Nuttin really happened today, but I feel like updating just for the hell of it. I feel a bit better though. I don't feel icky anymore, just a bit tired and still stuffed up. I wish I was all better though. I had an invitation to drink with Jeff tonight, but turned it down so I can get to bed fairly early. And I got to talk to Radu a lil tonight. He talked on his mic again, and although I tried to talk on mine it didn't work. So I just typed again. It was nice though...hee.
I've been listening to "
Avenue Q" all night (what else is new) and I seriously am Kate Monster. Especially in this I really want to see it again. And before the Tony's, because if it's nominated and wins a bunch, it'll be harder to see later. If my mom got tickets again I would be absolutely ecstatic. I wish I could see it with my brother too, I think he'd like it if he saw it. Right now he just likes the Canada song, because Rod is funny. But I know he'd like other songs more if he saw it in person. He just resists liking musicals as a general rule.
This post is pretty pointless so I'm just gonna stop here.