The funniest thing happened at camp today. Well not funny ha-ha, but funny in a weird way. And it was actually after camp but anyway. I was talking to Steve, one of the Unit One Senior boy counselors and his friend, Jason. I had seen Jason around camp a few times and always thought he looked kinda familiar. So the three of us were chatting and stuff and I turned to Jason and said, "Okay this might be a totally random question, but were you ever in The Wiz?"
And he said yeah, so I go, "In Islip?" And he said yeah! So I start cracking up because I was the assistant stage manager, so we were in the show together sorta. And even funnier was that Steve was in it too! I just didn't recognize him, but I recognized Jason. We were all like, holy crap that's so weird. It was pretty funny. So of course like the dork I am, I rushed home to watch the video. They were in the ensemble and the camera work was pretty shitty so I couldn't pick them out that often, but I did see them...lmao.
Steve's pretty cool, and even though I just met Jason (sorta), he's cool too. There are some people at camp that I really like and would love to hang out with more. Like Steve, Ryan, Jason, Dave, Erin, Stephanie and even Sara. Maybe I should see if Steve would ever want to hang out sometime. We seem to get along pretty well I think. It was kinda funny, at the end of camp we were waiting for the buses to leave and I forget what was happening exactly, but Steve and I looked over at each other.
And then we both made a face and raised our eyebrows at the exact same time, and then we cracked up. It was too funny, because we both did the exact same thing. And it was cool because at the meeting on Monday I think Ryan was saying something and Steve said, "Wink wink, nudge nudge..." and then I added, "Say no more." And then we like, grinned and stuff. It was cool. So yeah, Steve's neat. Hee. =]
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