Title: James T. Kirk and the Dirty Doctor
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Kirk/McCoy
Summary: Sequel to James T. Kirk, Pop Star. The morning after. A third part will follow.
Warnings: um, dirty talk?
Comments: I'd just like to say that I love Glambert even though Bones is a cranky music snob. :)
Good morning, Bones. )
Comments 8
Did you read the first part too, or just this part? I don't know if it makes much sense otherwise...
Sex god!Bones? Yes please, I'd like a piece of that. And Jim as a pop star is ... oddly fitting, what with all the visible charisma he gives off XD
And while the hot boy sex was definitely what I came for (in both this part and the first) I'm definitely going to stay for all this lovely dialogue and gorgeous writing of yours. They are like the icing on a wonderfully porny cake :)
Good work, m'dear. I wait with bated breath for the next installment ♥
I have the next installment almost done, so it'll be up soon.
Thanks for reading!
I would F5 the hell out of your journal but my current internet access seems a bit finicky. I'll keep an eye out for this part 3 though :D
Oh it's a terrible hardship to read such wonderfully written fic. Yes, a terrible, terrible hardship. You're totes welcome anyway XDDD
And believe me, I used to be K/S, but now I'm K/B allllll the way!
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