I'm finished with work for the rest of my break! Woohoo! I actually got screamed at today for the first time. This older guy drove through, and was speaking real soft. I couldn't really hear him over the heater so I asked him to repeat it. He got this annoyed look on his face and said something about a Sprite, while gesturing with his hands. His hands were like a foot apart, so I interpreted that as a 2 liter of Sprite. I brought it back and he said something about a 20 oz. Sprite. So I got the 20 oz. and asked if he just wanted those two.
Then he gets all bent out of shape and starts yelling for Andrew to come here. Andrew was wearing a red sweatshirt so he started yelling "Hey guy in red shirt. Guy in red shirt come talk to me. This girl doesn't understand English." Now, I'm standing right there and in disbelief that he is being so hostile. He was seriously yelling. So I snapped back, trying to be somewhat polite yet extremely offended. I went, "Sir...the heater is loud and its hard for me to hear you, you gestured like this (makes same hand motion he did before), this to me means 2 liter bottle."
The guy is still yelling and now he screams to Andrew something along the lines of "I don't know what this girl's fucking problem is, she doesn't understand English." Andrew was telling me not to pay any attention to the guy, so I walked away towards the back, because now I was on the verge of tears. I was trying really hard not to cry, because this guy really upset me. He got so hostile, so quickly. I really don't know what his deal was, but Andrew told me he was being an asshole. There is no way I was wrong here...the guy was insane.
Oh, and my car got attacked by a tree branch today at work. It was really windy all day long. Every time me and Marilyn would have both doors open, coffee lids would go flying around, papers would scatter, the keypad would fly up and it would be real chaotic. At one point she went to do a fill in back and I sat on a couple crates, trying not to fall asleep. She comes back and goes, "Do you know there is a tree branch on your car?" I was like...wha wha wha???
So I jumped up and went outside and sure enough, there was a bigass branch on my car! Luckily, it didn't fall right on my car, but it was real close. It hit the side of the car and smashed the passenger side-view mirror, and scratched it up a bit. But it was really lucky I wasn't parked closer to the fence. Otherwise the branch would have smacked down right on the roof. That would not have been good. I had a disposable camera with me, so I took a bunch of pictures for insurance purposes. And I filed a claim with Dairy Barn, so hopefully they'll pay for it and stuff.
~originally posted from