn't hurt when Eames pressed the first finger inside.

He sucked Eames's tongue and moaned as he felt Eames add a second finger. He felt some discomfort, but the thought of having Eames inside of him was worth it. He pushed down against those blunt fingertips, feeling them spread him open in preparation for Eames's cock. “Yessss,” he hissed when Eames added a third finger.

“So eager,” Eames murmured against the underside of his jaw. “You want my cock that badly?”

Arthur whined in his throat and arched his hips against Eames, wordlessly urging him to hurry up. Eames licked wet kisses across Arthur's shoulders and sucked a bruise into his neck. The sting of it had his nerve endings on fire.

“I'm ready,” he moaned. Eames looked skeptical, but Arthur stubbornly insisted. “I'm sure this time.”

Relenting, Eames went to reach for the drawer for a condom. “Wait,” Arthur said. Eames froze. “Are you - are you clean?” he asked.

Eames stared down at him. “Do you think I'd put you at risk? Of course I am,” he said, obviously trying not to sound offended.

Arthur shook his head. “No, I just meant...I just, I want to feel you. You know I'm clean...”

Realization dawned on Eames's face. “You don't want to use a condom?” he asked.

Arthur bit his lip and shook his head. “I mean, we can if you want to...I just...”

Eames cut him off with a kiss. “Whatever you want, birthday boy,” he said with a grin.

Arthur's shoulders relaxed and he beamed up at Eames. “Thanks.”

Eames laughed and slicked up his cock. “Oh no, I'm going to enjoy this just as much as you will, if not more. Ready?” he asked.

Arthur nodded and started to close his eyes when he felt the thick head of Eames's cock at his entrance. “Look at me, Arthur. I want to see you,” Eames said.

Reluctantly, Arthur dragged his heavy eyelids up so he could meet Eames's dark look. Seemingly satisfied, Eames began to push his way inside Arthur's body. Arthur shivered and clamped down at the unfamiliar sensation. “You have to relax, love. It'll hurt if you don't,” Eames said soothingly.

Arthur tried to relax, but he was still somewhat tense so Eames took his dick in hand and stroked it back to full hardness before he tried to move inside him. Finally, Arthur relaxed enough to allow Eames to thrust.

The slick sounds of Eames fucking him brought Arthur close to the edge before he was ready. He watched Eames's face, felt his huge body pinning him to the bed, and listened to the sound of the bed creaking under their weight. The sight of Eames between his legs, fucking into him, set off sensations at the base of his spine and he knew he was already close. He cursed his lack of stamina and tried to warn Eames. “I'm gonna...I'm ngghhhhhhhhh...” Arthur moaned.

“Yeah, come on. Come for me, baby. I wanna feel you,” Eames growled.

Arthur shuddered as he came, making a mess between their bodies. Eames lifted Arthur's legs up onto his shoulders and started thrusting harder. Arthur moaned weakly when he brushed his prostate, milking just a little more come from his deflating cock.

He reached up to brush his hand along the side of Eames's face. He peered up at him and licked his lips. “Are you gonna come in me?” he asked, trying for innocent but probably failing miserably.

Eames moaned and his massive shoulders shook as he started thrusting erratically. Arthur let his eyes drift shut as he felt spurts of white hot come filling him up, marking him and making him Eames's.

Eames collapsed to the side of Arthur to catch his breath while Arthur tried unsuccessfully to hold Eames's come inside him. He felt some of it dribble out anyway, and he shivered at the feeling. Eames reached down to press two thick fingers inside Arthur's hole and hummed. He bent to nip Arthur's ear. “Does this make you mine?” he asked, as if he already knew.

Arthur answered him anyway. “Yes.”

Eames smiled beautifully and kissed Arthur sweetly. “Happy birthday, Arthur.”

Arthur just smiled and curled into Eames's solid, warm body, feeling that this was where he belonged.

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