Jan 21, 2004 22:57
I'm so happy. Julie and Karen realized that they scheduled too many people for the morning shifts MWF, and I heard them talking about it. So I offered to come in later, since I don't have class until 6:50 on Mondays, and not at all on Fridays. So now I'll still be 9-12 on Wednesdays, but Mondays and Fridays I'll go in from 11-2! Woohoo! That's an extra 2 hours of sleeeeeeeepy time. Who's excited? I am!
I had my screenwriting workshop meet today, which seems good. Only 8 people, so its another small class. We talked a bit about our ideas and then watched "The Manchurian Candidate." I was falling asleep somewhere in the middle, not because I was bored with the movie, but just because I was tired. But the movie was pretty good. It's being remade, so we're gonna read the script of the remake and compare it to the older movie we watched.
I had sign language again today, and it was fun again. We played "The Elephant Game" which helped people develop non-verbal skills, eye/hand coordination and stuff like that. Plus it was silly and fun. Jim, the professor, reminds me of Brad F. for some reason. I'm not exactly sure why, maybe it's facial expressions. After class I went over to Emerson Suites to catch the tail end of ICTV Rush Night. I just caught Steve and Lee as they were leaving, so I walked with them down to Park. Steve has me directing first shift, and he didn't say anything about sharing it with someone else, so that makes me happy. I missed my Frequency. Heehee.
I spent about $130 on books today. $50 was on two books from the Bookstore, and about $80 was for another five books from half.com. Shows how much cheaper it is to buy online. Hopefully they'll get here soon, because Patty has us reading a crapload at a time as usual. But there are only 2 more books I need for the class, and I'm gonna hold off a bit to see if I really need them, or if I can get away without buying them. The whole thing is kind of annoying, because all the money I earned is now gone almost. Between all those stupid books and bills and groceries and new shoes/pants. But next Friday, my direct deposit from the college should be almost $300. Plus the movie theater check will be around $70. So hopefully I can start saving up again a little. I don't need to save a whole lot for anything in particular. I just like to have a little buffer zone, so that I'm not always panicking when it's time to pay my bills or get groceries. I should be okay this semester.
I bought some ace bandage stuff today. The kind that you wrap around a bunch of times, because I seriously have a small hole in my ankle. It is not pretty. Doesn't feel that great either. Good thing the shoes only cost $20, so if I throw them out after a few months, I won't feel that bad about it. I really hope they loosen up and stop trying to kill me. Because other than tearing my ankles apart, I really like them. =/
ic mailroom,
college stuffs,
ow sweetie ow!,